"excuse me!"

Hearing this lively and crisp voice, Haneda Ichiyo's leisurely smile slightly retracted, but he didn't turn his head back immediately, but apologized to the ninja on duty, then turned around and walked towards the The source of the sound went away and walked towards the gate.


But looking at Haneda Ichiyo's back, the ninja on duty seemed to be in a daze, and subconsciously said.

Although I know it's not the same person, but I still look like him!

In my mind, such a thought flashed unconsciously.

"Here, here! Yiye!"

But at this time, it seemed that Haneda Yiye had noticed him, and that lively voice came again.

"Wow! So much food! Are these all for Anna? Ichiyo! You are so kind!"

And Haneda Ichiyo, who walked out of the gate, had no time to say anything, but was robbed by that lively voice again.

Obviously, he saw the big and small bags he was carrying.

"Anna, are you alone?"

At this moment, Haneda Kazuyo, who was robbed, stopped, looked at the little girl in front of the gate of Konoha wearing the forehead of Caoyin village, the leisurely smile on the corner of her mouth completely restrained, and turned into With a faint doting smile, he touched the girl's head and said.

At this moment, in front of Ichiyo Haneda, there is a cute little girl with a round face, all her hair standing up, and a bun hairstyle on the left side of her head, with big bright eyes and a little bit of baby fat. , the innocent face is white and clean, with a kind of tender whiteness unique to little girls, but the petite body reaching Haneda Ichiyo's chest is trying to stand on tiptoe, raising his head, looking at Haneda Ichiyo, it looks like nothing more than The appearance of six or seven years old.

Obviously, the current situation is far from Haneda Ichiyo's expectations. Although the information said that the ninjas will come one after another, but only Xingna in front of him will arrive, which is not quite right.

Could it have been attacked?

Even at this time, Haneda Kazuyo had already had such an idea in his heart.

After all, participating in the Chunin Exam this time is the village's top priority, and it has been predicted that the third Hokage will definitely agree to Caoyin Village to participate in the Chunin Exam. Regarding the arrangement of this matter, the entire Caoyin Village is definitely a top priority.

There is no possibility of dereliction of duty or inattentiveness in performing the task of the Chunin Exam.

And even if they arrive one after another, it's impossible for Xing Nai to arrive first.

There must be something wrong here.


But upon hearing Haneda Ichiyo's words, the little girl named Xing Nai stood on tiptoe, raised her right hand lightly, then put her index finger in her mouth unconsciously, stared at Haneda Ichiyo with a thud, No, strictly speaking, it was the packaging of the various food in Haneda Ichiyo's arms, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The sound that came out seemed to have a kind of gluttony.

"have no idea!"

Then, after sucking her fingers twice, she reluctantly moved her eyes away from the food packaging bag in Haneda Kazuyo's arms, looked at Haneda Kazuyo, and then shook her head very simply, and said very confidently.

The voice is crisp and lively, but it gives people a bright and energetic feeling.

This voice is straightforward, but it sounds surprisingly comfortable.

"Oh! Sorry, it's all yours."

For this, Haneda Kazuyo hastily apologized, and then handed all the desserts in her arms to Xing Nai.

Not long after, Xing Nai's head was completely covered by desserts, it looked like a pile of desserts on top of two snow-white little feet wearing knee-length ninja combat shorts.

"Thank you! Yiye!"

And at this time, after the last piece of dessert package was put into the hand and the dessert bag extending from the hand, Xing Nai's lively voice sounded again.

"Stupid Yiye! Are you an idiot? With so many things, is it convenient for Xing Nai to hold them? You won't find a place for Xing Nai to give them to you! Or do you want Xing Nai to eat here? Do you think this is a place to eat? Xing Nai is also a girl anyway, are you made of steel? Don’t you know how to take care of girls at all? Idiot! Idiot!”

At this moment, a gloomy aura suddenly drifted away from behind the pile of snacks, as if purposely lingering towards Haneda Yiye, and when this gloomy aura emerged , Behind the pile of snacks, there was such a gloomy child's voice.

In the words, it is obvious that I can feel the extreme disgust and dislike for Haneda Ichiyo, and almost all the words are blatantly finding fault.

It was on purpose.

I just deliberately found a fault to scold Haneda Kazuyo a few times.

"Long Yan is here too!"

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo didn't seem to care when he heard this series of unfriendly and deliberately finding fault, he just looked behind the pile of snacks and spoke gently.

"Hmph! Idiot Yiye."

Hearing this sentence, the owner of the childish voice who deliberately found fault did not hide much, and immediately turned out from behind the snack pile. It was a boy about the same age as Xing Nai, with fair skin and a delicate face. , but he is no worse than the cute girl like Xing Nai, he is actually a very beautiful boy.

However, it may be because of the slanted eyes and the slightly long bangs of the ear-length hair, but it looks a bit gloomy.

However, it does not hinder his cute temperament like a delicate porcelain doll who will be surrounded by a large group of aunts or big sisters with overflowing motherhood.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Yiye is a big idiot!"

But now, he pointed at Haneda Ichiyo with his face that couldn't be fierce under this cute and exquisite appearance, and cursed clumsily as if he was still angry.

From head to toe, there was an air of dislike for the person in front of him.

"Xing Nai, don't eat this guy's food, be careful you will get diarrhea."

Then, after scolding for a few words, he found that the person in front of him was still smiling, as if his cursing words had no effect at all. Blowing out two lines of white air, he turned around abruptly, looked at Xing Nai beside him, and said viciously.

However, it may be because he is too delicate, and then he puffed his cheeks because of anger. In this vicious voice, his face is not vicious, but a delicate and naive appearance with puffed cheeks, which is wasted His eyes that can make a ferocious look, and can enhance the quality of the ferocious look.

"Huh? Diarrhea?"

And upon hearing this, a dazed and slightly frightened voice came from behind the pile of snack bags.

"Yes! Yiye Stupid... No, I can't eat anything from Yiye Big Stupid!"

Regarding this, Long Yan said viciously with an expression that he thought was very serious and threatening, but in fact it was a cute and bulging cheek.

As he said that, he glanced at the bastard who was smiling as if nothing he said could affect him.


Then, almost in seconds, such a very straightforward and simple words with a sense of righteousness came from the snack bag.

It was a straightforward question, but it hit the bottom of his heart.

In an instant, the boy who hated Haneda Ichiyo so much froze on the spot.


A question was repeated in his mind.

"Hey! Why? Longyan, why does Yiye have diarrhea?"

Afterwards, Xing Nai's questioning pierced deeply into his heart like several arrows.

"This... this... this..."

Then, in an instant, the look on his face that he thought was fierce was replaced by a guilty conscience.

"Don't Long Yan know?"

At this time, it seemed that Xing Nai didn't hear the answer she wanted, and Xing Nai spoke the truth very innocently.

"Then, I still want to eat! There are some things that you have to try yourself to know."

Then, her words, like a sharp knife, pierced into his young heart, and the final word came directly.

"Why...how...how come..."

But after hearing this sound and knowing that Xing Nai would not do what he said, Long Yan looked at the guy who was smiling so much that he hated and still looked nonchalant, even that smiling, as if he was watching his joke Similarly, looking at the serious eyes of the girl that he could see from his angle, the whole person suddenly became sluggish, and the aura that he thought he was fierce but actually charming also completely dissipated.

"Idiot! Xing Nai is also an idiot! I won't talk to you anymore!"

Then, he pursed his mouth and let out an angry cry, kicked the stones on the ground hard, turned around suddenly, and made a look that he would never talk to you again.


It's awkward!

But at this time, seeing Long Yan's performance, the smile on the corner of Haneda Ichiyo's mouth was slightly restrained, as if a bit of bitterness and helplessness had flashed past.

This child has always been like this!

Be awkward at every turn.

Although she looks cute, her personality is really awkward.

At the same time, there were some heartless thoughts in his heart.


However, at this moment, the snack bag suddenly scattered towards the sky, and the sound of falling to the ground suddenly sounded on his left side, which was where Xing Nai was.

"I don't want Long Yan to ignore me!"

Then, Xing Nai's crisp voice suddenly rang out with a sense of tension.

However, the place where it sounded was no longer the left side of Ichiyo Haneda, but the right side of Ichiyo Haneda, the side of Tatsuhiko who turned around in a fit of temper.

At this time, at some point, Xing Nai had already stood behind Long Yan, and her slightly fleshy little hand had already grabbed Long Yan's arm.


Regarding this, Long Yan turned his head and snorted coldly, but he didn't pay any attention to Xing Nai.

"I don't want Long Yan to ignore me! I don't want it!"

But at this time, seeing Long Yan's back who ignored her, Xing Nai suddenly glanced at her small mouth, her eye circles turned red, and she shouted excitedly.

"Then do you eat something from a big idiot leaf?"

Hearing Xing Nai's voice from behind, Long Yan seemed a little shaken, sucked his nose, and asked.


And it took almost a second to answer, Xing Nai replied without hesitation with red eyes.

"Anna, you idiot! Idiot! I won't talk to you anymore!"

And hearing this extremely straightforward answer, Long Yan's whole body froze, and then, a roar that was obviously crying.

As he said that, he raised his right hand and wiped it on his face, and at the same time, he was about to take a step forward.

"Don't! Don't, don't, don't! I don't want Long Yan to hate me!"

However, before he could start running, he was suddenly embraced by the cute round-faced girl behind him.


Immediately, Long Yan uttered a muffled sound, and his whole body straightened suddenly, his eyes were wide open, and his forehead was stunned by a blue color.

Suffering from... Oops!


Anna, she...

And in his heart, such a regretful introjection suddenly appeared.

Is it like this again?

The relationship between these two children is really good!

And at this time, seeing the crying Xing Nai hugging Long Yan from behind, rubbing her face against Long Yan's back continuously, wiping a layer of tears and snot, Haneda Kazuyo continued to think heartlessly. He said, without any sign of going up to persuade him.

On the contrary, I was quite emotional.

It seems that this is already a common thing.

Still, ask them about the peloton later.

Since the two of them got here well, it means that the large army was not attacked, on the contrary, it should be quite smooth, so the two children were allowed to come here first.

There must be something delaying the big troops.

I guess it's because I'm afraid I'm worried, so let these two children come over and report something to me.

However, judging by the current situation, we have to wait for a while.

And thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo looked at the sticky appearance of the two children, but still had no intention of going forward, just walked to the left, and began to pick up the snack bags that Xingna threw away because she was too anxious.

Fortunately, these snack bags are all sealed, and the packaging did not fall apart even after throwing it away. Maybe the shape of the snacks inside is completely ruined, but it should not hinder their taste, so they can't be wasted.

The sticky appearance of the two children continued, even Haneda Ichiyo picked up all the snack bags, and checked them in detail, and confirmed that most of the snacks were not damaged, and all of them were completely intact. After they were all edible, they were not separated.

At the same time, the appearance of the two children remained unchanged except that the blue color was completely dissatisfied with Long Yan's little face, and then his eyes became rounder.

"Xiao Longyan and Xiao Xingnai's relationship is still so good!"

Until, a gentle voice sounded from a little distance in front of the three of them.

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