Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2213 Key Points (4000 words)

"Master Orochimaru, this is information about Ichiyo Haneda."

In front of the door of this dark secret room, the bandage man glanced at Orochimaru who was about to open the door, and bowed and handed over the scroll in his hand.


In this regard, Orochimaru glanced at the scroll, a trace of inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes, the hand that subconsciously stretched out trembled slightly, and stopped an inch above the scroll, but he didn't grab it in a daze.

Then, with a slight stiffness on his face, he grabbed the scroll.


Then, push the door and enter.

"Oshemaru, are you ready? I don't have the patience to wait any longer. There are only five days until the Chunin exam begins. It will take about three days to get to Konoha from here, plus It’s time for preparation, if you don’t start, it will be too late.”

And as soon as the door was opened, before even stepping forward, a deep voice came from inside the door, full of impatience and dissatisfaction.

The one who spoke was the only long table in the secret room, the man wearing the Fengying bamboo hat, who stopped knocking on the table at this moment.

Fourth Kazekage, Luo Sha!

"Oh? Is there only five days left?"

And upon hearing this sentence, Dashemaru didn't show any reaction on his face, he still kept a wicked smile, and walked in slowly, without the slightest hint of impatience or even faint anger because of the four generations of Kazekage. There is any pause, hesitation, or anxiety in speaking.

"Do you have the sincerity to cooperate?"

Seeing Dashewan's unhurried behavior, it seemed that he didn't take his words seriously at all, the hand that stopped tapping was clenched, and an angry word was already squeezed out of his throat.

If it weren't for this guy who is the only one who is strong enough to cooperate now, he would definitely not cooperate with this difficult guy!

It's always like this, a look of inscrutability, as if everything is in his calculations, but he can't see anything from his always creepy smiling face.

Plus this eerie secret facility.

There was always a sense of danger around him.

Now, I finally understand why Mr. Ebizo strongly opposed his cooperation with Orochimaru.

This Orochimaru seems to never give people a sense of security, whether it is an enemy or an ally.

However, I have to say that the power of Orochimaru has Otonin Village in the open. Although there are not many people, it is number one in the strength of Xiaonin Village. In the dark, there is also a powerful army. The dark side is also worthy of the number.

He wants to complete his plan, and Orochimaru is actually his preferred ally.

But now, Luo Sha regretted it a little. Looking at this Orochimaru's appearance, he couldn't feel the importance that Orochimaru attached to this matter at all.

In other words, the emphasis on one's own side.

There is absolutely no way to trust such a person.

During the speech, Luo Sha suddenly felt a little regretful, and regretted cooperating with Dashewan. Now, he always has a feeling that he is being eaten by the other party.

If Orochimaru's indifference attitude can be seen at the beginning of the cooperation, then they will not be passive now, and can only hide in this secret base of Orochimaru, waiting for the opportunity.

This was his mistake in decision-making. From the very beginning, he should have asked to rush to Konoha as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be stuck like he is now, and completely fell into a passive position.

Now, their vanguard has set off for two days, like the Gaara team, they have already arrived at Konoha.

His Kazekage should have appeared in Yi long ago, if it wasn't for Orochimaru's objection and keeping him here.

And at this time, he has already made up his mind, if he doesn't get a satisfactory explanation, he will leave today and go to Konoha.

After all, he couldn't keep fooling Konoha with excuses like travel delays, and Konoha wasn't that easy to fool.

Besides, he already had some feeling now that he might be sold by this Orochimaru and he didn't even know it.

"If I hadn't been sincere, I wouldn't have exposed my closest and largest secret base in Konoha to Your Excellency Kazekage, nor would I have shown my secret army to Your Excellency."

In this regard, the smile on the corner of Orochimaru's mouth did not change. He sat down in front of Sidai Kazekage, put the information scroll aside, and said hoarsely.


Regarding this, Sidai Kazekage snorted coldly and did not take it seriously.

Speaking of which, these troops are indeed rare in the ninja world. Not only do they possess extremely strong strength, they also possess a loyalty that ordinary people cannot have, and they are perfectly trained.

If it weren't for this loyalty only to Orochimaru and impossible to change, I really want to train a batch or buy a batch.

However, although he disapproved on his face, he subconsciously looked at the bandage man behind Orochimaru.

In my mind, such a slightly complicated thought flashed through.

The strength of this kind of ninja dressed up by Orochimaru as a bandage man, at the beginning of the cooperation, Orochimaru showed his sincerity in front of him. Although it is only the tip of the iceberg, the strength of these bandage men can still be seen from.

To be honest, he was also shocked by the strength of these bandage men at the beginning, so he ruled out many opposing opinions and cooperated with Orochimaru.

And during this period of time, he was not completely passively dominated by Dashewan, and he also had his own little thoughts to stay.

In this secret base, he saw about six or seven people in bandages back and forth. After observing this period of time, it should be the exact number.

This also made him feel relieved.


not worried.

Orochimaru's largest secret base on the Konoha border, this front-line base against Konoha, has at least a hundred or even more than a hundred people in combat, and the proportion of these six or seven bandages is not high.

It can be seen that although this kind of bandage man is powerful, he does not seem to be mass-produced. It is probably extremely difficult to cultivate a character like Orochimaru.

He also estimated that even if it is a conservative estimate, there are only a few dozen people with this kind of bandages in Dashewan's hands.

If there are dozens of people, although it is a very powerful force, it will not destroy the balance between the open and the dark.

It can be feared, but it is not to the extent that one needs to be afraid.

Moreover, since he already has a certain amount of information, if there is any change in Orochimaru, he can completely leak the information about Oroshemaru. Now the ninja world is in a delicate balance. With the existence of characters, the ninja world can't tolerate another early bird.

Otherwise, he would not dare to cooperate with Orochimaru.

Some powers could be used, but he would not be stupid enough to use them if they had no chains or no insurance in his hands.

"What do you think is the key to victory when attacking Konoha now?"

Hearing Luo Sha's cold snort, the smile on the corner of Dashewan's mouth still didn't change at all, even the smile seemed to be a little more "bright", and suddenly asked such a question.

"Hasn't this been discussed before? Now Konoha is actually still in the green and yellow stage. Even if there are good seedlings, they have not fully grown. The group that grew up after the Third World War, except "Copy Ninja" Kakashi, Inoka Butterfly and his ilk are not too good ninjas, and even the "copy ninja" Kakashi and his ilk don't need to pay attention too much. As long as they move quickly enough, there is no need to worry about them. The only thing that needs attention is It’s still the third generation of Hokage, even though he is old at this time, his strength should not be underestimated. However, don’t we have something to say beforehand, what’s the worst thing you and I can do together to kill him?”

Regarding this, Luo San frowned under the bamboo hat, and said disapprovingly.

What's the point of this Orochimaru?

Another delay?

And in his heart, he was already alert again.

Originally, he had already sensed something unusual and worried about his future in this operation. Now, coupled with this vigilance, he had already made a decision in his heart.

If Orochimaru can't convince him, then he will leave immediately and never listen to a word from Orochimaru again.

"So, what do you mean, the most difficult one should be the Third Hokage, is he the key to the victory of the whole operation?"

Hearing this, there was no change on Dashewan's face, but the smile was slightly restrained, and it seemed to be a bit dignified.

"Is not it?"

To this, Luo Sha asked a rhetorical question.

What are you kidding?

In this era, apart from the three generations of Hokage, what else does Konoha need to be afraid of? It can be said that this time is when Konoha is the weakest except for Konoha when the war is completely over.

Throughout the history of Konoha, it was also the weakest time.

Although their sand hidden is not much better, but if you want to deal with Konoha, a strong enemy who is always by your side, this time is the best time.

This battle must be decisive in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, why would he go out in person?

The current Konoha seems to be prosperous, but it is actually empty.

"Then, before the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

But hearing Luo Sha's words, Orochimaru's smile restrained a bit, and he asked again.

"The Nine-Tails Rebellion? It's all in the past, what does it have to do with the present?"

In this regard, Luo Sha frowned even tighter, and asked a little puzzled.

"Your Excellency Fengying, could it be that there are some things that you ignore on purpose?"

Hearing this, the smile on Orochimaru's face has completely disappeared at this time, and the words in his mouth, although the tone is still very polite, but the content is a bit aggressive.

"what do you mean?"

Regarding this, Luo Sha's tone was already quite unpleasant.

What is this for?

Torn skin?

This is all telling the truth, deliberately ignoring something?

And in his mind, there was such a thought at this time.

However, in his thoughts, his heart suddenly became uneasy, and he seemed to be aware of something faintly.

I noticed it, what did Orochimaru want to say.

"That's right, that person has always been a demon-like existence that you Sain did not dare to mention. I just said it clearly, if Taki Chiba is still there, would you Sain dare to carry out this operation?"

Regarding this, Orochimaru didn't have any special expression on his face, but just said lightly.

"Hmph! Taki Chiba is dead."

Hearing this, Luo Sha snorted again, and said disapprovingly.

"Oh, is it so?"

Regarding Luo Sha's words, the smile on the corner of Dashewan's mouth was raised again, but it was a sneer, and the words in his mouth were not polite, on the contrary, there was a layer of irony.

Although it was very small, he saw that the so-called Fourth Kazekage in front of him trembled when he heard the name, the other hand locked under the clothes.

His words just now touched the untouchable place in Fengying's heart.

So many years have passed, and the news of that person's death has been circulating for so many years, but the nightmare is still a nightmare after all. The one that almost wiped out Shayin Village and saved Shayin at a critical moment is the first for Shayin. The first person to be hated is also the first person to be grateful for.

Still, it is deeply rooted in the hearts of all members of Sain who have experienced that era.

The contradictory feeling of being grateful for the enemy despite being an enemy, the humiliation of being rescued by the person who destroyed him after being destroyed, Sha Yin, who has been tortured, dare not mention this person anymore .

Even if it was more than ten years after the news of that person's death came out.

The most terrifying thing is nothing more than this.

"What do you mean!"

Hearing Da Shemaru's undisguised mocking words, Luo Sha's face under the hat froze, and he almost stood up with a crash. However, although he suppressed himself in the end, the words in his mouth were already Unable to maintain the most basic calm any longer, he was full of anger.

There is a feeling that if Orochimaru doesn't explain well, he will turn his face immediately.

"Now, the news you have received is that Taki Chiba was killed by Uchiha Nobuhiko during the Kyuubi Rebellion?"

Regarding this, Orochimaru still had that sneer on his face, and his words were still not at all gentle, even a little cold.

Spicy and icy.

"The news of the death has been reported for more than ten years. Do you think that we, Sagakure, have not investigated it? In the past ten years, there has never been a trace of Taki Chiba. Since you betrayed Konoha, you should have obtained the shared information That's right, the entire ninja world, except for Konoha's inability to obtain information, has already pointed to the fact that Taki Chiba has definitely died, and that Uchiha Nobuhiko, since he is called the second Uchiha Madara, Definitely capable of killing Taki Chiba!

This is just Konoha's plan to delay the attack. The news of Taki Chiba's death was deliberately released, making us think that Taki Chiba could not have died so simply. Konoha just released this smoke bomb deliberately to plot against us!

However, now it is enough to prove that the news of the death is true, Konoha did this just to make us doubt and make us hesitate! "

And hearing this, Luo Sha took a heavy breath, as if suppressing his anger or something, and said with a sneer.

"So, if I say, Taki Chiba is still alive?"

However, his sneer soon froze, and when he finished speaking, Orochimaru suddenly showed an expression of interest, and said so.

If so, say it with certainty and certainty.

Taki Chiba, still alive!

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