Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1963 Useful?


The trees in a line fell down, and the sound of falling like thunder rolled over, crossing the open space in the mountains and forests, and reaching everyone's ears from afar.

"Minato... Master Minato, what does this mean? In this case, there is no way to harm him!"

Seeing the smoke rising up in a line, with a bang, Beihua's right hand returned to normal size, Akidou Dingza frowned slightly, looking at Namikaze Minato, who was facing away from him, still maintaining the gesture of reaching out to pick off the mask .

At the same time, his right hand, which had returned to its original size, lightly patted Nara Shikahisa's body behind him.


Amidst the silent Chakra voice, Shikahisa Nara's misty eyes suddenly cleared up, and he said quickly, "What's going on? Is Kushina okay!"

Then, with this sound, his eyes touched the intact Jiu Xinnai whose eyes moved down in front of him, and he was relieved.

Has Ding Zuo caught up?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through his mind, and in his mind, he recalled the feeling of lightness all over his body when the black flame pillar suddenly opened a hole just now.

It was also from that time that he was suddenly able to move.

Not only him, Haiyi and Ding Zuo were also able to move suddenly, and Haiyi made a sensory call to him immediately.

At that time, although he was still a little dazed, he was experienced in many battles after all. In this situation, it was obvious that someone had unlocked Uchiha Nobuhiko's technique for them. At the first moment, he asked Haiyi and Ding Zuo to keep As it is, keep the appearance of being controlled, and wait for the opportunity to act.

And then, it happened that Uchiha Nobuhiko launched an attack by destroying his eyes, which gave them an excellent opportunity.

Although there were not too many calls, Hai Yi and Ding Zuo also responded to his thoughts without any hesitation, not even a tenth of a second, first Hai Yi, then himself, and finally Ding Zuo, as always, tacitly joined forces to attack.

At the critical moment, Kushina was saved.

There should be no problem if there is no Nine-Tails Chakra overflow!

The seal should not have been broken!

It doesn't matter even if it is opened, now that Kushina and Minato are both there, they are both masters of the sealing technique and should be able to repair it.

Following his thoughts, Shikahisa Nara breathed a sigh of relief again, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

It's all right now.

But then, is it all right?

At this time, although he was relieved in his heart, his thoughts immediately fell into another kind of worry, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the place where the smoke rose.

"it works."

And at this time, Namikaze Minato responded to Akimichi Dingza's words with a soft sound.

should be okay!

It is absolutely possible to double the power of Ding Zuo!

And as long as it is done, then the current crisis will definitely be resolved!

Now I can't take care of anything anymore, I have to take them away!


At the same time, this series of thoughts flashed through Namikaze Minato's mind. The voice he captured just now, for him who has done many missions with Akido Dingza, he can still distinguish the multiplication technique. of!

Moreover, the sound of the wind behind it is definitely the sound of the wind caused by the sudden fall of a huge object. Minato Namikaze can be sure that he still has the ability to listen to the sound and argue.

That is to say, he was sure that just behind him, with that sound of grabbing, Ding Zuo must have grabbed that Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Therefore, he will speak out to remind.

Success or failure, in fact, lies in this move!

"it works?"

Hearing this, Qiudao Dingzuo was slightly taken aback, obviously not understanding what Namikaze Minato meant.

"Minato-sama, did you find something?"

And at this time, Yamanaka Haiyi, who had come back from a distance, wiped the blood flowing from his nose, frowned slightly, and spoke.

Just now, he was ejected by Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil power, and he rushed towards this side extremely quickly, but at this time he had stopped, and stood with Akimichi Dingza and Nara Shikaku.

"It's okay, Haiyi."

Hearing this, Akimichi Dingza, who was in a daze, and Nara Shikoku, who was worried again, spoke at the same time.

They could all see the two drops of blood dripping from their noses.

"It's okay, it's just for the time being, I shouldn't be able to use the heart turning technique, and my perception ability has also been greatly disturbed."

In response, Yamanaka Kaiichi smiled slightly and said.

Just now he was bounced out by Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil power, the sound of rolling words seemed to be still buzzing in his head, and his head was also a little swollen and painful, but he knew that he was fine, just because of Uchiha Nobuhiko's The backlash of the pupil power is just some sequelae, as long as you rest for a while, it will be fine, in fact, it will not cause too much harm.

If there is really any harm, he may have some shadows when he thinks about this incident in the future.

That kind of cold and evil, with powerful and unparalleled pupil power, is definitely a nightmare, and I don't want to experience it again.

It's fine.

Seeing the appearance of Yamanaka Kaiichi and hearing his tone of voice, Nara Shikahisa and Akimichi Choza felt relieved at the same time. This appearance and this tone are really all right.

"Hai Yi, are you able to move freely?"

At this time, Namikaze Minato seemed to realize something, and asked suddenly.


To this, Yamanaka Kaiichi quickly replied.

"Ding Zuo? Lu Jiu? Are you too?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato asked again.

"Yes, because of Hirohiko's pupil power, I don't know what he did in the end. He seems to have eliminated the influence of Nobuhiko Uchiha on us, allowing us to move freely."

To this, Shikahisa Nara responded, and by the way, answered the question that Minato Namikaze would ask next.


And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato frowned slightly, and said.

It turned out to be Hirohiko, and Hirohiko's pupil power should not only eliminate Amaterasu, it may be the elimination of Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil power, and it can also give a certain elimination ability.

Now that Lu Jiu and the others can move freely, we are still unable to move. It is estimated that Hirohiko's ability was given to these three people.

"So, what about Hirohiko?"

At the end, he added another sentence.


But hearing this sound, Zhuludie and the three looked at each other, but their faces showed embarrassment, and they could only spit out these two words with difficulty.


However, with just these two words, Minato Namikaze thought of something, and his face darkened instantly.


Are you gone?

But a thought flashed through his mind.

One, grief and regret, but he had to suppress these thoughts of grief and regret.

From just now to now, ever since he heard Hong Yan's sentence that I will leave it to you, he had such a premonition, but he didn't hear it or see it with his own eyes, so he didn't believe it after all.

But now, the reaction of the three of them is beyond words.


Then, in the next second, between his clenched teeth, he squeezed out these few words, and an uncontrollable look of grief appeared on his face.


However, in the next instant, his face was stained with a bit of grief, but it changed suddenly.

sense of disobedience...



yes, leave?

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