Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2190 Two people (4000 words)

Is this where he lives?

Looking at the simple but grand gate on the opposite side, which is obviously the land of a big family, a thought flashed through He Yin's mind,

A little melancholy, a little melancholy, a little long-cherished wish.

She has wanted to come here for a long time.

She wanted to come here about ten years ago.

Now, she's finally here.

That person, has been living and growing up in the place.

Hyuga Clan...

However, although the wish for many years came true, He Yin didn't feel much emotion, but silently took out the scroll and spread it out.

It was the scroll that Ichiyo Haneda gave her last.

So how do you sneak in?

Then, after suppressing some inexplicable sadness, such a thought flashed through He Yin's heart.

In her eyes, the pattern drawn on the reflected scroll is the whole picture of the Hyuga Clan's land, including some simple intrusion and difficulty marks.

At this moment, in Heyin's hands, is a relatively detailed map of the Hyuga clan's land.

The Hyuga family has white eyes, and with the characteristics of white eyes, I am afraid that I have this information, so I can't easily sneak in.

After all, this is the core clan of the Hyuga clan, and Konoha does not seem to have used the Hyuga clan for defense. At present, there should be sufficient personnel in the clan of the Hyuga clan.

I'm afraid I've already been noticed when I'm standing here.

Then, after flashing in his mind, He Yin became distressed.

This Hyuga Clan's clan land is not something that can be infiltrated casually. Perhaps, Haneda Ichiyo has this specialty to be able to infiltrate without knowing it, and even be able to draw such a relatively detailed information map.

Moreover, it also marked the difficulty of sneaking in, so there was no one to teach her how to sneak in.

However, for her, she was extremely bad at infiltrating. Even with such a standard infiltrating map, it was still a big challenge for her.

Moreover, as far as she knew, before the third Ninja World War was completely over, Yunyin Village took advantage of the opportunity to send envoys for peace talks, almost pinched Konoha's neck, and boldly killed the then three-year-old Hyuga Clan The contemporary little princess Hinata Hinata was kidnapped.

Out of self-preservation, Hyuga Hizuru, the contemporary Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, killed Yun Yin's envoy, and left Hyuga Hinata.

However, he was still pursued by Yunyin for killing the envoy, and was finally replaced by his twin brother Hinata Hizashi. Later, because of a series of unknown events, the third Ninja World War finally ended.

And because of this, from that time on, the precautions of the Hyuga clan began to be stricter.

Especially the defense against the villagers.

At least, there has never been a situation where the clan was taken away again.

Now, as a member of Caoyin Village, even if she has a passport, it may be difficult for her to enter the Hyuga clan.

That's why she wanted to sneak in instead of looking for an excuse to visit openly.

The current Hyuga clan is not open to any outsiders.

Even for Konoha's people, due to the close connection between the Hyuga clan and the Konoha Hokage clan, considerable procedures are required to enter.

And at this time, even with this infiltration guide, Heyin still feels that it is not an easy matter to infiltrate the Hyuga Clan's clan.

next time?

It's better to find a way to get in after the Chunin exam starts.

After all, I am not a leaf.

Yuze let Yiye go first because of his infiltration ability, he can find the information we need as quickly as possible, and serve the plan.

But, now...

Afterwards, thinking of this, He Yin hesitated a little.

Although the Hyuga Clan is the place she has been looking forward to entering for a long time, after all, she is no longer that little girl, nor is she that little ninja without any belongings. Her back and her shoulders are now the entire Kusakashi Village, what she needs to take on, she is not allowed to think about nothing.

Instead, she has to consider many things.

Many, many things.

Therefore, even if the destination is in front of her eyes, all she has to do and can do is endure.

The door in front of me looks ordinary and quiet, and it doesn't look like anyone, it seems that ordinary people can enter, and sneaking in casually can succeed.

However, who knows how many pairs of eyes are staring at her in this high-walled compound.

Worth mentioning...

Maybe I was too hasty.

During the Chunin exam, there will definitely be a chance!

Since Yiye handed this scroll to me, there must be a chance to sneak in, so I don't need to be in a hurry.

Even, it is very possible that Yiye knew that I would definitely maintain my sanity, so I was relieved to hand over this scroll that was not originally planned.

Then, following his thoughts, he immediately wanted to sneak into the harmony of the Hyuga clan, but at the last moment, he gave up.

"Okay! That's it for today, everyone has performed very well! This task is completed, and the next eight days of vacation will be up. Everyone, go back and rest well."

But at this moment, just as He Yin put away the scroll, turned around and was about to leave, and returned to the guest house, a crisp female voice sounded ten meters away behind her.

Subconsciously looking back, it was a youthful and beautiful woman about his own age wearing a Konoha forehead protector.

At this moment, the woman was pressing the heads of the two girls and gently stroking them. At the same time, she looked at the serious-looking boy in front of her, who looked like a very serious boy.

From her angle, she could just see the woman's smiling face.

Inexplicably, her heart skipped a beat.

what happened?

How do you feel, this female ninja...

And in her heart, a slightly throbbing thought flashed through her. Her strong intuition made her feel that there seemed to be something special about the female ninja in front of her. No, it should be said that there was an inexplicable I should pay close attention to the feelings of this female ninja.

It seems that from this female ninja, she can find what she wants.


And at this time, the female ninja who was looking at her three disciples with satisfaction seemed to feel the gaze of Harmony, her heart trembled vaguely, she raised her head subconsciously, and looked at the front door standing at the gate of the Hyuga Clan's mansion woman nearby.

That gentle and pleasant woman who always seems to be smiling gently between her brows and eyes.

The face is very strange, and the forehead of Caoyin Village is worn on the head.

Definitely a female ninja she didn't know.

However, for some reason, she had an inexplicable feeling, as if this female ninja had some connection with herself.

For a while, she pressed the heads of the two female disciples, but she was a little stunned on the spot.

The eyes of the two seemed to meet in the air, and sparks shot out inexplicably.

It seems that they are competing against each other.

But there are still some inexplicable doubts.

"Teacher Muzi, why can't we take the Chunin exam? It has been two years since we graduated, and we have performed many missions, and there are even many C-level missions out of the village. Why, you didn't let us sign up for this Zhongnin exam?" How about taking the exam?"

However, this inexplicable staring didn't last long, and was interrupted by a girl under the hand of this young and beautiful female ninja. I saw that the girl's big eyes flashed suddenly, and the sparkling eyes , asked curiously.

"Yeah! Why? Teacher Muzi, I think we can also take the Chunin exam. Yonekura heard that Mr. Kakashi, Mr. Asma and Mr. Yuhihong are all planning to recommend their students. Not long after graduation, we have performed several missions, why can’t we participate in the Chunin exam.”

Regarding this, another girl who looked seventy percent similar to this girl also spoke.

"Teacher Muzi, just like what Haruna and Xia Nai said, I want to know too."

Afterwards, the serious boy called Mi Cang also spoke.

Immediately, three scorching gazes interrupted the inexplicable, consonant and feminine intuition between the young and beautiful woman and He Yin.

"Originally, I wanted to recommend you, but this year's Chunin exam is different. With your strength, there is no way to pass this Chunin exam."

Regarding this, Muko Mito looked at the two lovely sisters, then looked at the serious boy in front of her, shook her head, and said.

The words are quite gentle.

That's right, this young and beautiful woman is Mito Muko.

At present, he is Konoha's Jōnin, with three Jōnin under him, and it has been three years.

The evaluation in Jonin is very good.

Known as the best ninja teacher who can bring down ninja.

Its own strength is also quite good.

Popular candidates recommended by the next Elite Jōnin and Special Jōnin.

Moreover, it seems that she is very popular among Junin, and many male Junin have confessed to her.

However, due to unknown reasons, all these male junin were defeated, and the number of heartbroken people currently exceeds 30.

We are now at the stage of approaching marriageable age.

It looks like he is only in his early twenties, but he is actually over thirty years old.

Among female ninjas, it is also welcomed by major female ninjas in terms of maintenance, and its popularity is extremely high.

Absolutely the flower of Gaoling in the current Konoha ninja group.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Regarding this, Xia Nai who spoke later frowned and said.

"But, we really want to take the Chunin Exam."

Afterwards, Haruna who had a pair of big shining eyes also said the same thing.

"Maybe next time."

Regarding this, before Yicang could speak slowly and seriously, Mito Muko smiled and interrupted him.

"And, there is no room for negotiation!"

Moreover, he added a sentence at the end, blocking the words of the two sisters.

"Then, disband!"

Then, after the three disciples looked at each other sullenly, she gave the order to disband, completely blocking the conversation of the three disciples.

In the end, the three disciples could only leave together in a burst of disappointment, muttering in disappointment as they left.

Mito Muko watched them go all the way, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Then, after the three of them disappeared, she turned around, took a few steps forward, looked at the woman who was walking here, hesitated for a moment, and then said hello.


Hearing this sound, Heyin was slightly taken aback, as if he hadn't expected it, but he stopped in his tracks as expected, stood still in front of this Mito Muko, smiled, and opened his mouth. Say hello.

Then, the two of them stared at each other for a while, and suddenly they both burst out with the most beautiful smiles in their lives.

For a moment, outside the mansion of the Hinata family, the flowers and plants paled.


Why do I have this comparison mentality?

But at this moment, such a thought flashed through their hearts at the same time, and before they knew it, between the most beautiful smiles, the two of them unconsciously became more energetic.

"Excuse me, are you a ninja from Caoyin Village?"

Then, after this thought flashed by, a trace of stiffness flashed across the faces of the two of them at the same time, and then Mito Muko, who seemed to react faster, hurriedly said.

"Ah! Yes! I am Haneda Kazune, the instructor of the Kusakashi village shinin who are taking the Chunin exam."

In this regard, He Yin hurriedly bowed slightly, and after saying hello, he took out his pass and said.

"No! I was the one who was rude, I am Konoha's Jonin, Mito Muko."

Hearing this, Mito Muzi also hurriedly bowed, saluted and said.

Then, there was a short period of silence. Both of them looked at each other, as if they were lost in some kind of thought, and neither spoke.

"Excuse me, this, have we met before? That is, on the battlefield or something."

Afterwards, after watching for a while, and after a short silence, both of them laughed at the same time, this time, it was He Yin who spoke first.

"No! I don't think I've seen it before, but..."

Regarding this, Mito Muko looked at this beautiful woman who always gave him an inexplicable feeling, shook her head, and said.

"Well, it's... yes! I probably haven't encountered it before."

Hearing this, He Yin said in embarrassment.

Then, there was another silence.

"Well... Nice to meet you, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

After that, it was Mito Muko who broke the silence this time.

"Yes, me too."

And the answer is also quite fast.

There was another period of silent staring at each other, both of them already felt a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Then, near the words, the two passed by each other, each moving forward.


However, before walking a few steps, He Yinhu turned his head and stopped the beautiful figure as if he had made up his mind.

"What's matter?"

In this regard, Mito Muzi was slightly taken aback, turned around, and said in a rather puzzled manner.

"Tomorrow...tomorrow...well, I just came to Konoha not long ago, and I'm still not familiar with this place. If...if it's possible, tomorrow, can I ask you...to be my guide?"

Looking at Mito Muko's gaze, Heyin swallowed, and said with three hesitation, three parts embarrassment, and four parts determination.

"Of course! Then tomorrow, I will go to the inn in Caoyin Village to find you."

And hearing this sound, inexplicably, Mito Muzi's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

It was as if a certain vague expectation in my heart had been spoken out by the other party.

"Hmm! Thank you!"

Hearing this, He Yin's face suddenly showed a layer of joy, and he hurriedly bowed at forty-five degrees to express his gratitude.


For this, Mito Muzi also hurriedly bowed forty-five degrees in return.

always feel...

She and I should have a good communication!

At the same time, at the stall where the two bowed to each other, such a thought flashed through their hearts under the influence of the woman's intuition.

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