Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2162 In this world now, then... (4000 words)

This enchantment should be able to defend against grave robbers like Orochimaru and Dou.

Seeing the gradually disappearing golden chains forming the barrier, Qianye exhaled slowly, looking at the three corpses on the stone platform in front of him that seemed to wake up in the next second, Qianye had completely repaired them with the Yang escape technique, Such a thought flashed through my mind.

Sealing technique, curse sealing technique, enchantment technique, although the functions of the three techniques are completely different, they belong to the same system. This system, based on Qianye's current knowledge and knowledge of this kind of technique, is likely to come from the same A technique is just divided into three parts.

Of course, this is just speculation.

It can also be regarded as Chiba's conclusion after seeing the space created by the Sage of the Six Paths to place his spiritual body in the past, and there is no definite evidence.

It's just that the space of the spiritual body is obviously opened up by using the sealing technique, and using the enchantment technique to create a state of isolation, isolating all factors that are not conducive to the existence of the past self's spiritual body, and then using the seal technique to act on the past On top of your own spiritual body, stabilize your past self's spiritual body inside, create a temporary localized spiritual body, and prevent your past self's spiritual body from being rejected and destroyed.

Although it is said that Chiba is localized in the end, the past self is not. That is to say, the past self is still from the outside world, and it is easy to be judged as an outsider, rejected by the whole world, and even cause the world At that time, he was just a spiritual body, which can be said to be very fragile, and it can be regarded as the imprint of a layer of localization marks on the spiritual body by the Sage of the Six Paths with the spell seal technique.

It can be said that the space created by the Immortals of the Six Paths covers the three techniques of sealing, spell sealing, and enchantment. When the space collapsed, Chiba could be regarded as witnessing the fundamental techniques of the entire space. In addition, he studied his own The huge sealing technique in the sealing space is also quite popular, and it can be regarded as having the qualifications to have a glimpse of these fundamental techniques of the Sage of the Six Paths, so Chiba has also absorbed a lot of knowledge from it.

And the knowledge of these basic techniques, even if it is only a small part, has benefited Qianye a lot.

In terms of sealing technique, it has directly and thoroughly perfected and even improved the "Pupil Sealing Technique", a sealing technique that has far surpassed the S-level sealing technique in power, and successfully sealed a single reincarnation eye, scaring Uchiha Nobuhiko away , put an end to the entire Nine-Tails Night. Although it is impossible to form a self-contained system like the Yin Seal System, the Four Elephant Seal System, and the Magic Nine Dragon Seal System, it is only a single seal technique, but the effect of this seal technique alone can surpass the entire system of these systems The strength of the seal can be said to surpass the sealing technique of this era and the era of the Uzumaki clan, and it is basically counted as a six-level sealing technique.

At the same time, through these fundamental techniques, Chiba has strengthened her own Yin Seal and all the sealing techniques of the Yin Seal System, and the effect of the Yin Seal has reached an unprecedented level. The nine-tailed chakra is different from the many characteristics of the human chakra, which is at least the chakra of the tailed beast level, and the new Yin seal, or the six-level Yin seal, has been fully accommodated, and there are even eight The container is not full, it is completely more than enough, I am afraid, to fill these nine Yin-sealed containers, I am afraid that Qianye will not be able to do it without spending decades.

Fortunately, through the continuous improvement of the knowledge of sealing techniques, Chiba's level of sealing techniques has been continuously improved in a way of leaps and bounds. One of the biggest disadvantages of the Yin seal is that it cannot be used if it is not fully charged. It has been perfectly improved by Chiba. Yes, among the nine containers at this time, as long as the container reaches the shadow-level chakra, Chiba can open this container alone to replenish his own chakra.

And coupled with the ability of chakra splitting that he learned when he was researching and creating the art of regeneration, combined with the eight-door model, Chiba's current protracted combat ability can be said to be one of the few in the ninja world. The biggest shortcoming at the beginning, It has become his biggest strength now.

Even, I am afraid that no one can use Chakra so thoroughly like him, not only can create Chakra, but also decompose Chakra to feed itself and improve sustainable combat capabilities.

Of course, this kind of decomposition is not a perpetual motion machine, it is also consuming, and the human body is also limited. At most, Chiba can only decompose once to completely absorb the physical and mental energy contained in the chakra into the cells, fueling the cells. .

It’s just that there is energy loss during the decomposition. The physical energy and mental energy decomposed from a chakra are not 100% of the physical energy and mental energy consumed to produce this chakra. The decomposition rate is basically 5%. From ten to eighty, if one piece of chakra requires one piece of physical energy and one piece of mental energy, after decomposition, the output of physical energy is only 0.5 to 0.8, and the output of mental energy may be even less, only 0.3 To around zero five.

Moreover, the cell absorption may have a 100% effect in the first absorption, but the second absorption may only be 30%, and a battle can also feed back once.

Then, the next time the absorption rate is 100%, a regular rest is required. As for how long this regular period is, Chiba hasn't tested it yet, so it's not sure yet, but at least it should be calculated on a daily basis.

However, this sealing technique was not the part that benefited him the most from these basic techniques. The biggest part should be that Qianye only mastered a small part of the basic enchantment technique.

Among the three techniques, the enchantment technique is the one that Chiba has the least exposure to. Although she has taken the time to learn it, it is only a foundation, not a systematic study.

According to these fundamental techniques, Chiba directly skipped the stages of basic, introductory, primary, intermediate, advanced, etc., and directly mastered the method of using the enchantment technique of the greatest master category, which may be Chiba's skill in enchantment. Possessing a terrifying talent, in short, Qianye seems to have directly mastered the method of using the enchantment technique in the fundamental technique of the six sages in that space, and can create an enchantment technique similar to the external effect of that space.

That is, the enchantment technique that Chiba created now.

Of course, compared to the Sage of the Six Paths, Chiba's true level of enchantment is actually not high. Even the masters of enchantment in this era can look down on Chiba, but Qianye directly learned from a current master of enchantment There is no way to imagine the enchantment technique.

Just like an apprentice, in fact, his understanding of enchantment is a mess, but he doesn't know anything, but he just knows a super awesome skill.

And here, Qianye actually doesn't understand the principle of the enchantment operation. He just used his chakra control ability beyond the times and the extremely terrifying enchantment talent to forcibly set the enchantment set by the sage of the Six Paths in that space. The art part was perfectly copied. Whatever the basic art formula of the Sage of the Six Paths, he drew it and arranged it as he did. In a sense, he copied it mechanically. The enchantment part of that space was extracted, and then mechanically applied to reality.

Pure endorsement, completely ignorant of what the book says.

Of course, how the Sage of the Six Paths arranges, so does Qianye's arrangement. Then, since the Sage of the Six Paths is effective, so is Chiba's arrangement.

It's just that the effect is strong or weak.

Qianye's enchantment technique is probably only one-tenth of the effect of the Sage of the Six Paths.

However, even if it is only one out of ten, it is enough to stop grave robbers like Orochimaru.

It is also fully able to protect the remains of Kushina, Hirohiko, and Xue Nai from being stolen from DNA, and naturally, they will not be desecrated by techniques such as reincarnation.

Moreover, the characteristics of the enchantment technique of the Sage of the Six Paths not only isolates all external unfavorable factors and creates an absolutely closed space, but also has a certain degree of concealment. In addition to its firmness, it also has extremely strong concealment. Even if it is one out of ten, firstly, Orochimaru and Dou's enchantment level limited by the times cannot be broken, and secondly, with the concealment of one out of ten, it is estimated that Orochimaru and the others will not be able to find it.

It's absolutely safe for Jiu Xinnai and the others to stay here.

At least, it is hundreds of times safer than the so-called hidden cemetery.

And this is also the top priority for Chiba before leaving Konoha.

Protect the remains of Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina, and ensure that they can sleep peacefully in an absolutely safe place.

For example, the fighting power shown by Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina, the ideas of Orochimaru and Dou will definitely hit them in the future. Besides, he, Orochimaru and Dou may not be as good as they are now. state.

Even, his position and that of Orochimaru and Dou will only be more hostile than friendly. What plans do Orochimaru and Dou have, and what plans do they have for Konoha, then Chiba is a topic that can never be avoided.

And to deal with Qianye, the best way is those people he cares about, people who are dead but care about.

As for the dead and caring people, the first choice is undoubtedly Kushina, Yukina and Hirohiko.

Chiba doesn't want to face the hostile Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko in the future, not to mention whether he can attack Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko who were reincarnated from the dirt. Can not accept.

He has already experienced the pain of losing them in this era, and he never wants to experience the pain of sealing them with his own hands again.

Besides, let them face themselves, do something to themselves, or be manipulated by others, Jiu Xinnai and the others, how could it be easier than him, wouldn't it be more painful than him?

Chiba must guarantee their peace after death!

As for his idea of ​​reincarnating them with dirty soil, Chiba didn't actually lie to the third Hokage. Chiba never thought about this kind of technique.

Reincarnation of dirt?

Then use the technique of reincarnation?

Do not make jokes!

What he wants is the perfect Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko. For him, the reincarnation of the dirty soil requires sacrifices, and corpses cannot be used as possessions. Are the bodies of Xin Nai, Xue Nai and Hirohiko really theirs?

Or, is it the body of the sacrifice?

What he wants is the original Kushina, Hirohiko and Yukina, not this kind of ambiguity!

Moreover, even if Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina are successfully resurrected with the techniques of reincarnation and reincarnation, it is useless to even design it to unseal the ghouls and revive Minato Namikaze. of.

Now, the time is not yet.

Far less than!

At least, we have to wait until that time, and it will be the most mature time for everything to settle down.

He and all the resurrected people will have a future!

Now, all he can do is to leave the village, and even stay away from here!

There is hope for the future.

It is also this hope that supports Qianye to get out of the grief as quickly as possible, find the courage to live on, bury the grief deeply in his heart, and walk down firmly.


There is still hope!

Everything he wants, and it is possible to achieve it!

And now, from this period of time, from when he decided to change Kushina's fate to when he lost everything, what he has learned, what he has trained, what he has obtained from his companions, and what he has taken from the enemy , can guarantee that this hope will turn into reality.

Reincarnation eye, yin and yang escape technique, sealing technique, eight gates mode, fairy body, wood escape, five escape ninjutsu, creation and regeneration technique, chakra military solution technique...

Everything, what he has worked hard and what he has shouldered is enough to make him one of the strongest ninjas of this era.

His original purpose, to survive, this kind of ideal is already a humble ideal for him now.

His strength, even if he wants to unify the ninja world and cooperate with his strategy ability, it is not a fantasy, and it is not even a distant thing.

However, what he wants to challenge is not such a trivial matter as unifying the ninja world.

What he wants to challenge is this world!

It is to create the wonderful world that you want by yourself!

Everyone is in the world!


Amidst the sound of his palms closing together suddenly, Chiba, who had already exited the range of the enchantment and retreated to the entrance of the basement, took a deep breath.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Suddenly, among the three stone platforms, the sound of plants growing wildly suddenly sounded, as if the hard trees were rubbing against each other, pieces of bark covered with moss slowly and quickly climbed up the three stone platforms as if they were under the ground. The surface of the corpse, which can wake up in a second, firmly covers the three corpses, like a close-fitting wooden coffin.


And at this moment, Qianye let out a soft drink, and the stone platform covered with moss bark, which looked like a coffin, slowly faded away, and finally disappeared in the basement.

As if, never existed.

Sure enough, there is no trace of invisibility in the six-level enchantment technique.

Then, you can rest assured.

Afterwards, after the stone platform disappeared, Qianye stepped into the barrier again, and after confirming that the stone platform was actually still in place, such an exclamation flashed in his heart.

Then, without any hesitation, no hesitation and no nonsense, after confirming, Qianye turned around abruptly and headed for the exit of the basement resolutely.

As for the present world, then...

But between turning around and taking steps, the last trace of nostalgia and grief on Qianye's face suddenly disappeared, leaving behind only a frosty chill.

Destroy it!

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