Like the pitch-black fireball of the pitch-black sun shrinking bit by bit, the pitch-black flame on the body surface is also burning extremely unstable, spewing out pitch-black sparks one after another from time to time, slowly condensing into a young human figure look like.

And as the youth's figure condensed, those pitch-black flames began to thin out, slowly revealing the figure burning in the pitch-black flame.

This... this is!

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes widened slightly, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of astonishment emerged quietly.


And just at the moment when the astonishment appeared, his figure flashed, but he retreated tens of meters, leaving the right place under the ball of light.

After landing softly, his hands were already clasped together.

In the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, vigilance has already appeared.

At this moment, above him, the pitch-black flame had completely faded away, and the remaining few flames seemed to be twisted like a snake, and were slowly absorbed into the figure's crimson patterned body. There is a slight yellowish luster in the skin.

In the end, a figure of a young man wrapped in pale yellow shiny skin was revealed, and he plummeted down.

wooden escape...

Can it still be used like this?

And at this moment, looking at this scene, with the reflection in his eyes of the boy who fell down suddenly, half-kneeling and covered with light yellow skin, Nobuhiko Uchiha slightly pulled the corner of his mouth.

At this time, from the perspective of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, the crimson lines on the pale yellow skin have already cooled down like a red-hot soldering iron, and the red color has faded and turned into black.

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha can clearly see that these lines all over the pale yellow skin are the sealing technique linked by tadpole characters, and the sealing technique connected by countless fire sealing seals are connected to each other as one, but can be independent again

This is……

Unprecedented large compound seal technique!

Moreover, judging from the fact that my own Amaterasu's fire was completely absorbed just now, these fire seals should have been strengthened, and the sealing space must have been expanded, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to absorb so many Amaterasu's fire. Fire.

Using his best defensive ninjutsu, the variation of Rock Hardening Jutsu, and Wood Hardening Jutsu as a carrier, and then using the unimaginable sealing technique to connect a considerable number of fire seals into one, and seal all Amaterasu...

This Taki Chiba's sealing technique has surpassed this era!

Even, has it surpassed all eras after the Six Paths era?

Although he knew that he would not die so easily, he never thought that he would be unscathed.

And watching all this, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face became more and more dignified, and even took on an ugly color.

At the same time, a faint black light slowly lingered around his body.

"Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!"

At this time, Chiba, who was half-squatting on the ground, slowly stood up, wisps of white air evaporated from the pale yellow shiny skin, radiating heat, and looked at Uchi who seemed to be surrounded by black light in front of him. Bo Xinyan looked at the surrounding scene again, his face was still calm and calm, as if the thing that was almost buried in the never-ending sea of ​​flames just now had never happened at all.

The terrain has changed.

It seems that this Nobuhiko Uchiha has regained his confidence in the paragraph just now, or in other words, the suppression of him at the beginning no longer exists.

Next, he will deal with me with the best mentality.

Sure enough, the person the will of the world is looking for doesn't just mean that he is poor in aptitude, he still has such a strong foundation.

Only with such a bottomless force can we survive the reincarnation of each life!

This Uchiha Nobuhiko's mentality, in a sense, is also an indomitable spirit!

And in the next second, after observing for a while, this series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

So fast!

But at the moment when a thought flashed in Chiba's mind, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face changed suddenly, and these two words flashed across his heart in astonishment.

A fist, wrapped in light yellow luster, came from the lower left, almost touching his left cheek!

With just one thought, Chiba already leaned in profile and attacked Nobuhiko Uchiha with the force of a boxing fist.


It's so fast that people can't react!


However, it was blocked, and the left hand raised by Uchiha Nobuhiko was blocked!

From the perspective of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, it clearly captured every movement of Qianye Weiyi, who flew forward, stepped forward and punched, and even the trace of the expressionless light yellow skin face. Dignified, did not escape its capture.

And because it is almost a conditioned reflex, when the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan captured it, Uchiha Nobuhiko wrapped his right hand in the dark and stared at the brilliance, and he had already raised his frame. When Uchiha Nobuhiko's heart flashed the words At that moment, Qianye's right fist and his left arm had already collided heavily.


Just at this moment, the moment the fists and arms came into contact, the black and solid chakra on Uchiha Nobuhiko's left arm burst apart instantly, and with a bang, it directly shattered into wisps of smoke.


Then, in an exclamation that couldn't be finished, Nobuhiko Uchiha's Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan suddenly looked at his left arm. From the perspective of the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, it seemed that time had slowed down countless times. The forearm was hitting his cheek bit by bit.


In the next moment, there was a dull muffled sound, mixed with a series of crackling crackling sounds, Nobuhiko Uchiha's figure flashed suddenly, and in the next second, on the flat ground a hundred meters away, black soil and rocks quickly bulged, When the earth and rocks crumbled, the ground instantly sank, and spider web-like cracks cracked out instantly, spreading to a range of tens of meters outside the pit. Finally, with a "bang", smoke and dust shot out from the cracks, transpiring into column, spraying into the sky.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Just at the opening where the column of smoke and dust burst out, on the ground tens of meters away behind Qianye who kept punching out sideways, there were web-like cracks marked by a right foot deeply embedded in the ground. The center cracked slowly and quickly, like a miniature version of the pit in front, pieces of tiny earth and rocks stood up along the spider web-like cracks, and immediately formed a mini version of the soil forest, surrounding it Deeply embedded in the sunken ground in the middle of the footprint of the right foot.


At the same time, a ray of black fire gently spun around the straight forearm of the right fist covered with tadpole patterns and dissipated in the air.

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