Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2187 The Seventh and Eighth Classes (4000 words)

It's night, Yile Ramen.

"Hi! Your ramen."

Three different sets of ramen were placed in front of the three of them. After a greeting, Yile returned to the back kitchen to give the three regular customers space to enjoy.

"It's finally done! I'm starving to death!"

Seeing the steaming and fragrant ramen being served, Naruto Uzumaki grabbed the spoon and chopsticks that had been prepared for a long time, and immediately started to use them impatiently.

"No! This matter is not quite right!"

And at this time, Sasuke Uchiha, who was always silent at such times, narrowed his eyes slightly, interrupting Naruto Uzumaki who was about to send the spoon into his mouth.

"Which thing?"

Regarding this, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno almost subconsciously looked at Sasuke Uchiha at the same time, both with spoons in their hands in mid-air, with doubts on their faces.

"Sakura, do you feel that we followed that Haneda Ichiyo during the day, his behavior is a bit strange, although there is nothing too suspicious, but don't you think his behavior is a bit too normal? ?”

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke looked at his two teammates, and said quite seriously.

He has been thinking about this all day long, and he always feels that there is something wrong with Haneda Kazuyo.

"Huh? Is this still the case?"

And when he heard this sentence, Uzumaki Naruto shook his hands for no reason, and almost spilled the soup in the spoon.

The whole shoulders slumped in an instant, and the face was already full of tiredness and bitterness. Even the ramen that I had been waiting for several minutes honestly didn't look and smell so delicious and fragrant at this time.

It's really hard today.

I followed that Haneda Kazuyo in the morning, I followed that Haneda Kazuyo at noon, and I followed that Haneda Kazuyo in the afternoon, and now I have time to eat. When eating, do I still have to discuss how to follow that Haneda Kazuyo?

At this time, Naruto's heart was as bitter as it appeared on his face.

Today, they can be said to have suffered a lot. They have followed that Haneda Ichiyo all the way since the morning, squeezed into a small corner without daring to speak out, constantly avoiding greetings from acquaintances, various emergencies, He also sneaked into the guest house, and was warned and kicked out in the end.

My whole body is already sore and backache, and I am several times more tired than a day of training.

I don't even eat until now.

If you are tired and hungry, forget it. The point is, you didn’t find anything in the end, so your hard work was completely in vain.

Even, he couldn't think of why Sakura and Sasuke wanted to target Yiye, who was obviously a very good person.

Not only did they invite them to eat ramen, but there was nothing suspicious at all.

Even if he couldn't come out in the inn in the end, it was because his companions had already arrived, and they were going to take the Chunin exam. He was too busy, so he didn't show up until now.

There is no doubt at all.

It can be said that I got nothing today, and let myself suffer a crime. A good rest day was wasted like this.

To be honest, there is really no need.

But now, looking at the situation of his two partners, it seems that he is still unwilling to give up investigating Yiye.

Naruto Uzumaki really didn't know whether his two partners were smarter or stupid than him.

"what have you found?"

And hearing these words, Haruno Sakura slowly put down the spoon in her hand, and said with a solemn expression.

Today, she also thought about it for a day. There was nothing suspicious about Haneda Kazuyo's behavior at all. She even felt that she was thinking too much, but she always felt that something was wrong.

For example, today's follow-up was too difficult, as if every step was almost exposed.

However, when they all thought they were going to be exposed, Haneda Kazuyo's actions just left the point of exposure, and they were able to breathe.

In this situation, although the tracking became more and more smooth in the end, it always made her feel uncomfortable, a feeling like something was pressing in her heart.

It went well, but I just felt uncomfortable.

Not only was she suffering mentally, but also physically. The number of times she ran and hid and was in a hurry today was more than all the training and learning she had done in the past.

Even, the degree of fatigue today is even more tiring than the mission of the Kingdom of Waves.


And at this moment, as soon as Haruno Sakura finished speaking, the two people who were talking were stunned at the same time.

"Ah? What's the matter? What did you think of?"

And Uzumaki Naruto at the side couldn't figure out what the sudden froze of the two of them was, so he straightened his slumped back in a hurry, looked at the two of them, and said hastily.

"That guy!"

But at this sound, the corner of Haruno Sakura's mouth twitched, and a well-shaped vein on the forehead slowly stood out.

At the same time, when Haruno Sakura's face was slowly covered with anger, Uchiha Sasuke also slowly turned his head away, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"What's wrong? Sakura? Sasuke? Is something wrong?"

And looking at the appearance of the two, Naruto Uzumaki, who was completely confused about the situation, asked again hastily.

What... what happened?

How do you feel, the current Sakura is a bit scary!

However, during this questioning, Naruto Uzumaki's tone was a little guilty. At this moment, he looked at the angry Haruno Sakura next to him, and for some reason, his heart was always a little nervous.

"We... were tricked by him!"

And at this time, Uchiha Sasuke's almost gnashing of teeth voice slowly came over.

"Did you play?"

Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto was slightly taken aback, completely unable to understand what it meant.

"This Haneda Ichiyo is absolutely suspicious! No! It's not suspicious, this guy must have intentions against the village!"

And at this time, before Uchiha Sasuke could speak, Haruno Sakura said angrily.


Why must there be an attempt to harm the village?

what happened?

What did Yiye do?

And hearing this sentence, Naruto's heart was completely at a loss, completely confused.

"Naruto, do you feel very tired today, there will be unexpected situations wherever you go, and you have been in a hurry, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive."

In this regard, Uchiha Sasuke glanced at the dazed Uzumaki Naruto, and explained in a relatively calm tone.

"Well... that's it."

Hearing this, Naruto Uzumaki blinked his eyes, nodded, and said with certainty.

Finally understand the point.

And in his heart, he was slandering.

"Then do you think that the reason why we are so tired is because of this Haneda Kazuyo, this Haneda Kazuyo's behavior, which made us so tired, squeezed in a small space, almost unable to breathe, the commercial street Sometimes, all kinds of emergencies lead to physical and mental exhaustion, but every time when they are about to be discovered, they will inexplicably continue successfully."

In this regard, Uchiha Sasuke said very patiently.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Then, these patient words received a completely blank response.

Are these related to Yiye?

In response, Naruto Uzumaki tilted his head, and such a thought flashed through his mind.


When the listener responded, Uchiha Sasuke pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, and then covered his face and let out a long sigh.

What an idiot I am for talking to this idiot.

And in his heart, there was a curse for his behavior just now.

"That is to say, we were all tricked by Haneda Kazuyo. He actually found out that we were following him, but he deliberately didn't tell the truth, and then deliberately walked into the reporting office and chatted there deliberately, because he knew that we could only hide In that small corner, he knew it would be uncomfortable for us to stay there, so he talked for so long. In the commercial street too, he deliberately made us rush, and, in order to be able to toss us like this again, he deliberately exposed us When the time comes, adjust our behavior so that we can escape every time. Then continue to follow and continue to be teased by him!"

However, although his heart was full of helplessness, Sasuke Uchiha patiently explained to Uzumaki Naruto.


And hearing this sound, Uzumaki Naruto froze, and after blinking his eyes, he spit out such a word full of bewilderment.


At the same time, a cloud of white air suddenly rose above his head, which symbolized a brain shutdown.

"Alas! Idiot Naruto, you just need to know that Haneda Ichiyo knew from the very beginning that we were following, and then used our following to toss our day, we are so tired today, we can't even eat lunch properly , it’s all because of Haneda Ichiyo, that’s fine.”

In this regard, under Uchiha Sasuke's desperate eyes, Haruno Sakura couldn't help but speak.

With a tone of extreme hatred of iron and steel.


And hearing these words from his sweetheart, Uzumaki Naruto was still a little dazed, and after blinking his eyes, he said almost subconsciously.

"Why is this! It's too much for Yiye!"

However, although he didn't understand it in his heart, but his two partners said so, then Naruto Uzumaki chose to believe it.

These two people would never lie to him.

Yiye, is it really going to be bad for the village?


Of course, although he absolutely believed in his partner, in his intuition, he still didn't believe that Haneda Kazuyo would be detrimental to the village.

Instinctively, he felt that Haneda Ichiyo was a good person.

Even if he was teased, he was so tired that he was almost on the ground today, but he still thought that Haneda Kazuyo was a good person.

"Then, it's decided."

And at this time, hearing Naruto Uzumaki's words, Haruno Sakura took a deep breath.


In this regard, Uchiha Sasuke agreed.

"Oh... oh!"

Suddenly hearing the words of the two partners as if expressing their opinions, Naruto, who didn't understand what was decided at all, hurriedly followed and expressed his opinion.


what happened?

What is this for?

What's next?

And in his heart, he panicked for no reason.

However, after seeing the tacit expressions of his rival and sweetheart, he chose to forcefully show the same expressions as them.

Pretend you really know what you're doing.


At this time, on the other side, Konoha BBQ.

"Sizzling! Sizzling! Sizzling!"

The aroma of barbecue accompanied by the sound of oily meat and cumin lingers in this rather large storefront. Under the full power of the ventilation fan, there is no way to dispel the strong meat aroma at all, which makes people appetite.

"What's wrong? Choji?"

Sitting in the innermost booth, he and Ino Yamanaka next to him flipped through the top-sized beef offals displayed on the oven that were close to double digits. Nara Shikamaru frowned, and suddenly raised his head , looked at Choji Akimichi, who was occupying a booth alone, and asked with a "very troublesome" expression.

"Yeah! Choji, you're all right! Didn't I see how much you ate today?"

And after these words, Yamanaka Ino suddenly seemed to think of something, glanced at the beef offal on the oven, and Choji Akimichi opposite, with a slightly surprised and worried expression, and said.

Choji wouldn't eat, something was definitely wrong.

And it's a big problem!

She had never seen Choji unable to eat!

"Don't worry, Teacher Asma has already paid all the fees."

In the end, Ino Yamanaka added another sentence.

She felt that maybe Ding Ci felt that the income from the task during this period could not support such a barbecue.

After all, the table is already piled high with barbecue dishes.

It was already the fifteen servings that Choji had been challenging.


To this, the kind and honest Akimichi Choji shook his head and responded.

Then, he stared at the offal on the oven in a daze, but didn't make any move to pinch the offal.


Seeing Akimichi Choji's move, Yamanaka Ino's expression changed immediately, he turned around suddenly, and patted Nara Shikamaru heavily on the shoulder.

"Oh... so troublesome..."

Looking at Ino Yamanaka, who was staring at him closely, Nara Shikamaru sighed, muttered, and then slowly looked at Choji Akimichi.

"Are you still worried about that friend who Mr. Asma said can eat barbecue like you? Choji."

Afterwards, he spoke.


Regarding the words of his best friend, Choji Akimichi raised his head again, nodded heavily, and admitted the reason for his loss of appetite.


That friend that Teacher Asma mentioned?

Is it edible like Choji?


Teacher Asma said?

At this time, Yamanaka Ino blinked his eyes when he heard this, and was at a loss.

"That must be false. Teacher Asma has only been around for more than ten years since she was a child. If there is such a person, there must be legends left behind. How could it be like there is nothing now."

Regarding this, Nara Shikamaru half-closed his eyes and said with a troubled face.

There is also a half-dead tone in the tone.

To be honest, he didn't believe there was such a person.

However, the expressions of Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka changed in the next second.

"No! No, there is such a person! There must be such a person."

When Akimichi Choji heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, he raised his head very seriously and definitely, and spoke.

But this firm tone made it almost difficult for the two of them to refute.

PS: The title is wrong, it should be the seventh class and the tenth class, it's a play!

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