Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1999 Desperate situation?

What does it mean……

Chiba What does this mean?

At this time, let me go to Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei? Moreover, you want to bring Hirohiko with you?


Also, what does his hug mean?

At this time, on the other side, Xue Nai, who gently tore the paper, picked up Hirohiko who seemed to be able to wake up in the next moment, and slowly stood up from the branch, but she couldn't help but go After a glance, his face was full of doubts.

She couldn't figure it out.

Why did Chiba keep such a piece of paper.

As far as Chiba is concerned, he has successfully got her and Hirohiko out of the dangerous area, and now he actually asked them to go to Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei to another battlefield, another dangerous place?

This is completely impossible.

She is no longer the little girl who only listens to Chiba's nonsense, she has her own logical thinking ability.

And the current situation should never have happened.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible!

With Qianye's temperament, he would never let them go into danger again, especially after he had already gotten them out of a dangerous situation.

This guy Qianye has been coaxing and deceiving them away, facing the danger alone, and never letting them take the risk.

The current behavior is really abnormal.

Chiba, what happened?

But at this moment, such a thought flashed through her mind.

There was also Qianye's hug before leaving. Although she still blushed and her heart beat when she thought about it now, there was something wrong.

Chiba would definitely not make such an intimate move, and with Chiba's dullness, he would never think of such a disgusting thought that many boys would have in this way of taking advantage.

Chiba must have a reason for doing this.

Moreover, it is definitely not just for stuffing a note.

There must be a deeper purpose.

And this intention, she still can't figure it out.

However, although she couldn't guess it, she was still sure that when she was in a coma, Chiba must have obtained more information, maybe more information about Nobuhiko Uchiha, and even, because of this information in her heart, she had this information. Her unpredictable thoughts, unpredictable plans.

Combined with his abnormal performance, as well as the last hug and words, I am afraid that Qianye is now carrying out a very dangerous plan.

A dangerous plan that was beyond her imagination and even subverted her cognition.

Even, maybe this time, Qianye's abnormality was not intentional, and he couldn't let her know about some steps.

In short, let's do it according to Chiba's arrangement.

There must be a reason for him.

However, in the end, after doubts passed, she still chose to act according to Chiba's arrangement.

And this time, it wasn't because of blindly believing in Chiba, but because of a conclusion drawn after calm thinking.

At the same time, it may be a woman's intuition that she always feels that what she is going to do now is very important.

It is so important that whether Chiba's plan can be completed depends on whether she can fulfill Chiba's arrangement.

And after making a decision, Xue Nai didn't hesitate at all, she jumped out in a flash, and accelerated towards the direction of the village.

Now, if you want to find Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei, you will be the fastest in the village!



No, if you use the water escape, not only will you not be able to extinguish the fire of Amaterasu, but it will spread the fire of Amaterasu while penetrating, and will fall to the ground in a large area with the water droplets scattered by the waterfall. A sea of ​​flames formed on the sky!

As for me, I am in mid-air now, and when I fall into the flames of Amaterasu, I will still be dead!

Now the Jingmen chakra on my body surface is different from the tailed beast coat. Although it has a defensive effect, it cannot be controlled to fall off. If it burns, I will only become a burning man!

These Amaterasu spirals should have compressed a lot of pupil power, that is, the Amaterasu's fire is inside.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha uses my power, he can even absorb Susano, and express it in the Eight Gates mode, this must be possible.

In the case of Lei Dun, there is no defense, only a single attack.

Feng Dun is probably powerless, these Amaterasu spirals are extremely penetrating, and the mere gusts of wind can't shake them at all.

Huo Dun, like Lei Dun, has no way to do it, and it will even fuel the fire of Amaterasu.

Earth Dun... Although it can be condensed into a solid shield or armor, this Amaterasu spiral has penetrating power. After burning, it will still be broken through when it peels off!

Ninjutsu... there is no way to defend against it!

But at this time, on the other side, among the senses that have been slowed down countless times, Chiba, who is in mid-air and whose momentum has been reduced, looks at the countless Amaterasu who have crossed half the distance and are about to hit him in the next second. Helix, in his heart, came up with such a desperate idea.

Facing these Amaterasu spirals, he has absolutely nothing to do!


What an idiot I am!

He can't use ninjutsu, he doesn't have time to change the nature and form of chakra, but, my eyes, I can use pupil power!

And at this moment, looking at the Amaterasu spiral launched almost instinctively, watching the broken and splashed raindrops that were stained with some pitch-black flames, the corners of Uchiha Nobuhiko's mouth slowly floated up. A self-deprecating smile.

Under such circumstances, there is no way to hide, this Taki Chiba is absolutely impossible to deal with Amaterasu!

Moreover, the penetrating power of the spiral force can make up for many of Amaterasu's lack of attack. With Amaterasu's characteristic of never extinguishing, even if he can use five evasion techniques, he cannot stop it.

Even if he can use various ninjutsu to hinder Amaterasu's spiral, Amaterasu's indestructible characteristics will also form a sea of ​​fire on the ground, and when he falls, he will inevitably be contaminated with Amaterasu.

Besides, I'm still here!

After he landed, I had plenty of ways to attack!


And at this moment, looking at the boy who had nothing to hide from, the self-deprecating smile on Nobuhiko Uchiha's face gradually became indescribably ferocious.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

At this moment, both Chiba and Uchiha Nobuhiko are very clear about the current situation!

Now, what I have to do is to at that time...

And at this moment, in Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind, the scene of the young man in mid-air being engulfed by the fire of Amaterasu flashed across his mind.

However, thinking of this, his face became solemn and cautious.

It's over!

there is no way...

I was too hasty, too hasty!

And at this moment, Qianye, who was in mid-air, also showed a slightly stiff and desperate expression on his face.



However, at this moment, whether it was Chiba or Uchiha Nobuhiko, a strange look flashed across their faces.

Really, doomed?

In the next moment, such a thought flashed through the minds of both of them at the same time.


Then, under the keen insight of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was embedded under the ground, suddenly changed his face.

In his pupils, he had already caught the strange look on Taki Chiba's face.

And, that smile of surprise that breaks the desperate situation!


Then, the next second...

The beautiful flaming sparrow screen, blooming!

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