Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2073 Survive (4000 words)

"That's right, it's the log cabin when we left."

Stopped, looking at the furnishings of this familiar wooden house, with a slight pant, the past self sighed and said.

At first, I still didn't believe it, but this confirmation is not wrong. This is the place where they left before, and it is also the place where they were attacked by zombies after they woke up from a coma. Even, the decoration here is still the same as when they left before , nothing has changed.

The end of the fog...

Actually, is it still this log cabin?

And at this time, Qianye couldn't help flashing such a dignified thought.

"It seems that this is it."

At the same time, when a solemn thought flashed through Qianye's mind, Xiaoqian, who was behind her in the past, gently put down the only butterfly blade left, sighed, and nodded.


They failed.

The idea of ​​escaping from this wooden house in Shura Purgatory failed.

It was a total failure.

After going around for a while, they came back here.

No matter who assigned this task, whether it is a god or a devil, there is only one thing they can do now.

That is to get the job done.

Obviously, the fog outside is not just a means of creating fear, but has another effect.

For example, the line of sight and sense of direction of the people who confuse them, so that they will return to this wooden house no matter how they escape.

The present self and Xiaoqian in the past may have encountered such a situation.

After they stepped out of the door of the wooden house and entered the mist, they actually walked quite a long distance.

However, in the mist, all electronic communication equipment cannot operate accurately, or in other words, there is no way to operate at all. Even, the time of the two of their mobile phones is stuck at the same time, and it is almost time to go out.

That is to say, in the fog, the mobile phone can't play any role at all, and even the compass function on it is motionless.

Moreover, after stepping into the lost path, the fog with a visibility of half a meter seemed to get thicker as they moved away from the wooden house. At first, the visibility was half a meter, then it was an arm's length in front of them, and finally it was almost as far as reaching out. They didn't see five fingers, and they almost held hands in the end to ensure that they didn't get separated.

Not only is the line of sight blocked, but in the fog, some incredible or unexpected things often happen.

For example, the feeling of peeping will become stronger and stronger. When the visibility is very low, you will see shadowy shadows getting closer and closer, as if you are heading towards these suspicious things, or these shadows are surrounding you. Same as coming over.

Moreover, as they get closer to these shadows, they can also see the strange shapes of these shadows that can arouse all kinds of scary associations. The instinctive fear that the visibility is getting lower and lower because of disorientation is also at this time. , deeper.

Then, for another example, often when they leave these shadows, after they stagger, there will often be a crash above their heads, as if some huge creature passed by, rolling up a large thick fog, or, there will often be a sudden noise around them. It vibrated, and at the same time, thick fog rolled around, as if some huge creature passed by, the ground was trembling.

It can be said that in this fog, not only the visibility is extremely low, but also there are often strange things, but the most terrifying thing is not these, but a kind of whisper, the deeper they go into the fog, their ears seem to be A whispering voice sounded like an auditory hallucination.

I can't hear what I'm saying, but the horror caused by these whispers is really the most terrifying thing that I and Xiaoqian have encountered in the past, even Chiba who has experienced the world of Naruto and has a lot of experience of life and death despair , It was also a burst of fear.

However, even so, the past self and Xiaoqian still maintained their rationality and the most basic rationality. Since they have already guessed that this fog is to prevent them from getting out of this wooden house, they naturally understand that the people in the created fog Horror is also a means to force them to return to the wooden house. After confirming several adventures, such as actively walking towards the shadow, deliberately standing on the path when the huge creature passed by, and listening carefully to those whispers, they are convinced of this. No real harm.

Just with an attitude of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to go to the mountains, I will go wherever the fear is the most. Anyway, I lost my way, so I went around all the way. After five hours estimated by the two, I was hungry and The exhausted two finally found that the fog became thinner and thinner as they moved forward, and finally regained half a meter of visibility. They also understood that their road had come to an end.

They made it through the fog!

However, although they passed through the fog, they did not escape from the wooden house. In the end, they returned to the wooden house.

Back to the origin.

Then, they now have to face those six people, those six people, the six people who have formed a kind of group during this time.

And now, at least nine hours have passed since waking up from the coma. Everyone is hungry and thirsty. At this time, the role of reason should have faded.

Although it is not yet possible to do anything irrational, but it is already necessary to be on guard.

Besides, in terms of physical strength, they were also hungry. After all, they stopped and went for five hours. Not only in terms of numbers, but also in physical strength, they were at a disadvantage.

The behavior of walking out just now really feels like stealing chickens and losing money.

Now that they have realized the true nature of the mission, it may have completely turned from an advantage to a disadvantage under their wrong operations.

"what to do?"

And hearing Xiaoqian's confident words, the past self almost subconsciously asked.

During the five hours in this fog, facing so many horrors, or scary things, and overcoming them side by side, the trust relationship between them has risen to another level compared to before they left.

It can be regarded as going through hardships and dangers together, and living and dying together.

The distance between each other has obviously been shortened by a considerable amount.

Otherwise, in the past, the past self would never have subconsciously asked other people. He would always be the passive side. Now he actively and subconsciously asks questions. Xiaoqian has gained more trust, and has reached the point where she can talk normally, and communicate without being disgusted or particularly cautious, which is already quite trusting.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is quite close.

Although it is not possible to completely let go of guard, but in some critical, impure life-threatening situations, the two can have a very friendly conversation, and to a certain extent, they are very frank, and they will not care too much about gains and losses. .

In a sense, they are already a trustworthy cooperative relationship. Of course, whether they can entrust their backs is still strictly skeptical.

At least, Qianye didn't feel any deeper trust from her past self.

But now the past self doesn't think about it at all, and directly asks Xiaoqian, in addition to the escalation of the trust relationship, there is also a part of the reason, because in this fog, Xiaoqian is basically leading all Behavior.

It was Xiaoqian's idea to try to get close to those fears.

It is also Xiaoqian's decision to conclude that these fears are not dangerous.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, it is Xiaoqian's solution to go to the tiger mountains.

To be honest, in the mist, the past self was completely following Xiaoqian's ass.

This was quite beyond Qianye's expectation. Originally, he thought that the past self became another self, that cold, indifferent but somewhat frightening self, starting from now.

However, the current Chiba only saw a past where she subconsciously began to rely on other people, and did not see any hope.

Although he has qualifications, in terms of actions, he is not as good as himself in the world of Naruto who was blank at the beginning.

Qianye was a little puzzled, how this past self grew into another existence like his own.

"Let's take a look at the situation around here first."

For this, Xiaoqian seemed to have no good solution for a while, so he could only sigh and say this.

"All right……"

However, for such a situation, the past self had no better way to do it. He could only nod his head, and then cautiously began to move towards the two bedrooms.

He has already looked at the furnishings in the wooden house. There is nothing too special and abnormal. It still maintains the appearance when they left, and there is no need to check. The six people should still be in the basement. The most likely possibility at this time He should be asleep. After all, he is hungry and sleep is the most likely situation. Instead, he can check this bedroom.

Although they are now teammates and have a relationship of trust that is deeper than the foundation, it does not mean that Xiaoqian is completely harmless. The past self and Qianye both believed that if there is a situation that has to be done , Xiaoqian would kill herself without hesitation.

Therefore, it is necessary to check this bedroom.

The experience in the fog has made them feel the cruelty of this task.

The word murder seems to have become a bit common at this time.

Now, it is really cornered.

Let's see, how did this Xiaoqian and I resolve it in the end?

In this case, it is impossible to become another me.

Next, something must happen.

At this time, Chiba, whose eyes moved along with her past self, gave up thinking and focused on observing this matter.

Is the door open?

As Qianye focused on observing, the past self had already touched the doorknob of the bedroom, and a doubtful thought flashed in his mind.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it, and just pushed the door open and entered.

"Eat! Drink!"

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred. The moment he pushed the door in the past, his eyes suddenly went dark, and a few drops of fishy water accompanied by a figure with an unkempt face and an extremely wide-open mouth splashed onto him. on the face.

Then, under this sudden situation, the past self hardly had time to react, his eyes widened subconsciously in horror, and with a "click", the figure had bitten off the side of his neck, and blood gushed out instantly.

It's... the man with the phone.

And at this moment, the instant the blood splashed, such a thought popped up in the mind of my past self that hadn't reacted yet.

He recognized it. This figure was the man who had used his mobile phone to call the police.


how come?

How did it become like this?

It was fine before, why did you go crazy?

Why is it unkempt... this smell, like a rotten smell...

Afterwards, countless thoughts flooded into his mind in an instant, some were doubtful, some were surprised, some were unbelievable...


Then, the severe pain came, and suddenly, the chaotic thoughts disappeared in an instant. In his mind, only the feeling of severe pain was left in an instant, and...

Panic panic!

In an instant, a scream came out of his mouth!


Almost at the same time, under the bite force of the man who took out his mobile phone to call the police, he fell heavily to the ground.

The blood instantly soaked the ground.

The sound of cooing echoed in his ears.

He is drinking my blood!

He is drinking my blood!

Blood sucking, he is sucking my blood!


He is a monster!

At the moment when the severe head pain came, his brain was completely occupied by panic, and it went blank in an instant!

Even, forget to struggle.

"Help...help me...help me!"

Then, in the rigidity dominated by fear, the past self screamed hysterically.


And at this moment, a bloody light suddenly shot out from the back of the man's heart.


A howl like a wild beast suddenly spurted out from the mouth of the man with the mobile phone, which was filled with blood.

"Xiao Qian!"

At this very moment, the moment the mobile phone man raised his head, his past self, who was full of the horror of being eaten and could no longer think about it, suddenly yelled out in horror, and the blood on the neck spurted out instantly. out.

And in his eyes, there is the reflection of Xiaoqian rushing towards the butterfly knife with all his attention on the back of his hand.

However, the focus of his eyes was not Xiaoqian, but the man behind Xiaoqian, whose mouth was grown to the limit, and who was holding an ax and was about to chop into Xiaoqian's shoulder. Pretending to be a man!

"It's me who survives!"

At this moment, a greedy roar resounded through the entire wooden house from the mouth of the man in business attire.


And at this very moment, Qianye, who stopped thinking and just observed, felt a slight shock in her heart.

We are the ones who survive!

An almost hysterical roar sounded suddenly, shaking Qianye's entire consciousness.



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