Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2066 mentality

Lord... Lord God?

The main god...broken...fragments?

What... what's going on... what, what's going on?

A dozen times... He, he watched it a dozen times?

The first time you come into contact with such a memory, just read it a dozen times at once?

Unable to restrain his eyes from widening bit by bit, the young man looked at the calmness that had settled on Qianye's face at some point in front of him, who was in a daze and sluggish state, and was already a little unable to think.


He couldn't understand again.

He was obviously so afraid of this memory, hesitated, and even had no intention of accepting this memory from just now.

It's fine to accept it reluctantly, maybe it was something his own body did that made him reluctantly make up his mind.

However, after accepting it, I watched it more than a dozen times. What is this, self-abuse?

What kind of person is this guy, this fusion body?

Let’s say he is naive, stupid and cowardly. This guy can accept that cruel memory at once. Not only can he accept it, but he simply read it over and over again. I know the cruelty of memory clearly, and it is not something that innocent and innocent people can experience like this. Even if I accept it, it is impossible to do it over and over a dozen times. The willpower is definitely up to the standard, and even a little bit beyond the standard.

I don't understand.

The young man was quite confused about what was going on.

And looking at the appearance of this fusion body, it seems that it has completely accepted it. The calmness on that face is completely different from the previous look of worrying about gains and losses.

There is almost a feeling that he has a plan in his chest, and no matter what he does, he will not be troubled. It seems that he already has three parts of his body, and the remaining seven parts are different because of the different temperaments of the two.

The main body is a sense of calmness exuding this indifference, which may look gloomy to outsiders.

The fusion body, on the other hand, looks like a calm, stable sense of calm. Let him look at it now, and there is a feeling of peace of mind.

Yes, the feeling of peace of mind.

Even he, a half-robot with a small proportion of personality consciousness and mostly programmed programs, feels at ease.

If it is said that the tranquility of one's own body is a sense of stability similar to self-centeredness, which will only make others feel a kind of pressure from the strong, and dare not underestimate it, then this fusion body in front of you, After taking the initiative to accept those memories, there is a stable temperament that spreads from the heart to the outside, which can make people feel at ease inexplicably, as if following the person in front of them will succeed and win, and there is nothing that cannot be done To the same feeling of being motivated.

This is an alternative strong temperament.

From the memory of my own body, in that cruel memory, there is also a strong man with a similar temperament, and a large number of strong men have gathered around this person, becoming the most powerful force.

Even if it's his own body, he doesn't dare to provoke an existence.

At this moment, his fusion body exudes such an aura.

It was as if, after experiencing that cruel memory, the fusion body in front of him, in an instant, reached the level of a strong person on the psychological level.

This is not a mentality of looking down on life and death, or disregarding life and death, but a mentality that is at a higher level at this stage.

Those who achieve great things will inevitably have a kind of mentality that is not surprised, seemingly calm, but in fact everything is under control. This is a kind of mentality similar to absolute self-confidence, and self-confidence enough to infect people around them.

how to say?

A truly strong person must have a mentality.

In this state of mind, there are very few things that can affect it. In a sense, the mind is strong enough to be immune to some mental skills.

Of course, you can't be immune to the illusion of the Naruto world.

Could it be that the purpose of the ontology is this?

He knew that this fusion body could accept these cruel memories?

Also know that he will be able to overcome these cruel memories?

And thinking of this, all the thoughts and incomprehensions in the young man's heart finally condensed into such a thought.

"am I right?"

And at this moment, looking at the obviously stunned young man in front of him, Qianye took a slight breath and asked again.

So, another my purpose, is this?

Why do I have to accept this cruel memory before telling me the next thing!

Is it to make me who I am now?

During the words, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

This cruel memory is not a test, nor is it a threshold, nor does it want to make myself have some bad emotions.

Rather, nourishment.

That's right, these cruel memories are nourishment.

It is to train the nourishment of his personality that grew up in the Naruto world!

And another reason why I do this is because of who I am now.

At this moment, after experiencing those cruelties, his mentality was unprecedentedly calm, and he himself couldn't believe it.

At the same time, because of this almost constant calm, many things that I hadn't figured out before were all figured out one by one, and the details that I didn't notice before were also noticed one by one.

He finally understood that he had been fighting with him all this time, what he was fighting with.

To be honest, at this time, every time he recalled the things that were really against him, he always felt shuddering, and he almost trembled uncontrollably.

He felt a deep fear.

This is almost an instinctive fear, just like seeing a huge creature, you will be afraid instinctively, and the bigger the thing, the more you will be afraid.

This is a fear that cannot be eliminated.

And what he faced, what he had to face to save Kushina, was such a terrifying existence.

And after going through all this, after peeking at what he was facing, and after experiencing it over and over again, Qianye finally saw it.

The other self deleted this part of his cruel memory, and used the light ball to permanently delete multiple fragments.

This part of the cruel memory is incomplete, and even the extent of the deletion is very large. Although the other self really tried his best to cover up the traces of modification, but after all, he couldn't help but notice the strange Chiba over and over again. To experience, to remember.

According to Chiba's speculation, the part he deleted should be a more cruel and desperate memory than what he experienced.

In other words, the cruelty and despair experienced by the other self was far more cruel and desperate than Chiba recalled.

The other self is already treating himself preferentially.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the other self has a positive purpose in insisting on allowing himself to accept these cruel memories on his own initiative.

No malice!

Everything is just to make his mentality!

In other words, it is...

The mentality of the strong!

Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, don't be shaken by disadvantages, adversities, and desperation, and have a constant calm state of mind!

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