"Chi Chi... Chi Chi..."

A faint white air flashed on both sides of the temples, and dissipated in the air along with the rapidly sweeping scenery.

It feels like every time I think of the day I graduated early and decided to form a team with them, I always feel like laughing for no reason.

Especially, Hirohiko's slow look.

And at this moment, Qianye, who was flying in the forest and heading towards the direction of the angry and resentful roar of the beast, showed a slightly warm smile on his face .

At this moment, the swallowed army ration pills have been completely digested, relying on the vitality of the cells of the power between the pillars, coupled with the rich nutrition in these army ration pills, Chiba's body is still recovering quite well, and now he can more or less Keep moving at high speed.

Even, if necessary, Chiba can still enter the Jingmen mode. Although it is impossible to increase the chakra amount in the complete Jingmen mode, it is still possible to get a chakra amount of around the shadow level. Of course, if you enter again, Basically, it causes irreversible damage to the root of the body, that is, the cells all over the body, such as reducing the number of cell divisions, etc., almost consuming life.

This can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, or a surprise.

To be honest, at first he devoured the military ration pills in the ninja bag, but he thought that it was better than nothing, and he really needed to add that Chiba did not expect that although the quality of these military ration pills was not as good as the latest bean-sized special military ration The pills are good, and the nutrition is also a lot less, but under the accumulation of the amount, the nutritional content is still considerable, and it is quite good for the energy supplement and nourishment of the cells.

Moreover, now Chiba already has the power of Hashirama, a body that has been localized and joined with the core power of the nightmare world, which can adapt to all the power of this world, and it is the kind of power that integrates the power of this world into the body, not by this Affected by the power of the world, almost all the power of this world, after being completely integrated and assimilated by Chiba's body, can basically reduce a lot of assimilation loss, and Chiba can basically fully exert a percentage of the power that has been integrated More than ninety-five or even one hundred percent of the effect.

For example, in the current power of Zhujian, Chiba's body almost completely swallowed the Zhujian cells, absorbing the beneficial components in the Zhujian cells, and some things in the Zhujian cells that belonged to Qianshou Zhujian were all eliminated or Said to be ruled out, that is why Chiba's body does not have Hashirama's face.

That is to say, Qianye obtained the self-healing abilities of Mutun and Muji, but only this part of the ability, other things including his personal genetic characteristics in Qianshou Zhujian were all excluded.

It's a bit like, getting the skills of Hashirama, it's just a skill, it's like absorbing the skills and energy contained in the cells of Senju Hashirama, and then throwing away all the other things in the cells Feel.

It is precisely because of this that Chiba can completely absorb the power of the Hashirama in the cells of the Hashirama, and after assimilation, almost 100% exert the power of the Hashirama, so Chiba is able to use the technique of the wooden man and the power of the wooden dragon. These two kinds of techniques are very powerful in the wood escape.

Of course, it is also because he is in the Jingmen mode and with the support of pseudo-tailed beast-level chakra, he can fully perform the wooden man technique and the wooden dragon technique.

Avoiding the ones like Yamato, although inheriting Mutun, but the power and the original version are simply the same.

Of course, among the Konoha ninja group, Yamato's Mutun is actually not bad in terms of versatility or power. It is an absolute elite johnin-level combat effectiveness. As for whether it is stronger or not, Chiba I have always felt that because Yamato is a supporting role, Kishimoto didn't portray it well, and it was a bit marginalized. So it didn't show up.

Otherwise, with Yamato Huanbu's aptitude and Mu Dun's innate advantages, he should be a very versatile ninja.

In team missions, one person can almost do what two or three people can do.

If it is placed in this real Naruto world, I am afraid that Yamato's strength is more than that. This is a character who is marginalized by the plot and underestimated.

At least, Bai Jue A Fei later showed extraordinary strength after possessing Yamato.

Of course, for the time being, Chiba cannot use the two kinds of wooden escape ninjutsu, such as the birth of the tree world and the birth of the flower tree world.

In fact, when Qianye awakened Mu Dun, the information of these two techniques had been integrated into his memory, and he knew how to perform these two techniques.

It's just that, firstly, the amount of chakra consumed by these two techniques is almost astronomical. Although Chiba's chakra amount can support it, it consumes too much, and the price/performance ratio is not suitable.

Secondly, in fact, although it is assimilation and fusion, it also awakens Mutun, but it is a process that requires fusion to merge with Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan to form Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

In other words, the process of getting used to it.

Like Qianye now, although he and Mu Dun have a high degree of compatibility, they are still in the process of fusion, similar to the feeling of being unskilled.

Because I am not proficient and the fit is not perfect, I actually need to use more than the standard Chakra every time I perform it. If the Chakra consumed by Senjujuma uses a wooden dummy technique is 1, then the current Chiba , if you use it, you basically need a chakra in the range of 1.2-1.8.

Moreover, the success rate is infinitely close to 100%, not 100%.

As for techniques such as Birth from the Tree World or Birth from the Flower Tree World, which consume a huge amount of Chakra and are quite difficult, Chiba's success rate is actually quite low.

It may not be successful if you use it.

Still need a process.

Of course, given time, given Chiba enough time, it is basically a certainty that Mu Dun will reach the level of Qianju Zhujian with the support of enough Chakra.

But now, after swallowing these military ration pills, Chiba has recovered considerable combat effectiveness, although compared with the heyday, it may not have 10% of the heyday's combat effectiveness.

However, for Chiba, it was enough.

His current physical condition is enough to cope with the next situation.


Snow Nai...





Genma... Kai... Ebisu...

Guanye, Aso, Nanmu...

Taketo, Shiga, Shitori, Teacher Zhenshu...


It turns out that I already have so many friends, almost so many that I can't remember so many people.

That's great.

Being able to travel through is really...

Very good!

But at this moment, with the emergence of a smile, in Qianye's mind, individual figures and scenes of warmth passed by one after another.

The joy of being together, the pain of loss, the hardship of cultivation, the sense of security fighting side by side...

A series of emotions rushed into my heart one after another.

In the end, it was gathered into such a touch of emotion.


Then, at this moment, he stepped on the last branch of the surrounding forest in a hidden place of Konoha, and he stopped.

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