Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2195 Useless work? (4000 words)

Now, it's troublesome.

Slowly straightening up, with a face full of reluctance, Nara Shikamaru picked up the scroll that Choji put down bit by bit.

It seems that this scroll is heavier than a thousand ounces.

And his heart was full of discouraged sighs.

To be honest, although he had thought about this matter carefully before, after getting his father drunk last night to no avail, he planned to give up on this matter, and he didn't think that this matter would be possible. Progress, this is not a question of their ability, but a question of objective conditions.

As rookies, they really don't have much contact with them.

And the other party is such a special mission that can't even leave a trace of his deeds. You must know that Konoha's Bai Fang, even if he gave up the mission and caused huge losses to the village, there are still people who remember him, and in the ninja group There are still stories about him in private.

In other words, the influence of this strongest ninja is far above that of Konoha White Fang.

Such a taboo ninja, it is completely impossible for them to get any information about him.

Moreover, he didn't think that his two partners would have the patience to continue investigating such a person who was absolutely impossible for them to know after getting nothing from his father.

Of course, after a series of useless efforts after getting his father drunk last night, Nara Shikamaru knew that it was absolutely impossible for Nara Shikamaru to disclose any information about that ninja to his two uncles who were as good as him.

So, before that, he didn't think this matter would continue.

He has already found a good excuse to give up the investigation of this matter. This is a waste of time, and the effort is not rewarded.

Special trouble.

But, now, everything is different.

Judging by Choji's appearance, he really wants to investigate this strongest ninja.

In fact, he didn't ask Choji to transcribe this list of heroes, it was entirely out of Choji's own will, and it can be seen that Choji really put a lot of effort and thought into it.

Generally speaking, Choji would not think of collecting lists of past heroes by himself.

As for where to collect the list of heroes, with their level, they can only get access to the memorial tablet.

That's why, when he heard Ding Ci talk about the list of heroes, his first reaction would be the memorial tablet.

"I went home and selected them specially. These are the heroes who died when Teacher Asma was young."

And at this time, seeing that his friend had already picked up the scroll he had copied and looked at it, Qiudao Dingji hurriedly said.

As he spoke, he stuffed another handful of potato chips into his mouth.

"Oh... I said, Dingji..."

But hearing the crackling sound of potato chips in his ears, Nara Shikamaru sighed again, and put down the scroll that he had finished reading.

"What's wrong?"

In this regard, Akimichi Choji blinked, stopped chewing, swallowed all the potato chips in his mouth, and said nervously.

"Didn't you get any information from Uncle Ding Zuo?"

Seeing the slightly nervous and worried expression on his face, Nara Shikamaru's words came to his lips, but in the end he suddenly changed his mouth, and after a slight pause, he spoke like this.

"It's useless for mom to go out, my dad just got drunk and fell asleep."

In this regard, Akimichi Dingci showed a few touches of disappointment on his face, and said.


In the end, he also chose the trick of getting drunk...

And hearing this, Nara Shikamaru couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Obviously, Choji Akimichi meant that Choji Akimichi asked his mother to appear last night, and in the end Choji Akimichi passed out drunk and fell asleep.

Compared with my own situation, there are two extremes.

My father said a lot, but 90% of them were complaints to my mother, and 10% were "don't tell your mother".

No matter how he insinuated, he didn't say a word.

As for Ino, Nara Shikamaru did not hold out hope. Compared to his father and Akimichi Choji's father, Ino's father Yamanaka Kaiichi is famously tight-lipped, and he is an important figure in the intelligence department. Will be stronger than his own father and Akimichi Choji's father.

His own father and Akimichi Choji's father were able to keep this secret while drunk, so, needless to say, this Uncle Haiyi would naturally not be able to reveal any information.

All this has reached a dead end.

Yes, a dead end.

As for Choji's list, it's actually useless.

That's right, even if Choji has selected heroes who fit the time period Mr. Asma said and even after this time period, it is still useless.

Indeed, for Ding Ci's behavior, it was remarkable for him to think of going to the memorial monument to copy the list. I am afraid it also took a lot of brain cells in his head that only wanted to eat. After getting any information there, he also thought of this method.

However, this method was quickly rejected by him.

First of all, it is the number of names. The names on the memorial monument are densely packed. When Teacher Asma was a child, it was the third Ninja World War. During that period, there were a lot of heroes who fell, and there were a lot of names.

Without a clear indication, they couldn't figure out which of the names would be related to the strongest ninja.

The heroes of the memorial monument, whether they are the proud sons of the time or a member of Konoha's most common ninja group, will be engraved on it, as long as they make outstanding contributions to Konoha.

The name of the memorial monument, there will be stars that shine for a while, and more are ordinary, but they are respectable ordinary ninjas who died for Konoha.

And because these ordinary ninjas are included, it is basically impossible for them to find the strongest ninja from the names of the heroes of the era.

For one thing, they don't have that much time to investigate so many names.

Secondly, they do not have the authority to know the stories and information behind so many hero names.

Perhaps, some ordinary heroes, they can know from the villagers.

However, what can be found is only a drop in the ocean.

He has already read it, and there are more than two hundred heroes' names on this scroll alone, and they are all heroes that match the era that Teacher Asma said.

There are also the names of a large number of heroes after the era mentioned by Teacher Asma. After all, this strongest ninja may not necessarily die in the era mentioned by Teacher Asma. Die after age.

It is estimated that it will take several days to verify the deeds of each hero, and only a few sporadic ones can be found, and occasionally there will be systematic ones. It can be said that it is time-consuming and laborious, and the efficiency is very low.

For them, it is basically impossible. The Chunin exam is coming soon, and they all want to take the Chunin exam. Although it is very troublesome, he doesn't want to participate, but Teacher Asma hopes so earnestly. I have to give up without participating, so I have to show my face anyway.

They don't have that much time.

Besides, after checking so many heroes, let alone the Chunin exam, maybe they are all middle-aged.

This is basically an impracticable approach.

Secondly, it is the strongest hero, not necessarily a hero. The reason why he became a taboo is that he betrayed Ninja Village. It is impossible to have his name on the comfort monument. It is even possible that the strongest ninja has not yet Dead, still active in a level they don't know.

Combining these two points, this list of heroes is actually useless at all.

This is why he rejected this approach.

But at this time, he just couldn't bear to tell Ding Ci that his hard work was actually useless.

From the matter of transcribing the list of heroes, it can be seen that Choji really cares about this strongest ninja who can eat like him.

Although, he doesn't know why his good friend thinks, why he, who only cares about food, is so curious and serious about this strongest ninja, he must know.

However, seeing that this good friend has done this, he really couldn't bear it.

"Really? With this list of heroes, isn't it okay?"

However, before Nara Shikamaru could speak, Choji Akimichi spoke first, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Although he is not smart, and he is far different from Nara Shikamaru, but he still knows his friend very well. Now the friend's expression and the fact that he didn't directly mention the list of heroes just now asked about his father The intelligence problem over there, obviously, is that there is something wrong with the list of heroes.

Moreover, this list of heroes is useless.

Otherwise, with the wisdom of his friend, he would be able to sort out any useful information.

Now, it could only be that this list of heroes is completely useless, not helpful at all.

But my friend couldn't bear to tell me.

Since my friend can't bear to tell me, then, let me tell you.

Shikamaru can't make things difficult.


Hearing this sound, Nara Shikamaru's eyes flashed with surprise, but then he realized that it wasn't that Choji himself thought that the list of heroes was useless, and figured out various reasons why it was useless, but that he was too Know your own, know from your own reaction that the hero list is useless.

Thinking of this level, Nara Shikamaru's mood is quite complicated, but he doesn't know what to say to comfort this good friend.

He could see that Ding Ci was really very disappointed.

"Then forget it!"

But at this time, Choji Akimichi took a deep breath, huh huh, slammed half a pack of potato chips into his mouth, and swallowed it whole, then paused for a moment, revealing a big With a smile, he said to Nara Shikamaru.

"I don't care about this anymore, let's concentrate on preparing for the Chunin exam!"

Then, he added.


Sure enough, he is the warmest among us...

And hearing this sound, Nara Shikamaru was slightly taken aback, remained silent, and sighed slightly in his heart.

"Shikamaru, you really like this place."

However, the sigh in his heart hadn't completely passed away, but a clear and crisp complaint interrupted his sigh. At the entrance of the rooftop, Yingying walked up to a beautiful girl. Her blond hair was particularly eye-catching and beautiful under the sunlight. .

On her face, there was a little dissatisfaction, which seemed to be because of the long stairs to the rooftop.

It was Ino Yamanaka.

"Ha! Judging by the looks of you, there is no gain at all!"

Before Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji could say anything, Yamanaka Ino looked at the expressions of the two of them, and seemed to understand something. A smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he opened his mouth and said.


Seeing Ino Yamanaka's appearance, Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara suddenly understood the meaning behind Ino Yamanaka's words.

No way?

After understanding, such an unbelievable thought flashed through their hearts at the same time.

Could it be that this is the legendary willows and flowers?

Then, they couldn't help raising a hope in their hearts.

"Did you find any information?"

Afterwards, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji spoke at the same time.

“Japanese-style log cabin!”

And seeing the appearance of the two speaking at the same time, and the obvious eagerness of Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Ino was proud of it, and said straightforwardly without showing off.

"Japanese-style log cabin?"

Hearing this, Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara looked at each other and were taken aback at the same time.

What does this have to do with Japanese log cabins?

At the same time, they all have such a thought in their hearts.

“Japanese log cabin with garden.”

At this time, Yamanaka Ino added a sentence.

"Does this... have anything to do with the strongest ninja?"

Hearing this supplementary sentence, Choji Akimichi couldn't help but grabbed two handfuls of potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing and swallowing quickly and asking.

"There are also ninjas from the Hyuga Clan, ninjas from the Uchiha Clan, those related to the Fourth Hokage...they are all the strongest ninjas!"

And at almost the same moment as Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Ino became more and more excited as he spoke, and spoke in a somewhat vague manner.

A ninja from the Hyuga clan?

A ninja from the Uchiha clan?

Are they all the strongest ninjas?

This... what does this mean?

The strongest ninja is a hybrid of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan?


The Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan have never been married before!

And hearing this unclear sentence, not only Choji Akimichi, but also Nara Shikamaru were confused.

Ino's narration is really too abstract!

Can't get in touch at all!

"The Japanese-style cabin, the clan ninja of the Hyuga clan, and the genius of the Uchiha clan are all the information I got about the strongest ninja from my father. These are the most closely related to that strongest ninja. It can be said that the most direct connection!"

Seeing the two people bewildered and confused, Yamanaka Ino immediately understood that he hadn't made it clear, so he hurriedly sorted out his words and spoke again.

"In other words, this strongest ninja is related to a ninja from the Hyuga Clan and a ninja from the Uchiha Clan, and it is the most direct relationship. Moreover, it was in the young age of Teacher Asma, And, there may be a Japanese-style log cabin as a residence, or a place where you often go?"

And hearing Yamanaka Ino's words, Nara Shikamaru quickly connected several pieces of information in his mind.


In this regard, Yamanaka Ino nodded heavily.


Seeing Yamanaka Ino's affirmative expression, Nara Shikamaru's mouth slightly tugged.

Pulled a little unnaturally.

did not expect……

Uncle Haiyi, who was originally thought to be the most secretive and least likely to get information...

It turned out to be the only breakthrough!

This is the one who unraveled the veil of the strongest ninja...

The only breakthrough!

However, in his heart at this moment, there was a mixture of excitement and a little helplessness for some unknown reason.

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