Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2070 Disagreement (4000 words)

"Sword, I want this sword."

"This one is good, this knife is good, light, suitable for girls, here you go."

"Really? Thanks!"

"And this..."


Looking coldly at the six people in front of a certain wall in the basement who were choosing weapons without any sense of tension, listening to the words and exchanges between them that seemed to be familiar in an instant, the kind of good friends who suddenly became good friends who have been in the same boat and have known each other for a long time. The gloomy look on his face in the past seems to have become more intense.

A feeling of ridicule and disdain quietly poured into the slightly anxious Chiba's senses.


This is……

When you are in such a hurry, do you still express strong hostility towards the interaction between people?

Am I such a dark person?

With the influx of such emotions, because of personal experience, or highly empathetic reasons, Chiba thought with this feeling of ridicule and disdain, as well as a strong sense of anxiety and anxiety.

Even in the strong uneasiness and anxiety, the past self still expressed disdain and hostility towards the performance of the six people. This has already shown that the past self has not experienced any baptism of life and death. Apart from having complete past life memories, The other self, who was as blank as Qianye before experiencing life and death, had such a gloomy mind.

At this time, Chiba, who has experienced the world of Naruto, finally understands why the other self has become like that, so gloomy, so cold, and even looking at it, it seems that this person seems to have no feelings .

The memory of the previous life had already infected the essence of his past self, giving him a dark personality.

Does not trust other people, nor does it believe that good relationships exist between people.

However, at this time Qianye was quite fortunate. He knew very well that if he didn't have this dark psychology, his past self would not be able to survive.

The current situation is not as harmonious as it seems, but it is already full of crises. If one fails, this place will become the most dangerous and desperate...


It's also fortunate that my past self didn't have any hopes and expectations for human relationships, so now, no, it should be said just now, after I got down from the basement and saw everything here clearly, I don't want to rely on other people to survive Going on, because I don't want to rely on other people, so under the instinct of survival, my past self is now thinking, and the ins and outs of the whole incident, or the essence, has gradually taken shape.

Although the essence of this formation, after going down to this basement, Chiba already understood.

Everything is too obvious.

However, the current Chiba has experienced countless crises after all, and it is in a world of ninjas dominated by tricks. The way of thinking and thinking, as well as knowledge, vision, experience, reaction ability, etc., are not the same as this past self. On one level, no, not on one dimension.

At this time, the past self, as an ordinary person, was able to calm down so quickly, figure it out so quickly, and react so quickly, which is already very remarkable.

According to the routine of Infinity Stream novels, the past self should belong to the type with very good potential.

The current Chiba finally understands why she has adapted so quickly to the world of Naruto, and her aptitude for survival is still very good.

This has been reflected in adaptability to bizarre situations, responsiveness, calm efficiency, clarity of mind and maturity of thought patterns.

Despite his complete failure in interpersonal relationships, in a sense, God opened a huge French window for him.

He, in essence, may be a bit of a cockroach.

At this moment, although the past self was afraid, although he was startled, swallowed all kinds of saliva, easily panicked and broke out in cold sweat, his brain was still able to think after all, and he was still quite calm, and he was not surprised by these things. At first glance, there is a clear logic.

It can already be said that he has adapted to the current situation.

Such zombies, the fear in movies, TV dramas and novels turned into reality, whoever does not have a little fear in his heart, who will not be afraid.

The key is not whether you are afraid or not, but rather, being able to stay sober and calm when you are afraid.

This is adaptability and responsiveness.

Of course, my past self was really outstanding in this respect.

what to do……

Now how to do?

Can't stay here, have to leave as soon as possible.

However, there are still voices upstairs. Now that I open the isolation door, I'm afraid their weapons are about to greet me.

They will never let me open the door.

Moreover, as long as I have any intention of opening the door, I will be suspected. Even though it is temporarily safe now, it is only a transitional period. They are still in extreme emotions, and they just look peaceful.

When the time comes, they will only do extreme things.

As long as I open the door, there is basically no return.

However, although he is quite good in terms of adaptability and responsiveness, his past self is not very good at dealing with the current situation. It seems that beads of sweat have formed on his forehead, beads of cold sweat , except for the essence of forming, there is a blank in my mind.

In other words, he knows where the problem is, but he doesn't know how to solve it.

For this, Qianye has a thousand ways, but at this moment, she can only sigh helplessly, just as anxious as her past self.

This is just a memory, Qianye can only go with the flow, or turn into a wave and go with the flow.

You can only look at it, and empathize with a higher level than looking at it. Others, you can only think about it. Since it is a memory, it must have established facts and processes, and it cannot be changed.

He can only see what his past self saw, and feel 100% what his past self felt.

Therefore, in this situation, not only the past self, but also Chiba, can only be anxious.

Unless, in the established process, the past self thought of some way.

However, in the end, the past self didn't think of any good solution, and could only listen to the sounds of various zombies moving and wandering under the partition door for a while.

Glancing at the phone, the past self and Chiba realized that four hours had passed.

As for the situation in this basement, except that the excitement of the six people has passed, they seem to be exhausted at this time, drooping tiredly, and they are still making a pile of weapons, there is no change in the basement. It was quiet.

At this time, except for Chiba who was alone under the isolation door, the others were basically gathered together, sitting or leaning against the wall, their eyes opened and closed, obviously a little sleepy.

It has been four hours since I woke up and the zombie attack, and I have completely relaxed from the tense nerves. After confirming that this basement is really an absolutely safe place, I put down my last precautions, everyone. The child is already starting to drowsy.

Even the present past self and Chiba have a feeling that their eyes are starting to fight.

"Is there no sound?"

Then, at this moment, Xiaoqian seemed to have discovered something suddenly, stood up suddenly, listened intently, and spoke.

no sound?

Hearing this, such a thought subconsciously flashed in my past self.

Afterwards, the past self and Chiba also listened for a while.


It seems that there is really no sound.

Then, he suddenly realized that there really seemed to be no sound.

The sound of zombies wandering upstairs is gone!

I can't hear you anymore!

In some, there was only silence and nothing, as if the zombies had already left, or disappeared out of thin air.

In short, there is only silence, a piece of silence.

No sound at all.

"Is there really no sound?"

At this moment, the eyes of the others who were moved by Xiao Qian's words and listened quietly all fell on Qian Ye.

In this space, no one is closer to the ground. Undoubtedly, Qianye can hear it most clearly.

If he didn't hear it, then there might really be no sound.

In this regard, facing the eyes of everyone, the past self panicked for no reason, but after all, he shook his head immediately, expressing that there was really no sound.

To be honest, if this head shaker wasn't in a special atmosphere right now, almost everyone could see the embarrassment and anxiety of their past self.

Living a life of loneliness and slander all year round, my past self not only disdained interpersonal relationships, but also had a dark heart, and also had a fear of people and communication.

Especially in the face of other people's eyes, multiple eyes of others, it is easier to feel fear.

That's why he moved to the corner from the beginning, and after he went down to the basement, he didn't move a step towards the crowd.

Even if other people helped him choose a weapon, he did not choose to go on.

Although there was an element of his unwillingness to get acquainted with these people, but more, it was actually his fear of group life.

And this kind of fear has been reflected in the attitude of being wary and distrusting anyone, which is almost irreversible.

With Xiaoqian's charm of calming everyone down and making everything positive, she didn't save her past self.

The darkness has been deeply rooted in the heart of my past self.

Even at this time, Qianye, who has personally experienced the experience from the past self to the present, can already understand why the other self wants a blank him, and even erases the memory of the previous life.

I finally understood why the other self did this.

"Let's go up and have a look."

And at this time, after seeing his past self's reaction and the suspicion on the six people's faces, Xiaoqian spoke appropriately.

"Go up and have a look?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the six of them were taken aback almost at the same time, quite unable to react.


But at this time, the eyes of the past self are bright.

"Yeah, go up and have a look. I have actually been paying attention for about an hour. There has been no sound upstairs for an hour. Maybe the group of zombies have left or disappeared. I think the upstairs should be safe. Now, We already have weapons. Even if we encounter zombies, there should be no problem. I think we should find a way to escape from this wooden house. Everything here is weird. The best way is to leave here. And, now It's already past seven in the morning, and the sun has already risen, no matter what we encounter now, we can't stay in this threatened place."

In this regard, Xiaoqian slowed down his voice, and spoke in a discussing tone.

This Xiaoqian is really not an ordinary person.

It is very clear.

But hearing this sentence, the past self immersed in his own thoughts did not respond, but Qianye couldn't help but nodded in appreciation.

Xiaoqian is right, now that he has a weapon, there is no movement upstairs, and it is dawn.

There are weapons and light, here, really shouldn't stay any longer.


However, the reaction of the six people to this sentence was not very good. They looked at each other, with hesitation, panic and other expressions on their faces, which finally turned into a kind of hesitation that you look at me and I look at you state.

But, I don't want to go up.

Yes, I don't want to go up.

The expressions of these people clearly wanted to stay in this safe place and were unwilling to take risks.

"Here, let's take it easy. After all, after experiencing such a bizarre thing, let's digest it."

Then, after some hesitation, the man in professional attire said something that made everyone look good.

"Yes, yes, slowly."

"That's right, take it easy, let's go up together."

"Yes, don't force yourself, don't be alone, we will go up together later."

Afterwards, after this sentence started, the six people quickly became active.

"I'll go with you."

But at this moment, the past self who had always been a muffled gourd opened his mouth and said.


And Xiaoqian didn't seem to care about how many people followed her. Hearing this, she was extremely straightforward. Seeing that she didn't have a weapon in her hand, she took a sword and prepared the double-edged butterfly. Glancing at the six people, he smiled and said, "Then, let's go up and have a look first."

Then, amidst the mild persuasion of "Hey! Don't worry!", "Let's go together later", the past self opened the partition door together with Xiaoqian who handed over the long sword , in the dim light cast by the partition door, walked up, and closed the partition door intimately, and reminded the six of them to take turns watching the partition door.

And the six people who stayed in the basement fell into the embarrassing state of you looking at me and I looking at you again when the partition door was closed again.

"Then, let's draw lots, one round every two hours."

In the end, the man in business attire spoke up and said a fair and commonly used method.

Then, when you look at me and I look at you, this method is implemented.

They began to take turns guarding the partition door.

And Xiaoqian and her past self never returned to this basement.

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