Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2193 About (4000 words)

"A new step?"

Looking at the beautiful and gentle woman who opened up the topic in front of her and revealed the things she had tried before, Haneda Ichiyo frowned slightly, but repeated the key words in the sentence of harmony.

"Well, don't you have something to discuss with me? Apart from a change in plan, what else can you do? We have all arrived at Konoha."

In this regard, He Yin said it as a matter of course.

It's already at this time, besides the change of plan, is it possible that there are other matters that need to be discussed with her seriously?

"No! No! It's not that simple!"

However, upon hearing this sound, Haneda Kazuyo shook his head and said repeatedly.

It's not that simple.

What He Yin said just now is definitely not that simple.

Afterwards, after these repeated words, Haneda Kazuyo suddenly stopped, his eyes swept away, and he stared at He Yin's eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed across his face.

"You expected it!"

Then, amidst the astonishment, this sentence blurted out from Haneda Kazuyo's mouth.

After the words that blurted out, Haneda Kazuyo's face showed a flicker of stiffness, and his words were also slightly suffocated.

After that, he smiled, with a helpless color, suddenly smiled, and said again: "The reason why you can expect it is because you are plotting me, you plotting me once !"

"What are you talking about? I'm plotting against you? What am I plotting against you for?"

Looking at Haneda Ichiyo's series of changes and words, He Yin blinked and said.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. The reason why the plan has changed, and the reason why I consulted with you is because you added me to the pre-registration list for the Chunin Exam, and you also teamed up with Long Yan and Xing Nai, which caused a lot of trouble. Konoha’s certain vigilance, therefore, the previous intelligence of Konoha’s defense arrangement is completely invalidated. Because of the invalidation, a series of changes have been derived, and that’s why I’m looking for you.”

Hearing this, Haneda Ichiyo had a helpless smile on his lips, and said, "It can be seen from your reaction just now that you have expected this situation a long time ago, and you know that this arrangement will cause Konoha's attention will hinder the plan to a certain extent, and the plan will inevitably change. However, you know the consequences, and you still made such an arrangement. Obviously, you are calculating me. It is through Shirao The opportunity of their sudden departure allowed me to participate in the Chunin exam."

That's right, He Yin knew from the beginning that the plan would definitely change.

Heyin is also very clear that the three members of the Haneda clan form a team, and coincidentally, they are going to take the Chunin exam, which will cause a certain degree of nerve sensitivity in Konoha, which will affect the plan, so that the plan will change.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Heyin knows that what he wants to discuss with her is a new step in the plan.

In this interview, Haneda Kazuyo did not disclose any content of the discussion, how could He Yin speak out about the new steps so confidently.

And Harmony's plan undoubtedly completely deceived Haneda Kazuyo.

At the beginning, Haneda Ichiyo just thought that He Yin was trying to increase the pass rate of everyone and the exam, so he was added to the list of candidates for the Chunin exam without thinking.

However, now it seems that things may not be so simple. Undoubtedly, Heyin knew the consequences of this and did not hesitate to destroy the plan.

There may be a deep meaning here.

He seems to have forgotten that the woman in front of him is not something that can be compared to those who are ninjas. She is also an important figure in Caoyin Village, and has won the trust of the leader of Caoyin Village and even the entire Caoyin Village.

And more importantly, among the right-hand men of the leader of Caoyin Village, this harmony is also the most strategic among them. Not only has outstanding personal strength, but also won many key battles internally and externally in Caoyin Village.

Even if the strategy ability is not one of the best in the ninja world, it can still be listed in the top ten. The status in Caoyin Village is basically the two advisors in Rushayin Village.

And in some unverifiable gossip, it was said that she was a true biography of someone.

Heyin also has this ability. He can predict that if she does this, the plan will be destroyed, but it will not be unsustainable, so he is included in the pre-registration list without changing his face.

As for why He Yin did this, Haneda Kazuyo couldn't deduce everything, but on the surface it could be inferred that He Yin needed his personal strength.

Rather than superficial, deeper things, Haneda Kazuyo is unknown.

However, what Haneda Ichiyo can be sure of is that there must be a deeper plan. The woman in front of her is not just beautiful.

Moreover, Haneda Ichiyo is also very sure that these deeper plans are also beneficial to the current situation and Caoyin Village, and are even very important.

"Tell me, what is the reason why I have to take this Chunin exam?"

And thinking of this, looking at He Yin, Haneda Ichiyo spoke again, blocking back what He Yin was about to say.


Originally, he wanted to justify something, but when he heard the interrupted words, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he sighed suddenly, and said, "I can't hide it from you."

"No, you hid it from me this time. When I saw the pre-registration list, I didn't think too much about it. I just thought you wanted to increase the chance of qualifying."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo shook his head and said truthfully.

"Are you complimenting me?"

Hearing this sound, Heyin blinked and suddenly laughed.

"Do you still need someone to praise you now? How many people are qualified to praise you..."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo pouted and said.

"Okay... You shouldn't have told anyone else that you're going to take the Chunin exam right now?"

Hearing this sentence, He Yin smiled, but asked.

"Well...not yet."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo said truthfully.

At this moment, only he and He Yin knew the list of pre-registrations. Everyone else only knew the twelve people who were supposed to participate, but they didn't know that he, Long Yan and Xing Nai were also going to participate.

"If you told them today, you would know why I did this."

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Heyin's mouth slowly disappeared, but he glanced in the direction of everyone's dormitory, with a little worry in his eyes.

"Tell them... and they will know?"

Upon hearing this sound, Haneda Kazuyo blinked and repeated in confusion.

"You don't mean to say..."

Then, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly understood what the harmony meant.

"That's right, don't you think, since entering Konoha, especially after I asked you that night about whether the Chunin Exam can change the current situation in the village, don't you guys feel a little overly nervous? It's not just some daily routine indoor exercise , Meditation, and even after dinner, they are basically practicing more. If this continues, they will not have to take the Chunin exam. Under such a tense nerve and body due to pressure, they may pass the first exam. No. Konoha's Chunin exams have always been very strict, almost the highest standard and highest level in the ninja world, so they have no chance of winning, let alone qualifying, and it is almost impossible to pass the first exam."

Seeing that Haneda Ichiyo understood what she meant, Kazuo spoke straightforwardly.

"I did this. I added you to the list and pre-registered. It was a last resort. Of course I know that the three Haneda family's temporary participation in the Chunin exam, no matter how good the reason is, how legitimate the excuse is. , or what a helpless situation, as a family that suddenly appeared and then replaced the leader family of Caoyin Village, how could it not arouse Konoha's vigilance, and even a series of major actions by Konoha. However, even if it is to If such a big move is caused, I will also arrange you to participate, because now only if you participate can they stabilize their uneasiness."

Afterwards, He Yin sighed, and without waiting for Haneda Kazuyo to speak, he opened his mouth.

Tell me why you did this.

She did know the consequences of doing so, but she had to do it.

Of course, participating in Yiye in front of me, with his current genius-level strength, will inevitably increase the qualifying rate, which is also part of her purpose, but she did this not entirely because of the qualifying rate, and even more for the sake of Now the mentality of other ninjas.

Because it is about changing the current situation of the village, they put too much pressure on themselves, and their mentality is already too tense.

In the current situation, only the Chief of Staff who has been refusing to be promoted to Chunin and who is still hovering in the rank of Ninja can stabilize the mentality of these people.

Only he has enough strength and popularity to make these ninjas relax all of a sudden, and quickly adjust their mentality and physical condition during this period of time.

"Is that so...is that so?"

Hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo was slightly taken aback, but then he looked at the scroll in front of him that was filled with densely written code words, and in the corner of his vision, he glanced at the trash can that had been burned to ashes The information scroll sighed softly.

It turned out to be like this...

Indeed, during this period of time, everyone seemed a little tense.

I have been indulging in information, but I have ignored it.

If it weren't for harmony, I'm afraid the plan would still be greatly affected.

And in his mind, such a clear thought flashed through.

"And because the Chunin exam requires a group of three, you arranged Long Yan and Xing Nai to be in a group with me, right?"

Then, he spoke.


To this, He Yin sighed and nodded.

This can be regarded as a helpless move. Originally, she did not intend to let Long Yan and Xing Nai participate in the Zhongnin Exam. Firstly, the two children were still young, and secondly, the two children were also members of the Haneda clan. the inconvenience.

However, if you send the letter back to the village now and arrange for two people to come over, it will definitely be too late.

Otherwise, before Baiwei and the others were forced to go back, they would not choose twelve people to participate, instead of sending another team to maintain the number of fifteen people participating.

For the remaining two candidates, only Long Yan and Xing Nai can participate.

Even so, this will cause a series of reactions from Konoha, which will affect the plan.

"Well... this matter is thanks to you."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo also nodded, not caring about the impact of He Yin's series of actions on the plan and himself, and agreed.

Harmony, do it right.

Even, it is very sensible.

This was actually his negligence, and he should thank Harmony.

"So, is there a big change in plans?"

And hearing this sound, knowing that Ichiyo in front of me has understood and will not be entangled with this matter, this matter can be regarded as the chord that has been revealed, and looked at the scroll spread in front of Haneda Ichiyo, with a dignified look on his face. Color, opened the mouth and said.

Now that it is made clear and everyone understands and accepts it, it is time to get down to business.

What kind of impact does her arrangement have on the plan, and what kind of adjustments should be made to the plan.

Now that the Chunin exam is coming up, she should know immediately if there are any changes, and start making arrangements.

"Look at it."

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo didn't say much, but pushed the scroll filled with coded text to Harmony's hand, motioning her to take a look.


In this regard, He Yin didn't talk nonsense, and just looked at it.

This code word is also a family-specific character developed by their Haneda clan, and it seems very easy for harmony.


so complicated?

But looking at it, He Yin's originally dignified face showed a layer of astonishment.

There are columns and columns on the scroll. Basically, each column is a solution to a situation. The solution formulated by the young man in front of him for the re-collected information is extremely detailed and comprehensive, but it is very complicated.

It's not the kind of complicated nine turns and eighteen turns, but every solution itself requires the executor to have the ability to handle complex information, and to be able to respond to various complex situations, and to guide things to their own advantage one side.


After reading it, He Yin slowly raised his head, but his face was full of embarrassment.

"Burn it for me."

Then, at this moment, Haneda Ichiyo smiled wryly, and said.

"Burn it?"

Hearing this, He Yin was slightly taken aback.

"You also think that no one can achieve this solution except you and me, right?"

But hearing Heyin's astonished words, Haneda Ichiyo's mouth flashed a wry smile, and he said.


To this, He Yin nodded with difficulty.

This scroll, this plan change and various solutions are perfect, able to cope with all variables, or, to put it more safely, most of the variables, even if they cannot be fully dealt with, they can still be directed to the right own relatively favorable side.


Feasibility is almost zero.

Because, among the executors, among their current personnel, only the two of them can do it.

And if there are only two of them, it is impossible for the plan to succeed.


This plan is excellent, perfect.

However, it's just a tasteless one.

"So, burn it."

Seeing Harmony nodded, Haneda Kazuyo opened his mouth and said.


And He Yin didn't hesitate, and directly threw the scroll into the stone trash can that was still burning with flames.

Since it is not feasible, it really can only be burned.

"Then next..."

Then, watching the scroll ignite, He Yin raised his head and looked at Haneda Kazuyo.

"Let's adapt to the situation, I will collect as much information as possible, and when the time comes, we will adapt to the circumstances."

But at this time, looking at the ignited scroll, Haneda Ichiyo slowly seeped a complex look in his eyes.

It seems that there is nothing to do with this kind of inclusion.

It also seemed that there was an unavoidable instinctive fear.

After reading it for a long time, the scroll burned halfway before he murmured.

Spit out...

Adapt to these words!

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