Chapter 222 Special training decision?

Another day, Chiba came to the assembly point as usual, and before she knew it, she was back to the day when she was taught by Kushina with Hirohiko and Yukina.

During this period of time, the Three Generations of Hokage did not seem to have any task arrangements for them. Chiba felt that the reason why the third Hokage didn't let them go on missions should be to keep them by Kushina's side, which was actually a disguised mission to protect Kushina.

This is exactly what he wants, and now Qianye doesn't have much time to participate in any missions, just to improve himself, time is already very tight.

Moreover, being able to stay with Kushina and train at the same time, there is no more perfect situation than this.

After all, it hasn't been long since the incident, Chiba still has lingering fears, and is also sensitive to Jiu Xinnai's safety issues.

Although Hokage's Anbu secretly protected him, on a psychological level, Chiba still felt that his participation in this matter could make him feel at ease.

At the same time, Chiba also knows the reality, her protection is still inferior to Anbu's. In the village, there is Anbu's protection, so Chiba doesn't need to worry.

However, there are some things that cannot be measured with reason.

At this time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai arrived one step ahead of him, and the three of them were comparing the results of yesterday's copying.

Of course, Chiba did not agree with the comparison at the beginning. After all, he practiced for nearly four hours yesterday until he went to sleep. Chiba's achievement was that blank paper with tadpole characters drawn crookedly in bold.

However, due to Hirohiko and Yukina's strong request to "discuss the secrets of each other", Chiba had no choice but to come up with her own "clumsy work". Really.

However, as for the result of this comparison, it is estimated that Xue Nai got the answer she wanted, and as for Hong Yan... the mood is probably a bit subtle.

From his eyes, Qianye could clearly read such a thought.

Why... Xue Nai's handwriting is the best!

To this, Qianye just smiled wryly, three people, three copies of paper, no doubt Xue Nai's handwriting is the best, it looks almost like the original tadpole text textbook given by Kushina, but it is more beautiful, just looking at the handwriting, It is much better than Jiu Xinnai. To be honest, although the tadpole text is like a ghost drawing, but it is well written, it can really have a sense of beauty.

Undoubtedly, Xue Nai has reached this stage.

As for Hongyan, in fact, it is similar to Chiba, a little better than Chiba, at least the thickness of the bold tadpole text is not as thick as Chiba.

At a rough glance, it's a judgment call.

Yukina is the best, Chiba is the worst, and Hirohiko is second, but not much better than Chiba.

And the reactions of the two were also different. Xue Nai flashed a faint smile, but Hirohiko couldn't laugh, not to mention that he had a poker face with a paralyzed face. Situations that were not much better than the worst kept him from laughing.

After that, the three of them didn't say much, they put away the copying paper silently, and didn't mean to "discuss", and went to do their own things.

Kushina seems to be a little late again today.

As for doing their own things, Hirohiko went directly to the edge of the dense forest on his dedicated side to practice shuriken.

Xue Nai will hit tree stumps silently. This is the basic training method of the soft boxing method, and it is also the most effective practice method. As for moves such as maneuvering and counterattack, they generally need to be practiced by opponents.

This tree stump can be used to practice pushing the palm, the most basic attack method of the soft fist method, which can be regarded as the foundation of the foundation.

As for Qianye, she silently took out the cheat sheet of medical experience, and sat down cross-legged to read quietly.

Although the three of them said they were doing their own things, there was a flat, harmonious and warm atmosphere between each other under the bright sunshine.

About an hour later, Kushina's figure slowly walked out of the dense forest on one side.

Judging by her appearance, she is much better mentally than yesterday, and the dark circles under her eyes have also faded a lot.

And seeing Kushina appear, the three of them also stopped what they were doing.

Yukina stopped pushing her palms, Hirohiko silently retracted the shuriken, while Chiba closed her medical experience and stood up.

After a while, the three gathered in one place.

"Have you finished all the homework I gave you yesterday?" Jiu Xinna looked at her three favorite disciples with a slight smile on her lips.

These three guys are really in tune with each other, but they just... don't like to talk.

Hearing Kushina's words, the three of them took out the copy papers and handed them to Kushina.

This is also the reason why all three of them brought copying paper. Yesterday, Kushina assigned homework, and the homework was a copy of Tadpole Wen. Show Jiushina the best copy that was practiced yesterday.

After receiving the copying paper, Kushina looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, Xue Nai's handwriting is the best, and it has fully met the requirements for drawing the sealing formula. Hirohiko's words are also reluctant, and after practice, he can meet the most basic requirements for drawing the sealing formula...

As for Chiba. Unsurprisingly, words are the worst.

From childhood to adulthood, he lived alone outside the village, and no one taught him calligraphy.

Looking at the three copies, Jiuxinna pursed her lips slightly, thinking that Qianye was alone since she was a child, bearing the infamy of her father, she always felt a little sad. He is also a little bit dissatisfied, and always wants to make the incident of Taki Maya public.

However, in this matter, she must respect the will of the hero Taki Maya and Chiba, both of them chose to keep it secret, this is the real consideration for Chiba.

And after these sadness and grievances flashed by, Jiu Xinnai carefully put away the copy, and he already had a conclusion in his heart.

Sure enough, Qianye was the one who was most suitable for practicing the sealing technique, and also the one who was the most serious.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai are more or less competing with Chiba on this matter. In fact, I'm not really interested in the sealing technique in my heart, and I can't force them too much.

Three copies, Jiu Xinnai easily found the difference.

Although Xue Nai's handwriting is very good, there are two mistakes and omissions. Hirohiko also has one mistake and omission. Although Chiba's handwriting is the worst, there is no mistake or omission. It is obvious that the writing is the most attentive.

The sealing technique is a ninjutsu with a zero error tolerance rate, and the simplest sealing technique requires dozens of tadpole characters. If one character is wrong or missing, even if there is a slight error, the sealing technique cannot be activated, so the sealing technique It also failed.

In this regard, you must not be sloppy.

Moreover, the tadpole text is small, and it is extremely difficult to detect mistakes and omissions. Xue Nai and Hirohiko's mistakes and omissions may not even be discovered by themselves.

During the beginning period, copying the tadpole text without mistakes or omissions can be regarded as a test to determine whether a ninja has the talent for sealing.

As for Qianye, it is obvious that he can learn or even learn the sealing technique well. His handwriting is poor, and he will get better if he practices slowly.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't learn the sealing technique if you make mistakes during the initial learning period, and you can learn it with hard work the day after tomorrow.

The best example should be Mr. Jiraiya!

Kushina suddenly turned to such a thought.

I remember Teacher Jiraiya said that when he was learning the sealing technique, he made mistakes all the time, and he was often scolded for this, but in the end, he still mastered a few sealing techniques.

But... Chiba's words...

After thinking about it, Jiu Xinnai found it quite difficult. Calligraphy is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it needs long-term practice. When she learned the sealing technique by herself, she practiced calligraphy hard for several years. can only talk about water gate, use excellent students to drive poor students?

Kushina thought about it, and then said: "Chiba, your handwriting... is too bad!"

"Uh..." Chiba's mouth twitched.

Of course, I have never learned brush calligraphy!

Chiba thought so.

"Hirohiko...your handwriting is too bad!" Kushina said again.

Hearing this, Hongyan still had a poker face, but there was obviously a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Xue Nai, only your writing has met the requirements of drawing the seal technique." Kushina praised Xue Nai without hesitation.

Then, Jiu Xinnai changed the subject and said, "You two, you will have special training starting tomorrow, where is it..."

When he said this, Kushina's gaze happened to catch Xue Nai's sneaky glance at Chiba's face, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "It will be at Xue Nai's house, at eight o'clock tomorrow, the meeting place will be changed." At Yukina's house, Yukina, don't forget to ask Shinsuke-sama for permission."

Said, and blinked at Xue Nai.

The three of them were all taken aback when they heard this.

Why? Special training? Still set at Xue Nai's house, the mansion of the Hyuga clan?

Hirohiko and Chiba looked at each other, and looked at Yukina at the same time.

And Xue Nai seemed a little unresponsive, looking at Jiu Xinna, speechless in shock.

"Then, disband!"

Without any explanation, Kushina gave the order, and then left directly.

The three of Chiba were left behind, blinking and looking at each other.

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