Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2280 Attack and Defense


The fine, burnt-smelling soil particles mixed with some rotten roots and leaves deeply buried in the ground fell down crackling and turned into the last shower of soil particles, pouring down from the two black rock walls.

As for Haneda Ichiyo, facing the crushing soil particles and all kinds of dead leaves and roots buried deep in the ground, he stood up slowly, letting some withered and scorched things slap on his body.

Even the hand that originally blocked these has been put down.

"Chi Leng Leng!"

At the same time, at the moment he stood up, he slowly inserted the black ninja sword in his hand, which he never let go even though his arm was broken just now, into the scabbard behind his waist.


Then, the ninja sword was sheathed.


It also hindered the crisp sound of the ninja sword being sheathed, and the last grain of soil fell.

For a moment, there was silence.

In an instant, except for the smoke of the explosion rising from behind the black rock wall in front, there was nothing moving around.

It was as if the explosion just now had never happened at all.


Quiet almost audible.

Coupled with the dim environment around, even after such a violent explosion, it still seems to have not changed anything in the environment of the huge forest, and a depressing atmosphere slowly diffused.

At the same time, as this atmosphere diffused, all the shadows in this open space seemed to have a vague sense of chilling, pressing from all directions.

Even just standing in this area will almost make people feel heavy on their shoulders.


And just at this moment, under the atmosphere of being enemies from all sides and even somewhat besieged from all sides, Haneda Kazuyo took a deep breath, and then slowly let it out.

Well, it should be...

Then, after exhaling this breath, Kazuyo Haneda slowly closed his eyes.

Body shape, slightly sideways.


But at this moment, amidst the sound of something suddenly passing through the air, a figure suddenly appeared on his left side.

"no no……"

Then, there was that voice that seemed to be stuck in the throat, and it was very difficult to spit out the words.

However, this time, the voice already carried an unbelievable sense of surprise.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

And at this moment, on the left side of Haneda Ichiyo's sideways body, there is a person who leaps into the air and punches out, his eyes are slightly wide open, and his left hand is rubbing Haneda Ichiyo's body in a crouching posture. Scrub the side of the face.

At the same time, at this moment, in his slightly widened bloodshot eyes, there was a reflection of the vertical palm next to the left hand that he punched, showing the left hand in the gesture of raising the palm.

Belongs to, this Haneda Ichiyo's left hand.

Exactly, Bandage Man Hutie!


Then, with another crisp sound, Haneda Kazuyo wiped the bandaged hand that brushed past his face with the palm of his left hand.

At the same time, his right hand is taking advantage of the momentum of turning around and looking forward, which is the opposite direction of his left hand, and pushes it up.

"No... can... can... yes!"

And at this moment, Hu Tie's voice sounded again with an unbelievable sense of shock.


At the same time, in front of Haneda Ichiyo who turned around, the right hand that was pushed out along the way suddenly heard the same palm rubbing against the fist as the left hand.

In an instant, another bandaged man, Torite, appeared behind Haneda Ichiyo's right back, but he also punched out of the air, brushing Haneda Ichiyo's cheek with his fist and going away.

It's just that one brushed the left cheek, and the other brushed the right cheek.

One was rubbed on the arm by Haneda Ichiyo's left hand, and the other was rubbed on the arm by Haneda Ichiyo's right hand.


And at this moment, Haneda Kazuyo, who closed his eyes and felt the touch of the bandage in his hand, had such a thought in his mind.

From the perspective of others, this young man with closed eyes turned his body in profile, wiped his left hand backwards, and pushed his right hand forward, halfway through the momentum, two figures appeared almost at the same time, punched out of the air, brushed past the young man, and the two The hand that the figure punched was already in the boy's palm!

Then, with two slaps and the sound of rubbing palms, time seemed to resume instantly, and it was speeded up countless times.


I saw that, with a pause in his footsteps, the closed-eyed boy twisted slightly following the spinning silhouette, and the two bandaged men, Hu Tie, leaped into the air and punched violently as if they were being pushed by a huge force. In a hurry, he directly followed the direction of his punching, and turned into two fast shadows at a speed several times faster than his own punching speed, and flew straight out.



Almost instantly, the swift shadow flashed, and two clouds of white mist exploded in the root system of the giant tree opposite Haneda Ichiyo and the tall bushes behind him.

But at this time, his spinning silhouette just stopped, and he stepped slightly sideways, facing the opposite side of the gap between the two black walls, with one hand forward and the other backward, but he used the momentum to push the two A tiger iron, defeated at the same time!


However, at this moment, the young man's face became more serious, and he stopped drinking in his heart, but suddenly he took a step back quickly.


And almost at the moment when he took a step back, a rock spear suddenly stabbed out from his original toe position, almost brushing his receding cheek, and pierced out to the left side.


Amid the sound of ripping silk, the skirt of his left chest was already torn open!

A wisp of blood floated in the air.


go on!

When he felt the touch of a hard object passing by, Haneda Kazuyo only had these four words and two words in his mind.

At the same time, on the left side of his body, he took a step forward.


In an instant, at the heel of his left foot, where he took a step back and landed first, another rock spear shot out obliquely from bottom to top, rubbing against his right back, protruding from the back of his head, and rubbing against him. out of his right ear.


In an instant, the clothes on the boy's right back suddenly split a long mark, starting from the middle of the back and ending at the right shoulder.


Suddenly, the boy's sideways figure, maintaining a sideways forward posture, crouched on the spot.



At this moment, his left cheek was already attached to the rock spear that came out first on the left side, and on the back of his head was the right rock gun that came out last. His head was stuck in the middle.


And just when the word "stuck" flashed in his mind, the ground on his right side suddenly exploded, and another man in bandages jumped out of the soil. , a cold light pierced straight at his left chest, which was just turned sideways, exposed on the right side.

That is, the position of his heart!

Perfect timing, perfect route, this blow is sure to hit!


However, at this moment, the bandaged man who had already pierced half of Kunai, who was only half an arm away, suddenly widened his eyes. Exclaimed smoothly.

But his figure, which jumped out of the midair and stabbed away, froze instantly on the spot.


Afterwards, there was the injury of suffering from falling to the ground.



And in his heart, he suddenly understood something, but even in his heart, there were some things that he still couldn't express clearly.

Should also know.

Have been seen through!

However, there was no way for him to express clearly in his heart. Haneda Kazuyo slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the bandaged man who froze in mid-air, with bloodshot pupils wide open, but he knew what he wanted to say. What.

But Haneda Ichiyo's point of view is focused on the eyes of the bandaged man Hutetsu.

At this moment, in Haneda Ichiyo's vision, he could clearly see the reflection in the iron eyes of the bandaged man.

At this moment, what is reflected in the eyes of the bandaged man Hutetsu is the front, that is, the one protruding from the black wall in the air behind Haneda Ichiyo's sideways body. The black rock gun, and surrounding the tip of the rock gun, the mass of reddish liquid that overflowed and dripped down.

But it wasn't, the black rock spear that pierced through his chest!


And at this moment, at this moment, behind Haneda Kazuyo who turned sideways, those difficult but unbelievably trembling words sounded.

Haneda Ichiyo turned sideways and stabbed around the rock spear in the air behind him, a figure slowly emerged, but it was a bandaged man with wide eyes, the expression and the bandage that jumped out of the opposite soil People are almost identical.

The appearance of the two of them rising from the ground with their chests pierced is like two sides of a mirror. There may be differences under the bandages, but from the outside, they are exactly the same.


But at this moment, a black streamer flashed across the side of Haneda Ichiyo's face, and in a flash, it followed the two rock spears clamping him and went away.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And also in this flash, where the light passed, the two rock spears disintegrated inch by inch, and finally turned into powder in the air, drifting away.



And at this moment, the two pierced bandaged men Hu Tie on both sides exploded into two balls of white mist.


However, Haneda Kazuyo, who was able to stand up straight because of the shattered rock spear, did not even look at the two bandaged men Hu Tetsu who exploded into white mist, but flew back violently.


And at this moment, above the position where Haneda Ichiyo was originally standing, a white figure was like lightning falling from the sky, accompanied by a glint of bitterness, and suddenly fell into the ground with a sound of "Boom!" In the ground, in an instant, the soil particles flew.

With the momentum of killing, Yikunai plunged into the ground!

I saw that in the smoke and dust, a man in bandages squatted on the ground, and a small hole was smashed out of the place where Haneda Ichiyo was standing.

If Haneda Ichiyo was a little slower, I'm afraid that this Kunai has already been pierced into the head by now, and his figure has been trampled under the feet of this bandaged man.

Naturally, he died.


And at this moment, Haneda Ichiyo flew back to the ground, but he had already landed outside two black rock walls.


When he landed in mid-air, the stern look on Haneda Ichiyo's face had turned into a deep and ink-like expression, and his hands suddenly closed together.


And just at the opening where the hands were joined together, on the two black rock walls, countless black rock spears suddenly protruded and shot out, like canine teeth interlocking, suddenly stabbing towards the opposite side.


In an instant, the bandaged man that fell from the sky penetrated and exploded into a cloud of white mist.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Then, the rock guns on both sides staggered past, almost filling all the space of the two black rock walls.

In an instant, two groups of white mist exploded in different positions.

Looking at the direction, if Haneda Kazuyo hadn't directly retreated from the wall, I'm afraid, the moment he fell, he would be attacked again with a certain kill.


Seeing this scene, Haneda Ichiyo took a slight breath, and these two words flashed in his mind.

At the same time, the figure slowly stood up.

Although I only used the simple rock wall technique, the camouflage concealment technique that has evolved to a certain extent, and the variant of the decapitation technique in the heart, I was able to pass by the god of death several times.

Almost regarded premeditation as instinct.

Every attack has double attacks without intervals, if you don't take good precautions, you will definitely die.

Orochimaru this guy...

As he stood up, such a thought flashed through his mind.

To be honest, at this moment, Haneda Kazuyo was still a little scared deep in his heart. This tiger's attack was definitely the most difficult among all the enemies he encountered.

Although, he responded calmly, or accurately, without any omissions, and completely suppressed this Hutie.

However, only he knows the danger, not only the close call or the earth escape level because the opponent has raised the camouflage concealment technique to a strategic level, so that people can't even notice the approach of this tiger iron. Dangerous, in fact, more in the heart.

At this time, Haneda Ichiyo's face didn't seem to change, but deep in his heart, he was already shaken.

In terms of shock, it was no less shocking than the clones of the bandaged Hutie killed by him when he killed them at the last moment.

"it's over."

But this thought flashed, but he sighed lightly, he didn't seem to have any pleasure in announcing the end, he just said lightly.

With a bit of inexplicable depression and inexplicable anger.

Then, his left hand had already stopped in the air on his left.


In an instant, a pitch-black electric snake passed through the air in front of his hand, and shot out towards the giant bush.


And when it touched the giant tree on the side, the jet-black electric snake charged straight out as if piercing through the air.

"Puff puff puff puff puff!"

Afterwards, a series of penetrating sounds continued towards the direction of the electric snake.


Then, amidst a loud bang, a line of intense white light suddenly lit up from the dark forest on this side, and in an instant...

Lights up everything!

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