Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 228 Transfer

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Kakashi was sent away, when Chiba was about to get the winter hat, there was another knock on the door.

Who is it this time?

Chiba turned to open the door.


The door was opened again, and the cold wind rushed into the cabin with a few snowflakes.

"Hirohiko? Yukina?" Qianye asked when he saw the person coming.

At this time, at the door, Hirohiko and Xue Nai were also dressed in winter clothes, and they were holding many scrolls in their hands. The wind and snow were picking up, and it seemed that they were bigger.

"Come in quickly." Chiba turned sideways and let the two of them come in first.

After Hirohiko and Yukina entered the door, they put the scroll in their hands on Chiba's dining table, and Yukina said, "Ms. Kushina asked us to hand it over to you."


Chiba frowned slightly, and at the same time picked up a scroll, tore it open and looked at it.

This is... a sealing technique?

And it's much more complicated than what I'm learning now!

"Then..." At this time, Xue Nai took out another scroll, handed it to Qianye, and said, "There is another scroll."

Chiba took the scroll that Xue Nai handed over, opened it up, and her pupils shrank slightly.

This is the sealing technique of Yin Seal! Sure enough, it is very complicated. If this sealing technique is replaced by a basic technique, there will be no less than a thousand!

What's this?

Chiba spread out the scroll a little more. In addition to the Yin Seal's sealing technique, there are other things.

This is the method of directly constructing the sealing formula with Chakra!

After a few glances, Chiba confirmed that the scrolls piled up on the dining table and this scroll are all the necessary conditions for the Yin Seal that Kushina will teach Chiba in the future. I am afraid that all the scrolls on the dining table The facades are all sealing formulas, and in the scroll in hand, how to combine the sealing formulas in these scrolls into the sealing formula of Yin seal, and the method of Chakra to construct the sealing formula is everything Basically, only when Chakra builds a seal can a Yin seal be formed on the forehead, and then Chakra can be continuously stored.

In other words, these scrolls of Jiu Xinnai are the sealing technique of Yin Seal!

At this moment, Chiba put down the scroll in his hand, glanced at Hirohiko and Yukina, and they both looked at Chiba.

"Teacher Jiushina, tell you to pass these on to me?" Chiba asked.

"Yeah." Xue Nai nodded and said, "Early this morning, Teacher Kushina gave these scrolls to me, and then asked me to pass them on to you."

Then, Chiba looked at Hirohiko, who shook his head and said, "I was looking for something to do with you, but I ran into Xue Nai on the road, so we came here together."

Kushina... Why did you ask Xue Nai to send these scrolls, just give them to me.

No! Now Kushina, I am afraid there is no way to hand it over to me personally.

The Third Hokage should have taken measures to protect Jinchuriki!

Chiba's heart is clear.

He is now in three Ninja World Wars! Although there is no sign of war yet, there are already undercurrents raging among the ninja villages.

Now, each ninja village is estimated to be testing each other. It is impossible for a war to break out all at once. All kinds of preparations, even spying on the other party's intelligence, are necessary. I am afraid that Kento will be attacked during the reconnaissance mission. This is estimated to be The temptation of a ninja village.

Test Konoha's attitude.

Including, Konoha's reconnaissance mission this time is also to test and investigate the actions of other villages.

Soon... Soon, this trial stage will end, and at the same time, this trial stage will completely consume and destroy the weak trust between Ninja villages. At that time, the war will begin! When the third Ninja World War fully surfaced!

And at that time, Chiba will not be able to enjoy the last protection of the three generations of Hokage, and they will go to the battlefield.

The third ninja world war is strictly speaking a continuation of the second ninja world war, and after the end of the second ninja world war, Konoha Village has not fully recovered its vitality, although it has accumulated some strength and made up for it. Some losses in World War II even cultivated some excellent ninjas, but in the end, teenagers like Kakashi Obito went to the battlefield.

It is certain that by the end of the Third World War, Konoha Village had been forced into a desperate situation, and the situation was absolutely not optimistic. Otherwise, the Third Hokage would never let the children go to the battlefield.

But now, the young ninjas don't assign tasks at all, obviously considering the danger of the tasks during the war, it is a kind of protection for Konoha's future by the third Hokage!

But when the time comes, they will not care about these.

Chiba tightened the scroll in her hand.

Hurry up! Hurry up to master the Yin seal!

"Chiba, Mr. Kushina can't even give these to you, will it be dangerous?" Hirohiko said.

Hearing this, Chiba glanced at the two of them, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's expressions were obviously a little serious, with worry in their eyes.

"Don't worry." Chiba smiled slightly, and said, "Ms. Kushina will be fine, Sandai Hokage will definitely protect her."

Hearing this, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other, Xue Nai frowned, and said, "Did something happen in the village? Did someone break into the village again, trying to harm Teacher Kushina?"

Hirohiko and Xue Nai are also very sharp!

Qianye sighed in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. By the way, Hongyan, what do you want from me?"

Disassemble the topic...

After listening to Qianye's words, a thought came to both of them at the same time.

"Kento was injured, I thought I'd like to inform you and go visit together." Hirohiko said.

It turned out to be this matter.

Chiba knew it.

Obviously, in Hirohiko's heart, he also regards Kento as a friend and partner. After all, during the Kushina incident, Kento fought side by side with them and is worthy of trust.

"Well, let's go together later." Chiba nodded and said at the same time, glanced at the scroll of the sealing technique on the table, and said, "Aren't you really going to learn the sealing technique?"

Since the special training, Hirohiko and Xue Nai have given up the study of sealing technique and concentrated on their own training. On this point, Jiu Xinnai did not force it, but asked that they must come to the assembly every morning, and they were allowed to practice independently at other times.

"Not suitable." Hirohiko replied simply.

"Soft boxing already requires all my energy." Xue Nai also said.

Obviously, both of them chose to give up after thinking about it.

"Okay." Chiba nodded and said, "I'm going to buy something, will you go with me? It's a rare holiday, and I'm going to visit Kento by the way."

"Yeah." Xue Nai nodded and said, "Anyway, it's a holiday."

He readily agreed.

"Then let's go." As he said that, Chiba picked up his winter hat, thought for a while, and put all the scrolls into the secret room. Hirohiko also knew about this secret room, and Chiba felt that there was nothing to hide from them. , I don’t shy away from it at the moment.

After putting it away, he put the winter hat on his head, and was about to open the door to leave, and Xue Nai followed closely behind.

At this time, Hong Yan suddenly said: "Sorry, I can't go shopping with you."

"Huh?" Qianye and Xue Nai turned their heads at the same time.

But Hong Yan scratched the back of his head expressionlessly, and said expressionlessly: "Today is a rare holiday, I want to accompany my girlfriend."

"Oh, that's not the case either..." Chiba nodded, then her expression changed suddenly, she came to her senses, and said in surprise, "Girlfriend!"

Xue Nai also had a look of surprise at this time, and she was a little horrified.

Hirohiko actually has a...girlfriend!

"So... that's it, I'll go first!" Seeing the expressions of the two, Hirohiko said with a poker face, and left Chiba's cabin first.

And in his eyes, there was clearly a look of "achieved the effect he wanted".

Watching Hirohiko leave, Chiba and Yukina looked at each other.

Hirohiko...has a girlfriend?

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