Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1973 Is it you?


The sound of ground cracking spread all the way. In the middle of the crisp sound, accompanied by the last sound of ground cracking, one foot, a foot wrapped in misty emerald green brilliance, at the moment of stepping on it, the ground instantly cracked, piece by piece The broken soil slowly floated up along with the small branches of the fallen trees.


Then, a faint emerald-green aura was slowly released from the mouth of the figure wrapped in a haze of emerald-green light.

Is this... the Jingmen mode?

This inflated chakra, the pseudo-tailed beast-level chakra, has almost all the speed and strength bonuses in the Jingmen state.

And, there is also a sharper dynamic vision than Humen and Dumen. Looking at the situation just now, even Xue Nai's white eyes and Obito's kaleidoscopic Sharingan did not capture my speed.

Although it should have happened too suddenly just now, they didn't pay attention so they didn't catch it, but if they didn't pay attention, the insight ability of Baiyan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan level would be invalidated.

This speed, if it weren't for Nobuhiko Uchiha, should already be comparable to the fourth generation of Raikage.

Of course, it should be worse, but it's not that you can't run away when you run into the Lightning Chakra mode, or you can only attack from the side, or predict and calculate, and you can already fight head-on.


Is the Jingmen model a qualitative change from the previous five doors?

And after exhaling this breath, he felt that the chakra in his body was almost as violent as in the wounded state, but he could completely control it, as if tamed, almost several times the amount of chakra in the Dumen mode, the boy slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately, a pair of eyes that were dyed dark green by the misty emerald green brilliance were revealed in the faint emerald green brilliance.

But after he opened his eyes, the boy didn't even look at his friend who was already in tears streaming down his face in front of him, Hokage-sensei whose face was relieved, and didn't even look at the mentor who was restrained by the enemy, let alone the one who looked at him from his eyes. Feeling the desperate enemy in the middle, just staring blankly at his hands...

He shook his fist.

Then, he clenched his fist again.

Chakra is dissipating, but there are still far more Chakra than Dumen mode. Is it because Chakra's ultra-fine control ability has been taken away?

Or is there no way to fully control the scene door mode when it is turned on for the first time?

Just like when the Lifegate mode was just developed, it was inevitable that Chakra would escape, and there was no way to 100% transform the violent Chakra in the Lifegate state.

However, in terms of chakra control, it doesn't feel significantly different.

Chakra's ultra-fine control ability, enhanced clone, and instant memory should all be captured, but it seems that it doesn't have much impact on my strength.

Originally, I thought that losing Chakra's ultra-fine control ability would have a great impact on me, and even the eight-door mode would not be able to open because of this.

After all, one of the foundations of the eight-door mode is the ultra-fine control ability of this chakra. Because of this ultra-fine control ability, it is possible to mix enough mental energy in the eight-door violent chakra to control this violent chakra, reaching a certain level. This balance of energy converts it into usable regular chakra.

Now it seems that I don't have to worry about it at all.

Even the Jingmen mode is quite smooth.

It's just that I don't know if this escape is permanent or temporary.

But at this time, feeling the unimaginable amount of chakra in his body, and the explosive power stimulated by the chakra in Jingmen mode in his body, there was no trace of joy on the boy's face, even There was still a slight doubt on his face.

At this moment, his whole body was already surrounded by a haze of emerald green chakra light curtain, as if he was wearing this coat of emerald green chakra light curtain that could cover from head to toe, somewhat similar to the tail. The beast coat, however, fits his body better than the tailed beast coat, making his whole body look like a light curtain emitting emerald green light with a human silhouette.

And these light curtain-like Chakras are actually a kind of Chakra dissipation, because too much dissipation at the same time forms a physical Chakra light curtain in the form of a coat.

This also made the young man very worried. Although this kind of dissipation is insignificant for his current chakra, it still feels too wasteful for him who is used to using chakra carefully and carefully.

Even though the continuous impact on the Jingmen model is almost negligible, he still feels a little dissatisfied.

And this kind of escape, from his preliminary measurement, is divided into two possibilities, one is permanent, that is to say, the Jingmen mode is like this, because Chakra is too violent, even if it has been controlled, it is still galloping The non-stop is basically the same as the rage speed of the original wounded state, and it is inevitable that the escape will occur. This is a normal state and is normal.

There is also a possibility that he has not fully controlled the Jingmen mode, and this escape is temporary. With the increase in the number of times the Jingmen mode is opened, he will gradually fully control it and will no longer escape.

As far as the body is concerned, it seems that relying on its self-healing ability and strength, it can bear the load.

In Jingmen mode, it is completely ready to enter actual combat.

And finally, after feeling it for a while, the young man raised his head slightly, and after realizing that it could be used in actual combat, he restrained his thoughts, and finally set his eyes on the group of people in front of him.

"Chiba! Is...is it you?"

At this time, seeing the young man's gaze, the three of them, Kushina, Yukina, and Minakaze, spoke almost at the same time.

"Xue Nai, Kushina-sensei, Minato-sensei, you guys, are you all right?"

When he heard this sound, his eyes swept away, the boy's face relaxed, and he hurriedly raised his voice to respond.

"Really... is it really you? Is it really you?"

Hearing the sound of raising the volume, tears fell from Xue Nai's eyes instantly, almost choked up slightly, and said loudly.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato and Kushina stared at him firmly, and there was a hint of questioning.

"Well, it's me, it's me, Chiba."

In this regard, the young man nodded heavily, and looked at the three people who were in good condition, although they were a little embarrassed, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Very good!

They... didn't...

However, at this moment, his eyes touched something, and the thought of relief flashed in his heart, and he was suddenly suffocated.

"What's going on? Hirohiko, are you injured?"

Then, this sentence blurted out under his slightly changed expression.

He saw it, lying on the ground over there, facing his best friend!

And just at this sentence, the joy on the faces of Xue Nai, Minakame Minato and Kushina because of the boy's words disappeared in an instant!

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

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