Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1985 Just let me do something for you...

You are not lying to me, are you...

You are not lying to me, are you...

You are not lying to me, are you...

The words with a little murmur and a weak questioning tone echoed in the ears of the dazed Xue Nai.

Chi... Chiba...

But looking at Qianye who suddenly said this sentence in front of her eyes, she was a little helpless.


What am I... Is there something wrong with what I said?


Why do you doubt me?

Regarding this, there were such a series of thoughts in his mind, and he was quite at a loss.

"No... I didn't lie to you."

Then, the next second, she subconsciously said.

"No... no?"

At this time, Qianye seemed to be still in a daze, and said subconsciously.

"Is there...is there?"

Hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai's heart tightened inexplicably, and she also spoke subconsciously.

I... Did I say something wrong?

I didn't lie to Chiba.

I have never lied to him!

How can he doubt me?

And in her heart, she was quite puzzled at this moment.

"No! No, no! I'm just, just surprised!"

But at this time, seeing the somewhat terrified look on Xue Nai's face, Qianye was suddenly startled, and hurriedly said: "Sorry."

"It turned out to be a surprise."

Hearing this sound, Xue Nai was also relieved, and the panic on his face immediately turned into a look of relief.

It turned out that what I said was too unexpected for Chiba, so when Chiba didn't react, she reacted subconsciously.

That's right.

If you are too surprised, you will indeed have such a reaction.

It's not that Qianye doesn't believe me, it's just that it's a little unexpected.

Very good……

At the same time, such a thought flashed through her mind.

Very good!

It's great that Xue Nai has agreed to leave now.

In this case, there is no need to waste words.

Thinking about it, I really underestimated Xue Nai too much. With Xue Nai's eyes, how can I not see the current situation.

The idea I wanted to persuade her just now was almost an insult to Xue Nai.

Not to mention that he even asked her such a thing out of composure in the end.


I'm really going too far.

At this time, such a thought of joy mixed with a little shame flashed through Qianye's heart.


Thinking of this, Chiba didn't hesitate any more, but gently let go of Xue Nai and Hirohiko's hands, and at the same time, moved her body to straighten Hirohiko's body.

"What are you doing here?"

Regarding this, Xue Nai on the side blinked, showed some doubts, and asked.

After the quarrel just now, the sad atmosphere between the two has eased a lot. At this time, there is also a little less heaviness and a little more curiosity in the words.

"Do something for Hirohiko."

But upon hearing this, Qianye didn't raise her head, but carefully pressed on Hirohiko's body. The tentacles were soft, and under Qianye's pressing, they almost collapsed in large areas, and It seems that there is no elasticity at all. After pressing down, it is pressed in, and it is not bulging.

Even, under the pale color, a feeling of old skin slowly emerged, which looked wrinkled and greasy, especially those small dark spots on Hongyan's body, the closer they got, the softer they were, and there was still flesh The case of separation during pressing.

It seems that the fatal wounds are these dark dots.

It should be the form change of Amaterasu's fire. Did this Uchiha Nobuhiko master the ability of Kagu Satomei to change the form of Amaterasu's fire?

Or, is this guy taking my time-traveling benefits, using this power, and using this form-changing Amaterasu Fire?

In any case, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is at least very good at fire escape, and at least one of the abilities of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is related to the fire element, and the other is related to the seal.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan will produce abilities because of the direction of personal expertise, Itachi's Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, Sasuke's Kagutomei... are all derived from the parts they are good at.

As a special reborn person, Uchiha Nobuhiko should be good at many aspects, and the eyes have also evolved to the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, which may produce compound abilities.

After all, with the special nature of the reborn, it is normal to have compound abilities that the original book does not have.

However, the ability to dominate time and space should be impossible to use anymore.

If this ability can be used at will, and the CD is still short, then he doesn't have to be so cautious.

In this way, there is still hope!

And the hope of turning things around.

Following the examination of Hirohiko's body, a series of thoughts flashed through Chiba's mind.


At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha also noticed Chiba's movements, and his attention was immediately attracted.

What is he going to do?

Is this checking Uchiha Hirohiko's injuries?

It is necessary to check...


He's getting information about me from the wound!

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

This is... Is Chiba seeking information?

And at this time, Xue Nai who was beside Chiba had the same thought in her heart.

However, this kind of cell necrosis should not be caused by the fire of Amaterasu, did Hirohiko use some kind of forbidden technique?

However, is there such a forbidden technique of necrosis all over the body?

Or, is it some kind of pupil technique of his, some kind of pupil technique of Nao's eyes?

If only I could see the battle just now, I should be able to get more information about Nobuhiko Uchiha.

In this life, Nobuhiko Uchiha must have made a big move, otherwise he would not have compromised because of my words just now.

He has made up his mind to do something big.

That's why I care so much about "that".

Following the examination of Hirohiko's body, after confirming that the cells all over his body were necrotic, Chiba took a slight breath and frowned slightly.

Thank you, Hirohiko.

my best friend.

It was you who saved Kushina and Xue Nai.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to lie here.


Next, let me do something for you!

And thinking of this, Qianye sighed softly, looking at the dents that could not be bounced up after being sunken, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know whether it should be regarded as sadness or pain. hands.

Suddenly, a ball of light between bright white and milky white formed in his palm.

Gently, pressed it on Hirohiko's forehead.


But at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's expression changed drastically as he watched Chiba's movements.

"This... this is!"

At the same time, Xue Nai's expression changed drastically.

A look of astonishment and astonishment quietly emerged!

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