"I'm back! Long Yan!"

Slight footsteps fell behind her, and Haneda Anna's voice was still crisp and sounded very energetic.

However, after jumping down from the tree, Haneda Anna didn't lean on Haneda Tatsuhiko as tightly as usual, but stood at a relatively far place, looking at the silent boy half squatting on the ground, with the expression on his face. , flashed a hint of hesitation.

It seemed that he wanted to go forward, but he was afraid of something and didn't dare to go forward.

"What's wrong? Xing Nai, do you also think I did something wrong?"

Regarding this, he seemed to feel the attitude of his inseparable childhood sweetheart, Tatsuhiko Haneda pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.


Hearing this, Anna Haneda hurriedly shook her hands, her face was full of nervousness, and she spoke.

"Then why...you don't come here."

In this regard, Tatsuhiko Haneda stood up, casually threw the branch in his hand aside, stomped his feet vigorously, and began to erase the map of the death forest on the ground.

Originally, he wanted to find a safe way so that he would not have to do this.

However, I haven't found it now, everything can only be done according to the original plan, and this map has no effect.


And hearing Haneda Tatsuhiko's words that were already slightly angry, Haneda Anna's relatively calm appearance collapsed in an instant, her face was full of anxiety, and her little feet began to jump up.

Like ants on a hot pan.

"Why, can't you just say it in one breath?"

In response, Haneda Tatsuhiko suddenly turned around, and couldn't help but let out a cry.

However, although the words were said with anger, there was an expression on his face that was about to cry.

If possible, how could he make such a bad move.

If he could find a perfect way to bring everyone to the central tower perfectly, how could he do that!

How could he poison his partner?

That's right, at this moment, Beard Beard, Aju and the others passed out because they were poisoned.

And this poison was precisely what Haneda Tatsuhiko had done.

However, the poisoning this time was different from the last time he poisoned Keng Weibai and the others.

If Wei Bai had done it that time, it was a prank at best, but this time, it was different.

totally different.

"You...you let me step on Sister Aju! Stupid Longyan!"

And at this time, hearing Tatsuhiko's voice obviously raised by several decibels, Anna Haneda's mouth shrunk, tears came down, and there was a complaint in her mouth that was about the same decibel as Tatsuhiko Haneda's.

"Just to let you...huh? Huh?"

When he heard this sentence, Tatsuhiko Haneda subconsciously wanted to continue speaking, but, when it came to the general, the words stopped abruptly, and even the mournful expression on his face suddenly turned into a mistake.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll settle down with Sister Aju right away."

Then, almost instantly, he apologized with lowered eyebrows.

After apologizing, he bent down and started to put the unconscious Aju up.

At this moment, Aju fell behind him.

In other words, he misunderstood Xing Nai, it wasn't that Xing Nai couldn't come over, but the place where Aju fell was right behind him.

If Xing Nai wanted to walk to him, she could only step on Sister Aju's body.

So, it was entirely his misunderstanding.

Moreover, the misunderstanding is deep.


But hearing this apology, Haneda Anna wiped away her tears, stomped her feet, but pouted her mouth, with a look of "I'm very angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well".

What's more, when he turned around, he sniffed his nose, making it even more difficult to coax him.

"Yes... sorry!"

And Tatsuhiko Haneda also keenly noticed that things seemed to be getting worse, seeing Haneda Anna's appearance, he immediately put down Aju, trotted and ran behind Haneda Anna, and sincerely apologized.

The poor and unconscious Aju fell to the ground lightly with a puff, and she didn't know where she hit.


However, Anna Haneda didn't accept this sincere apology, she just turned her head in a different direction.

There was an expression of "it's useless to coax like this" on his face.


Seeing Haneda Anna's appearance, Haneda Tatsuhiko seemed to stiffen for an instant.


Anna is really angry!

The kind that can't be coaxed well!

How to do how to do……

In an instant, the sweat on his forehead slowly dripped out.

"I'm... really sorry."

Then, almost instinctively, he bowed at ninety degrees and solemnly apologized.

To be honest, now, if Xing Nai can be calmed down, he can sit down.

Even though he didn't know what Doxiaza meant, Long Yan saw that many people used Doxiaza to apologize, so most of them could be forgiven.

Even though it looked a bit ugly, it somehow made him feel ashamed, even a little instinctively repulsed, but he felt that he didn't have any pressure at all to let Xing Naizu sit down.

As long as Xing Nai can calm down, there is nothing wrong with him.


However, this solemn apology is useless.

Haneda Anna's face still had the expression that she couldn't be coaxed, there was no room for it at all.

How to do how to do……

It's over, it's over, it's over!

Really super angry!

Why did I say that just now!

Why didn't I think of looking at the situation behind me at all!

Besides, how could Xing Nai alienate me?

How could you alienate me because of this?

Seeing Nao like this, Tatsuhiko Haneda looked helpless, cold sweat slipped down, and his heart was full of regret.


It means regret!

This situation could obviously be avoided, as long as he calmed down at the time.

But, to be honest, how could he be able to calm down?

Last time, Wei Bai was a prank, and it was secretly instructed by some harmony teachers, so it was justifiable.

But this time is different.

This time it was his own idea.

Moreover, it was still in the Chunin exam, and Teacher Heyin would not allow him to do this in such an important exam.

In a sense, Haneda Tatsuhiko was somewhat disturbed by the guilt in his heart and the uneasiness of making decisions without authorization.

At that time just now, it can be said that he was scared!

As a child, when he did something that he shouldn't have done, it was the most normal reaction.

Just now, he was really scared.

No matter how determined he was and how prepared he was before, when things happened, he was still afraid.

Yes, you will lose your temper.

That's why she lost her temper because Xing Nai didn't get close to her.

Now, it's really over.

What to do, what to do?

At this time, his heart had become a mess.

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