Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2270 information

"Then at this time tomorrow, within about two hours, everyone pay attention to contact and find a suitable hiding place."

Looking at the people who had finished speaking, Haneda Kazuyo said, feeling that the chakra was over half exhausted, and the body was about to collapse.

There was already a sense of fatigue in the tone.

And just as this sentence was blurted out, Haneda Ichiyo suddenly undid the seal in his hand, unilaterally breaking the connection.

In the meantime, the golden flame human figure instantly turned into a golden flame and disappeared into the darkness. With the disappearance of the golden flame, the terrain illuminated by the golden flame also disappeared in an instant.

It was pitch black, as if it had become the darkness when the eyes were closed.


Then, with a sound of exhalation, Haneda Kazuyo slowly opened his eyes. In just ten minutes, his forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat. exhausted.

Eight people...

Ten minutes is already tight.

Now, I can only say, fortunately there are only eight people?

If there are twelve or fourteen people, I'm afraid it won't last for five minutes, no, it won't last for three minutes!

I'm still too optimistic!


There are still too many flaws!

After all, it is impossible to be with...

And after opening his eyes, seeing the tree hole where nothing had changed, and the untouched alarm device at hand, Haneda Kazuyo felt somewhat disappointed in his heart.

It seems that there is something that should have been done that has not been done.

Some regret, some helplessness, and a deeper sense of powerlessness.

Still, don't think about these things.

Now, their luck is still pretty good.

However, soon, Haneda Kazuyo cheered up, put aside this thought, and instead focused on the call just now.

In the ten-minute call just now, Haneda Kazuyo had already told other people as much as possible the information he had collected about this forest of death and specific characters, and if he encountered someone who was not in the contact range, People must be conveyed as soon as possible.

This part of the information, first and foremost, must be about Orochimaru. As one of the people in Caoyin Village who has the most information about Orochimaru, Haneda Kazuyo also knows a lot of information about Orochimaru. knew.

Secondly, it is about the young genius of Konoha Village. He observed Sasuke Uchiha and others, Gaara of Sand Hidden, and so on. He also exchanged part of the information with them.

Furthermore, the Konoha team he encountered for the first time, he remembered the appearance of the leader, but apart from his appearance, he had no way to tell them more information.

At that time, this Konoha team was about to leave, and he had no way to obtain more information about this team.

And the reason to tell them this is to let them run away as soon as they meet these people.

Yes, run away.

Although they are selected by Caoyin Village or have rich experience or talents among the elite and outstanding ninja, compared with these people, they are still too far behind.

Or, at best, it's just a forbearance.

No matter how elite the submissiveness is, it is just submissiveness.

Caoyin is not Konoha, or Dainin Village, or even Yuyin Village next door, and it does not often appear that kind of strength that does not match the level.

These people are not something they can deal with.

Encountered, if you want to save your life, you have to choose to run away at the first moment.

Now, he already has two Books of Heaven in his hands. As long as one team gets the Book of Earth, then they will have two teams with six people qualifying, and five teams. Passing two exams, the qualifying rate is already comparable to that of Danin Village.


What they want, they can already get.

As for how much he can pass in the third exam, Haneda Ichiyo doesn't care, this level is enough to attract considerable attention.

After all, the first and second exams have already tested most of the ninja's qualities, and as long as they can pass, it is enough to attract Konoha's favor.

So, there is no need to take risks.

Now, in a sense, their second exam is over.

Of course, during this contact, he also learned a lot of information. For example, he almost met the red-haired boy with the gourd on his back. Fortunately, the bearded man reacted quickly and decisively. I chose to retreat, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The other team met the Uchiha Sasuke of Konoha he mentioned before. However, at that time, this Uchiha Sasuke's team seemed to be fighting fiercely, and they saw the flames of the giant snake from a distance. In-depth contact, and did not think about taking advantage of the fire, and finally left safely.

It can be said that everyone's luck is good, or that his reminders have come in handy.

Otherwise, Uchiha Sasuke, Gaara and others are definitely not something they can deal with, and besides, these young geniuses are not alone.

As for Long Yan and Xing Nai, it was the same as he imagined, and he didn't need to worry about it at all.

Although he was attacked and killed all the attackers, it was just that some of them were careless and didn't get their scrolls.

In terms of strength, he doesn't need to worry about these two children at all.

However, these two children are still children after all. Although Long Yan has shown precocious logical thinking, in a sense, he is still a child after all, and he always has a child side.

This took someone else's Ninja Sword, but forgot to search for the scroll, which is the best proof.

This is also a kind of childishness.

However, in general, he still gained a lot of useful knowledge. According to the information of everyone, the chance of him meeting Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara is quite small.

According to the people I met, their direction should be missed with their meeting point.

"Now, let's restore Chakra with peace of mind."

And thinking of this, Haneda Ichiyo didn't think much about it. He has done everything he can do now, and it is up to them to rely on themselves. Besides, now that Chakra is more than half consumed, he is still in the forest of death. People dare to fight against him, but no one knows what kind of malice is hidden in this forest.

What will happen to the undercurrent of the Chunin Exam this time?

He, too, must be at his best.

Therefore, he crossed his knees, clasped his hands together in the seal of chakra, and slowly closed his eyes.


But at this moment, at this moment, at this moment, the moment his eyes closed, the wire of the siren...

Suddenly, it broke!

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