Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1931 Already...

"Kushina, don't worry, Hirohiko will be fine..."

"I know...but..."

"Don't worry, Hiroko is a kind and strong child, he won't..."

"But... I'm still a little worried..."

Intermittent words kept ringing in this gradually waking consciousness.

This is... Teacher Kushina...

Also, Minato-sensei?

Now, is it safe?

And the consciousness that gradually became clear, instantly discerned whose voice these intermittent words belonged to.

Is this worrying about me?

It's okay, Mr. Kushina, it's okay, I've woken up, and I don't feel any pain anymore.

Now the key is Chiba and Xue Nai, how are they doing?

Are they all right?

Then, the consciousness that has completely awakened, the first thing that comes to mind is this series of thoughts.


Afterwards, just as this series of thoughts flashed by, the young man slowly opened his eyes with a soft hum.

In the eyes, there are stars all over the sky, the full moon, and the empty sky.

"Hirohiko, are you awake?"

Then, this empty sky was instantly occupied by a beautiful face.

"Ms. Kushina..."

Hirohiko opened his eyes, looked at the face in front of him that occupied almost all of his eyes, seemed to be a little confused, and let out a low cry.

"Where are we?"

Then, this sentence came out of his mouth.

"Is there any problem feeling now? Pain or discomfort?"

However, his words did not receive a response, but were interrupted by another voice. At the same time, in the line of sight, the beautiful face obviously receded, and as the face receded, Hirohiko felt his shoulders tense, and his figure was helped to sit up.




Wait a minute, what's going on?

Why is my body so relaxed, and when did Chakra recover?

Not only is there no pain, it seems that even the external and internal injuries have healed, not only healed, but even the chakra has recovered to 80%... no, about 90%!

How is this going?

But upon hearing this question, Hirohiko's eyes widened slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

At this moment, not only did he feel no pain or injury, he didn't even feel tired and weak. His whole body seemed to be intact, and Chakra had almost recovered.

Did you treat me?

However, what treatment can have such an effect!

Staring blankly at his own hand, and looking at the skin on the hand that seemed to have thinned out even the calluses, Hirohiko was full of doubts.

He can think that maybe they have returned to the village now, and then healed himself, but the treatment until even a thin layer of old calluses is left, this is a bit too exaggerated, and it has exceeded his medical common sense up.

"Hirohiko! How are you? Hirohiko?"

But at this time, seeing Hirohiko sitting up dumbfounded, Kushina's originally relieved expression immediately turned into a worried look, and he hurriedly asked again.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato, who was supporting Hirohiko behind his back, also changed his face. This Hirohiko's performance was a bit abnormal.

To be honest, he is also very worried about what is wrong with Hirohiko's spirit. As Hokage, he is also very clear about the situation of the Uchiha clan. Hirohiko is the child of the Uchiha clan he has contacted the most. A mainstay that can support the village.

He has also grown enough. Although compared to Chiba and Xue Nai, he may still be lacking in talents other than fighting, but he is still good enough. In the future, he will definitely be able to become a deputy commander or lead the execution of major tasks talent.

He doesn't want any problems with Hirohiko now.

And as long as Hirohiko has no mental problems under such circumstances, he can definitely be trusted.

In history, the Uchiha clan also had such an existence that would not be blackened by extreme circumstances, such as the senior Uchiha mirror who was respected by them.

At the beginning, the third generation of Hokage once said that besides Danzo, Uchiha mirror was also a strong candidate for Hokage. It was just that the second generation of Hokage had a new funeral, and the village had internal and external troubles, so this senior did not participate, but chose to support it. The name of the second generation of Naruto on his deathbed.

Namikaze Minato, I still hope that Hirohiko can become the second Uchiha mirror, and can also assist Chiba in the future.

Then there is Yukina who also has Hokage-level talent, and Konoha will have no worries for the next hundred years.

This is also one of the reasons why, with the body of Naruto, he still chose to stay and take the risk of fighting.

He wants to preserve the fire of the village's future.

A Hokage candidate like Chiba is really a hundred years old, no, maybe a thousand years may not be able to produce one.

Compared with her own safety, Chiba's safety is more important.

"I didn't... um? Why... why are you still here? Shouldn't I go back to the village? Isn't the safest thing to go back to the village?"

Seeing the worried expression on his teacher's face, Hirohiko hurriedly opened his mouth to say that he was fine, to reassure the teacher, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the surrounding scenery, his face changed suddenly, and with a huff, suddenly He stood up, and in the second half of the sentence, he became anxious.


Seeing Hirohiko who stood up suddenly, Namikaze Minato and Kushina were taken aback for a moment, and then, joy suddenly appeared on their faces.

Judging by his appearance, he should be fine!

And the spirit is quite good, this Nine-Tails Chakra is really amazing!

Then, there was such a happy thought in my heart.

"It's okay, Hirohiko, it's over, Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei have already won."

At this time, Xue Nai had already walked up to the three of them, seeing the recovered Hirohiko, there was a smile on his face.

"Xue Nai..."

Hearing Xue Nai's voice, Hirohiko hurriedly turned his head away, and saw that his best friend had no obvious scars except for some gray stains on his face, and there seemed to be no injury in his footsteps and posture. He breathed a sigh of relief and opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, it's over. Now we just need to wait for Minato-sensei to reply to Chakra, and then use the Flying Thunder God technique to take us back to the village."

Seeing Hirohiko's dazed look, Xue Nai smiled rarely, and said.

Conveniently, he pointed to Nobuhiko Uchiha on the wall of the pit in the distance, and said.

"What! It's over!"

Looking at his best friend's hand, Hong Yan's face became stiff instantly, and the new red light in his eyes suddenly flashed.

Sangouyu Sharingan suddenly appeared on Hirohiko's face the moment he looked at Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Nobuhiko Uchiha... defeated?



At this moment, under the stiff face, Hongyan was somewhat unable to respond.

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