Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1992 Understand


Mixed with emerald green chakra blood, coughed up from the mouth of the extremely fast and suddenly stopped boy, a piece of emerald green and bright red was scattered in the air, and then gently fell on the ground, and the emerald green dissipated and penetrated into the ground Among them, on the ground, drips of dark color ooze.

"Ka...Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, there was a burst of cracking sound of something hard, one after another.

Must... Susano?

It turned out to be... Susano?

He used my outsider power to absorb... Susanoo!

this kind of thing...


If it is time travel benefits, it is indeed possible!

It can be done!

After all, this time travel benefit does not belong to this world!

No matter how similar they are, they do not belong to this world. It is possible to do things that this world cannot do!

Otherwise, how could "that" exist!

But at this moment, amidst the severe pain all over his body, there was such a horrifying thought that had nothing to do with the pain in his heart.

"Susa... can..."

As this thought flashed by, his eyes looked down bit by bit with a little disbelief, and landed on the black skeleton arm that had already grasped him completely.


And at this moment, the thunder gun he threw that shattered after hitting the black skeleton's arm turned into countless thunder snakes, circling the skeleton's arm several times without causing any real damage. After that, it slowly dissipated into the air.


No wonder, no wonder...

No wonder the two ninjutsu that were improved after having enough chakra, at least S-level power, did not break his defense.

If it is Susanoo who has a more absolute defense than the Raikage's Raikage Chakra mode, then it is indeed impossible to break through the defense.

Even the blow I wanted to do with all my strength just now may not be effective.

At this moment, watching the thunder light in front of him continue to spread and disappear, as if the last ray of light was extinguished by the black flame around the skeleton's arm, the young man's heart began to sink slowly.


And at this moment, the water flowing from the waterfall rushing to the sky due to the internal explosion also poured down at this moment, pouring down like a torrential rain, and within the range of tens of meters in this open space, it seemed that there was no reason It began to rain heavily.

Got it!

Although this Taki Chiba is very cunning, he still has weaknesses after all.

He is only human after all.

I have figured out his fighting habits!

And at this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who was covered in half of the ribs formed by the black chakra, looked at the enemy Taki Chiba who was caught by his Susanoo in front of him, and the eight entities around him formed by chakras. After the dense traces on the emerald green solid chakra coat that seemed to be broken at the touch, the upward smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to rise a little more.

That's right, this Taki Chiba is leaving, this Taki Chiba is cunning, this Taki Chiba may have regained the power of an outsider, and has done things that are completely impossible in his cognition, and often even anticipates the enemy's opportunity, It is often when people are reversed that they realize that they were tricked by him.

However, he is still alone.

Not God.

And as long as he is a human being, he will have behavioral habits, and he has been reincarnated for countless lives. This is the absolute truth he has explored when dealing with such high-IQ tactical enemies. As long as he masters the fighting habits of this tactical ninja, then Easy to counter.

This Taki Chiba is no exception.

In battle, things change rapidly. Every tactical ninja, except for a flash of inspiration in a critical moment or a long-term preparation, basically has a set of fighting habits that he can't even notice.

For example, this Taki Chiba likes two forms of fighting habits.

First, use line of sight interference, use avatar tactics, and use avatars of different attributes to control and subdue the enemy, creating an opportunity to perform a decisive blow.

The second is to hit the enemy into a situation where they cannot control themselves, cooperate with earth escape and water escape, and finally use the water prison technique as the timing of the final blow, and then supplement it with other powerful ninjutsu with certain kill properties , to deliver the final blow, severely wounding or killing the opponent.

And just now, this Taki Chiba used a fighting habit that tends to the second type.

Moreover, it was by taking advantage of Taki Chiba's fighting habits that he predicted every attack by Taki Chiba.

In addition, Taki Chiba must consider breaking his own defense first, which is something you don't need to think about, and from this Taki Chiba's most offensive technique is not his so-called S-level powerful ninjutsu. But from the point of view of the martial art of strange power, Taki Chiba knows that ninjutsu cannot break through his defense, so he must attack with all his strength with strange power, that is to say, he will definitely rush forward.

And after knowing this, he only needs to pretend to be suppressed, and then take advantage of Taki Chiba's rushing up, transform the Susano mode into Susano, and use the space distance of releasing Susano to defend, in one fell swoop You can catch this Taki Chiba.

After all, when a person is attacking, his actions become simple!

Almost, it is a straight line!

Now, as he expected, Taki Chiba is in his palm!


And at this moment, the figure of Susano, who looked like he was grabbing someone with one hand with half of his ribs, and Uchiha Nobuhiko's figure also fell from the mid-air. on the ground.

"This time, I won't leave any room for you!"

At the same time, the moment he landed, his face was already icy cold, and a word full of killing intent came out of his mouth.

Don't give me any leeway?

And at this moment, Qianye, who was firmly held by the black skull's arm, frowned slightly.

The crackling sound suddenly sounded.

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha spoke, but the skeleton arm suddenly changed, one by one, circles of jet-black chakras that seemed to be some kind of fiber slowly emerged from the junction of it and the ribs. Formed everywhere, in a form of human muscle, it was slowly wrapped around the skeleton's arm. The moment the voice fell, an arm wrapped in human muscle fibers was already wrapped around it.

Susano, part two stage!


And in the next second, when Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes flashed with murderous intent, the palm of this muscle-fiber-wrapped arm suddenly tightened, as if to crush the object in the palm, squeeze it tightly!


However, in the next moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face turned to the surrounding area, and a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

Among Susano's tactile feedback, unexpectedly...

I can't pinch it!

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