215 Weakness (1/5)

Chapter 215 Weakness (15)


The violent Chakra airflow steamed up around Chiba, his skin became bloodshot and red, the veins on his forehead became prominent, and his hair was blown up by the Chakra airflow and floated up. Even some tiny clods of pebbles and soil on the ground were dragged by the air current and slowly floated up.

"Mr. Jiuxinna, this is the state of Bamen's Dunjia injury." Qianye's mouth was slightly bitter.

And Kushina looked at Hirohiko and Yukina. At this time, the two people's white eyes and Sharingan had been opened, observing Chiba.

"Indeed, the chakra in the injured state did not damage Chiba's muscle tissue very seriously. If this continues, it will be five minutes before the muscle is damaged." Xue Nai said.

At the same time, Hong Yan also said: "Five minutes, the limit. If you pass it, you will be injured."

Hearing what the two said, Kushina seemed to be relieved, and said, "So, what about the injury mode?"

Hearing this, Chiba quickly changed the wounded state into the wounded mode.


The violent chakra air suddenly disappeared, and traces of emerald green brilliance slowly lit up in Qianye's eyes, and a ray of green chakra swirled from the bottom of Chiba's feet, and slowly dissipated.

At the same time, the stones and soil clods pulled up by the Chakra airflow also crackled and fell to the ground.

"The Chakra flow is fast, but it is very gentle and will not cause damage." Xue Nai said.

"That's right." Hirohiko also said.

This time, Jiu Xinnai's face completely eased down.

It seems that Kushina is relieved,

Chiba also released the injury mode and took a breath. This morning, he carefully told Kushina about the eight-door model, including that he learned medical ninjutsu in order to develop the eight-door model, and told Kushina without any concealment.

Although Chiba explained it in detail, Kushina was still worried, and had to prove that there was absolutely no problem with Chiba.

That's why there was that scene just now.

After Kushina breathed a sigh of relief, he touched the heads of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and said, "Thank you."

It seems that there is really no problem.

Really, how many surprises is Qianye going to give me! To be able to further develop and improve the forbidden technique, erasing its danger.

The eight-door mode has not been developed yet, but if it is developed... I am afraid it must be a super S-rank ninjutsu.

Both the power and the difficulty of mastering should be super S rank.

Moreover, Chiba's fine control over Chakra...it is unimaginable, what kind of control is needed to control such a violent Bamen Dunjia Chakra!

Kushina turned her head to look at Chiba, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

I feel that no matter what unimaginable things happen to Chiba, I will not be surprised anymore.

However, this eight-door model has a fatal weakness.

Thinking of this, Kushina's smile slowly disappeared.

If war breaks out, Chiba's survival rate is not as good as that of Hirohiko and Xue Nai. Unlike Hirohiko and Yukina, if Chiba doesn't use the eight-door mode, the amount of chakra is so pitiful. If you use the eight-door mode, you will quickly consume your stamina... In a war like Chiba's, the chance of surviving is too low.

As a teacher, is there any way to help Qianye make up for this weakness?

After turning this thought around, a trace of worry and helplessness flashed in Kushina's eyes.

At this time, Kushina's mind recalled the scene of going to the third Hokage last night.

The scar on Chiba's forehead and the dirty appearance on her body, she didn't believe it was caused by a fight at all. If it was a fight, I'm afraid the elite Chunin might not necessarily be Chiba's opponent, but what about the village's Jonin? Will do it to Chiba.

What she thought at the time was that Chiba was bullied during the confinement, so she immediately went to find Sandai Hokage.

But when she walked outside Hokage's office, she overheard some news.

Generally speaking, there seems to be a change in Shayin Village, as if someone is searching for this person. No, rather than searching, it should be looking for someone.

Judging from the situation, it seems that a certain heavyweight in Hidden Sand Village suddenly disappeared.

The Third Hokage is very worried that this issue will lead to war, and is discussing with others.

At that time, she also knew that she could not enter at this time, so she left quietly.

However, she also understands that the era of peace is about to pass. The three generations of Hokage are all so worried, so it is certain that the situation must not be optimistic.

Half a year ago, the villages were already restless, and this was the information she and Minato collected together.

Now it seems that Kushina can be sure that the war is already on the verge of breaking out.

In the near future, perhaps the third Hokage will take stricter protection measures for her Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

It was also because of this idea that Kushina thought of recruiting opponents for him without telling Chiba, so as to test Chiba's current strength.

But now, Chiba revealed her eight-door model. Although Kushina didn't have much combat experience, she was a genius after all, and she could see the weakness of Chiba's eight-door model at a glance.

The combat endurance is too poor! It is possible that after a battle, Chiba will be reduced to a fish!

During the war, she definitely couldn't leave the village, and she definitely couldn't protect Chiba and the others.

What she was most worried about finally happened.

Chiba, Hirohiko, and Yukina rushed to the battlefield, but I could only pray for their safety in the village, and I couldn't do anything!

"Ms. Kushina... what's wrong with you?"

A call pulled Kushina out of her thoughts, she looked down and saw Hirohiko, Yukina and Chiba all looking at her.

There was even some doubt in Qianye's eyes.

Chiba is very sharp, I have to be careful, I can't let them see the clues here, there should be a period of time before the war breaks out! During this period of time, it must be ensured that they can survive the war to the greatest extent possible.

Thinking of this, Jiu Xinnai showed a smile, concealed all worries and anxiety, and said: "It's nothing, I was just thinking, it's time to eat now, where should we go to eat?"

"Hey? Teacher Jiushina, do you want to treat again?" Chiba's eyes lit up when he heard the meal, and it happened that he was already hungry now.

Really... When it comes to eating, Chiba is the most active!

Kushina's smile slowly widened, and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"Barbecue!" Qianye said without hesitation, the answer was so fast that it almost interrupted Kushina's last word "what".


Then, Kushina punched Chiba on the head unceremoniously.

it hurts!

A wisp of light smoke floated from the raised bag above Chiba's head.

Chiba held her head in her hands, her face paled in pain.

Why... Kushina's fist hurts so much!

"Okay, you don't need to talk, Hirohiko, Yukina, let's go to Ichiraku Ramen." Kushina turned around with a straight face, and greeted Hirohiko and Yukina.

Hirohiko and Yukina looked at Chiba's appearance, subconsciously touched their heads, their faces showed horror, and when they heard Kushina's greeting, they hurriedly followed.

At this time, Kushina had already started walking towards the village.

During this time, we must find a way! Make up for this weakness of Chiba!

From an angle that Hirohiko and Yukina couldn't see, a flash of determination flashed in Kushina's eyes.

But at this time, the sun was shining brightly and warmly, peaceful and warm.

"Qianye, if you don't follow up, you will lose your share!"

"Huh? Barbecue?"

“Ichiraku Ramen!”

"Oh... here it comes!"

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