Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2082 turn around

"What is my other purpose? He must have made some plan, and there must be some opportunity. If the time is not up, I'm afraid..."

Looking at the potholed open space and the clearly accessible edge of the open space, which was a mess due to the battle just now, Chiba, who woke up from the memory, sighed softly.

After saying that he could not use the light sphere, as if a certain program had been activated, he was kicked out of the light sphere space with three doors on the bluestone floor, and was even directly kicked out of the spiritual space.

In other words, after these words, he immediately woke up from the coma, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to see Kushina who was about to be unsealed by Nobuhiko Uchiha. At that time, before he could think about it, he Subconsciously, he used the Jingmen mode, and knocked Uchiha Nobuhiko away almost like a physical reflex.

Then, it was a series of battles until now.

In the end, he still didn't know what plan the other self had made. From the memory of the other self, he could feel that part of the memory had been deleted. In this memory, another one should be hidden. self-made plan.

Recovering feelings and feelings now is just the beginning of another plan of my own, and there will be a follow-up.

Even without looking for it from memory, he has a strong feeling that the other self has to do more than just these.

What's more, after the experience of cruel memory, Chiba also has a comprehensive understanding of another self.

The other self, or it can be said, is the past self. It will never just localize when it knows the rules of the world. It must have a deeper purpose.

At least, there is also a plan to make myself comfortable in this world.

And according to what I have done in the past, I have to be thorough. I am afraid that this plan will not necessarily change the entire Hokage world.

Although it is unlikely to be a fundamental change, at least the structure of the ninja world will not necessarily change.

Moreover, at this time Qianye is 100% sure that fate can be changed, but for some reason, there is no change.

Otherwise, the will of the world will not create a reborn person who is basically the opposite of the representative of the world, the Immortal of the Six Paths.

It is also regarded as eternal life, the way of immortality of the Six Paths, which does not interfere with the direction of fate, but secretly monitors everything. In this way, Honkai can still be restored by bestowing power.

In fact, in the original work, the Fourth Ninja World War can already be regarded as a kind of collapse, not only the collapse of combat power, but also the most rooted power of the whole world in the image of Otsutsuki Kaguya, concretizing and standing On the opposite side of the world, this itself has collapsed. As a root power, it must serve the world. Any supreme power that has mastered a world, the existence of root power, is absolutely impossible to stand in the world. On the contrary, even if the master wants to destroy the world and succeeds.

Then, it means that the master is destroying himself.

This is the rule between the world and the world.

When the world dies, the native people die.

And Kaguya Otsutsuki is standing on the opposite side of the world. The will of this Hokage world, the purpose of this Hokage world's existence, on a superficial level, is to let the ninja world continue according to the fate of the original work, no matter what changes occur, The aborigines in the world must survive in this way, and survive in a way with self-awareness.

Otsutsuki Kaguya wants to turn everyone into puppets, soldiers without thinking, and then rule the world and face unknown enemies. This situation is undoubtedly against the will of the Hokage world. If she succeeds, it represents The Naruto World has been fundamentally changed, which is equivalent to destroying the Hokage World. The world controlled by Otsutsuki Kaguya is no longer the Naruto World, and both ninjas and ordinary people in the Naruto World have lost their sense of independence. Basically, it is equivalent to death and demise.

As long as Otsutsuki Kaguya controls the world, it is equivalent to destroying the world, and it is also equivalent to destroying the aborigines of this world.

The world and the natives, die together.

And she is an existence with the root power of the supreme power, and she is completely capable of controlling the world and destroying the world.

Therefore, the god of the Six Paths Sage, and his way of existence, can empower the aborigines to fight against Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In other words, give the aborigines the power to defeat Otsuki Kaguya and save the world.

In this way, it is possible to prevent someone like Otsutsuki Kaguya from destroying the world, and to prevent the supreme power from being obtained by the aborigines with evil intentions, leading to the destruction of the world.

Nobuhiko Uchiha is different. Although Nobuhiko Uchiha is also a kind of immortality, this kind of immortality is much more direct than Sage of the Six Paths. If one fails, it is very likely that a second Otsutsuki Kaguya will be created.

To create Nobuhiko Uchiha, even the will of the world has to take great risks.

And because of the existence of the traverser, the will of the world made such a risky operation. It can be seen that the fate can definitely be changed, and, as a traverser, Qianye can still do it.

In other words, there is considerable hope for Chiba to save Kushina and survive the Nine-Tails Night.

"Forget it. At that time, there should be new reminders. Now, maybe it's not the best time I thought in the past."

Thinking of this, Qianye sighed softly again, but didn't think about it any further. Now, the most important thing is the night of Nine Tails. No matter what, he must go through this level.

Even if you know a lot of things, you can feel the horror of the will of the world.

However, he still has to do it.

After a cruel memory, he understood that what Kushina gave him was not just warmth.

The feelings and feelings he gets in the Naruto world are almost all thanks to Kushina.

It was Kushina who promoted his relationship with Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and was able to bring the three of them, who are usually not sociable, together.

It was Kushina's bet with Namikaze Minato again that he was able to improve his relationship with Kakashi and Dorin.

Even, from Namikaze Minato, he got the crucial puzzle, the knowledge of Chakra's shape change and nature change to the extreme.

It is precisely because of this that his social circle is getting wider and wider. It can be said that he is able to maintain strong feelings and feelings, more or less because of Kushina.

The meaning of Jiu Xinnai is not just at the level of a teacher!

And at this moment, a ray of emerald green brilliance slowly escaped from Qianye's eyes.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, under his feet, the ground suddenly cracked open.


Amidst the silent muffled sound, the emerald green chakra coat suddenly appeared from bottom to top like a flame transpiring, and when the hair suddenly floated upwards and dyed emerald green, the unique eight-door chakra coat of Jingmen mode , has already illuminated the surrounding vicinity!

"bring it on……"

Afterwards, with a low groan, Qianye turned around slowly, raised one hand up, and opened his hands in a gridlock.

The mantis' arms blocked the car and greeted the black giant blade that seemed to come from the sky!


And in the next second, the huge blade that seemed to be burning with pitch-black flames across the entire mountain forest slammed down, engulfing the emerald green figure that was as small as an ant but dared to block it!

With a bang, the earth trembled!

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