Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2063 Everything is... a calculation?

Got it!

This is another one I arranged.

It can't be said to be arranged, it's a set!

He knows that as long as he draws my attention to the aspect of concern, the backup on the other side may not be known. After all, he has not inherited much consciousness of another me, which is basically composed of memory.

However, as long as I let my attention be lured to the aspect of concern, then I will definitely think about the other me and what concerns I have. Then, I will definitely think of the past life. Because those experiences are completely incomparable with what I am experiencing now, so I will inevitably accept this part of the memory without any suspicion.

In other words, to "recall" this part of the memory.

In this way, I will inevitably think of my mother, the only pillar.

And next, I will inevitably ask questions about my mother, asking this backup, and he has never touched the memory of his mother in his previous life, creating a phenomenon of escaping, no, no, no, not escaping, but abandoning, he abandoned I lost this part of the memory in order to let myself abandon my feelings and get used to that cruel experience.

It must be so.

This backup has his memory, but it doesn't have much of his personality and consciousness, so it will automatically reflect his attitude towards this memory.

And his act of abandoning this memory will naturally be considered as a disdain for his mother.

In this way, when I asked and answered back, I was bound to be puzzled, wondering why the other I didn't care so much about the mother who was almost as important as Kushina in the Naruto world.


Why is there no concern at all.

Why after I recalled it, I had a strong desire to reassure my mother and see her safe, but he was able to not worry about it at all.

In this way, I will explore the why!

And in the end, because I cared too much about my mother, I would think about going back, just like now, I would explore ways to go back.

And will desperately use the current resources, such as the experience that carried the mystery of the world!

Or rather, another experience in which I deduced the laws of the world.

That period, cruel memory!

Thus tempting me to actively accept this memory.

If he knows, I will definitely accept it, because the mother in the previous life is equivalent to the current Kushina.

He is the only person in the previous life who treated me as sincerely as Kushina.


It should be said that Kushina is like her.

I absolutely can't ignore it!

Even, I will definitely take going back as a goal?

So, that is to say, is everything I do now, all kinds of calculations against the Sages of the Six Paths and the will of the world, all for the purpose of going back?

His eyes diverged slightly, and Qianye looked at the young man in front of him with a look that seemed to be watching but was not actually watching, and his thoughts quickly turned.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that this was actually a trick.

One set up by myself, using my mother, my care and worry for my mother, set up to make myself willingly and actively accept that cruel memory!

This is another calculation I made against myself!

This guy even used his mother to plot against him!


He must be crazy!

Then, in the next second, Qianye almost broke out in a cold sweat at what he thought of.

He is well aware of the importance of his mother to him.

Although it is said that it is not as clear as Kushina because it is presented in the way of memory, but the two people can be said to overlap completely.

Positioning is exactly the same.

Everything he does now, everything he does in this Naruto world, is for Kushina, for those who give him warmth.

Then, in the previous life, he could have done all of this for his mother.

Risk your life!

It doesn't matter if you try your best!

Even, any extreme method, he will do it!

play hard!

at all costs!

The other self is sure that as long as he realizes the existence of his mother, or in other words, deepens his feelings for the mother in his memory, he will definitely go back at all costs, even if it is just to report his safety and make his mother feel at ease.

It is precisely because he knows that he will definitely do this thing at all costs to complete it, so he deliberately deleted some important memories and created all kinds of fog, in order to let himself actively accept this paragraph. brutal memory.

Because, the other self knows that growing up in a warm environment, in a situation with many fetters, he may not be able to break the boat, may not be able to be ruthless and decisive, and even, it can be said, compared to having no feelings, or Saying that he has abandoned his feelings, and even his mother can use another self, he is weak.

Maybe, too weak to dare to touch this cruel memory.

As a matter of fact, he did, he dared not touch this memory.

Whether it's looking forward and backward, or confidence in one's willpower.

Therefore, the other self used such a method, such a gentle method, to force himself to accept this cruel memory willingly.

Everything is another own calculation!

At this moment, Qianye, to be honest, was frightened from the bottom of his heart. He really didn't expect that another self would be so cruel!

Even my own mother can use it.

How terrifying this is, even the only tie can be used without any fluctuations, and it is still calculating yourself!

If it were the Hokage World, it would be the same as disregarding Kushina's safety feelings, or even putting Kushina in a dangerous situation deliberately to force himself!

Although comparing the two like this may be a bit of a big deal, but the attitude of the other self using his mother to calculate him, Qianye believes that he will definitely put his mother in danger deliberately for his own purposes.

This scheming and coldness is already terrifying, terrifying, no, even a little perverted!

He couldn't imagine what kind of experience made his past self so terrible!

To be honest, now he has a deep fear of that cruel memory.

"Tell me, is it the way to go back? My other purpose is to go back! Go home! Go back to the previous life?"

And at this moment, in a cold sweat, Qianye almost spoke with a trembling voice.

"Are you going to regret it?"

However, upon hearing Qianye's words, the young man did not confirm or deny, but just spoke like this.

"Is your indefinite answer because of what I said?"

Regarding this, Qianye said almost as if rushing to talk.

"No, not for that."

It was said that this time the young man still spoke in a formal way, and rejected it in a standard way.

The other self doesn't plan to go back!

How naive and stupid!

If the ontology wants to go back, why bother to localize this Naruto world? Cocoon yourself?

But at this moment, the youth's disappointment with Qianye deepened.

"Why, give up..."

Then, after further disappointment, the young man asked.

Looking at the face of this fusion body, he knew that this fusion body had deepened its fear of that memory again, and it was estimated that this time, it was really hopeless.

"No! I want to see, what kind of experience made me become what I hate the most!"

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Qianye whose face changed color.


do not give up?

At this moment, feeling the scorching gaze on the other side, the young man was slightly taken aback, suddenly a little incomprehensible.


Then, these two words suddenly appeared in his mind.

He really didn't feel that the expression of the fusion body in front of him seemed to take the initiative to accept the fear shown by the fusion body.


However, as soon as this idea came up, his expression changed slightly, and he almost froze on the spot.

At this moment, bubbles suddenly appeared around the fusion body in front of him.

One by one, bubbles with moving images!


Really, take the initiative to accept?

Afterwards, seeing all this, he paused there in a daze.


Once again, he couldn't understand.

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