Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1926 The Moment of Hitting


This is!

The crimson upside-down pupils moved to the upper right of him little by little, and when they touched the lavender spinning chakra ball, a faint layer of surprise floated on Kushina's face.

At this moment, in her line of sight, apart from the spiral pill mixed with Nine-Tails Chakra that was about to hit her, there were more of those two very familiar two that suddenly grew out behind Nobuhiko Uchiha. Black chakra arms.

This arm was extended from his defensive pupil technique just now!

Could it be that!

And at this moment, she suddenly understood something in her heart, and a familiar figure suddenly flashed in her mind.

The figure of the boy whose body is outlined by emerald green chakra!

It's Chiba!

The form of Nobuhiko Uchiha, no, it should be said that his Chakra-style performance is like Chiba's eight-door mode!

It's just that this Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't use the Bamen Dunjia, but absorbed his defensive pupil technique, the absolute defense similar to a human figure!

Now Nobuhiko Uchiha's form, the feeling of being outlined by chakra, is the same as the one she saw at the back of the cabin, covered in blood but excitedly covered by emerald green chakra, as if outlined The figure is exactly the same!

He is also his most proud disciple, the strongest form, exactly the same!

It's just that my most proud disciple is using the eight-door mode after his improvement of the forbidden art of the eight-door dunjia. Now the performance of Nobuhiko Uchiha is probably because the violent chakra of the eight-door dunjia has been replaced by the defense Pupil surgery.

After all, the defensive performance of the defensive pupil technique is nothing more than a huge chakra group, and this huge chakra group is gathered into the body with a method similar to the Chiba Eight Gates model, resulting in the same or higher level of attack as the Eight Gates Dunjia. It is not impossible to increase your speed and strength.

The principle is actually the same.

The current Uchiha Nobuhiko uses the principle of Chiba's eight-door model.

It's just that Chiba developed the eight-door mode to make up for his own lack of chakra, and this Nobuhiko Uchiha does not need to increase chakra. After the defensive pupil technique is absorbed, the improvement shown is somewhat comparable to Chiba's is different.

However, there is no doubt that Nobuhiko Uchiha's current situation is the same as Chiba's eight-door model.

As a teacher, as the teacher who pays the most attention to Chiba, Kushina is now convinced that she is not ignorant of the eight-door model that her most proud disciple relies on the most, or only those that Chiba told her. , she did not study less.

After all, the Bamen Dunjia is absolutely destructive to the human body. If she doesn't study it, how can she rest assured that her disciples will continue to walk on this road.

But now, because of the attention paid to her disciples on weekdays, she has noticed that this Nobuhiko Uchiha, in his current state, has absorbed the power of his defensive pupil technique, just like Chiba's perfect control, as if he has absorbed the Eight Gates Dunjia same strength!

In other words, her punch now is destined to have no effect.

Because Nobuhiko Uchiha is absorbing, not weakening. The defensive power of this defensive pupil technique is still an absolute defense, and her punch is still useless!

And at this moment, when a series of thoughts flashed in Kushina's mind, this was at an extremely high speed, and the lavender spiral pill was already attached to her tailed beast coat. In an instant, The Nine-Tails Chakra on her forehead twisted and twirled in an instant. Under the force of the spiral, almost the Nine-Tails coat on her body was pulled upwards, as if there was a tendency to peel it off.

Got it!

However, don't start too hard!

Never let Nine-Tails Jinchuriki die!

However, at this moment, the lavender spiral pill in his hand hit the target without any suspense, and it would explode in the next moment. Nobuhiko Uchiha, who had achieved his goal of this blow, had a serious expression on his face.

The eyes seem to be slightly narrowed, full of seriousness and prudence.

The power of this spiral pill can easily tear apart his own Susanoo's defense. Although the nine-tailed coat has strong recovery power, if Jinchuriki dies in this blow, then he will get nothing !

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

And as the thought flashed in his mind, the cracking sound seemed to become more intense in the black arm of Susanoo who held the lavender spiral pill and pressed it down, and a layer of faint jet black chakra suddenly appeared. Following the rotation of the spiral pill, a faint black film formed on the edge of the spiral pill.

In an instant, the crimson nine-tailed coat that was twisted and attracted by the rotation of the spiral pill suddenly gave away, and the twisting and pulling force suddenly dissipated.



However, at the moment when the power of Helixwan seemed to be under control, Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes suddenly stared, and the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan outlined by black fire suddenly looked at the ground below him.

This Uzumaki Kushina, and Namikaze Minato's reaction is not right!

The reaction was so cold!

Namikaze Minato was knocked into the air, but Uzumaki Kushina didn't react at all!

Uzumaki Kushina was in such a situation, and Minakaze Minato, who should be able to see it now, didn't do anything, something was wrong!

This is not right!


And just under Uchiha Nobuhiko's shock, a small, bitter voice sounded softly.

Behind him!


At the moment when the sound sounded, the figure in front of him suddenly flashed, his limbs loosened, and when the figure fell, the lavender chakra ball wrapped in black light suddenly pressed down!


Accompanied by the black and purple brilliance, the lavender chakra exploded suddenly, spinning out a spiral trumpet-shaped energy flow, floating in the air.

By! Oh no!

But at this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't even look at it, and suddenly turned around while falling.


However, with his sudden turning back, he could only catch the two figures behind him standing side by side with their left palms and right hands together, pushing straight towards him.

At this moment, there is no Nine-Tails Chakra on the pair of Biren standing side by side, let alone the Nine-Tails coat, while the golden and red hairs are flying, a mass of high-speed rotating deep purple body is almost frozen into a solid body The chakra ball of ordinary color has been spinning and growing in their fitting left palm and right hand, and it will hit their lower back with just a hair's breadth!

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

And on his lower back, Susanoo's protective layer has already cracked, and from a point on his lower back, it suddenly spread to the entire back!


This is impossible!

Helix Wan is just a ninjutsu imitating the birth of Tailed Beast Jade!

How is it possible... How is it possible!


Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, no matter what, it is impossible to do this kind of thing!

And at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face was already full of disbelief!


However, he only had time to flash such a thought, the muffled sound suddenly sounded!

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