Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1921 New Power



Kaleidoscope Sharingan, changed!

Looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha who slowly opened his eyes in front of him, Minakaze Minato and Kushina's heart skipped a beat almost at the same time, and their expressions all changed.

But in their eyes, the reflection is Uchiha Nobuhiko's pair of black lights, like a kaleidoscopic writing sharing eyes made of jet-black flames.

At this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko, apart from the fact that the surrounding Susano has turned into a layer of dark flames that only cover the body surface and is still emitting a faint black smoke, his eyes seem to be in harmony with the body surface. The black flame-like chakra outline is general, and all the strange patterns of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan emit a kind of black light like very thin and thin traces of flames, which looks like the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan Outlined, it turned into a strange pattern of eternal kaleidoscope writing eyes composed of flame-like black light. It looks like black flames surging in the eyes, which is evil and frightening.

This... this is...


This Uchiha Nobuhiko, what's going on?

His chakra...how...how...

At the same time, Yukina, who has been paying attention to Nobuhiko Uchiha, opened her eyes and her face changed, and even a little sweat oozes from her forehead.

Is this the power reflected by Taki Chiba's outsider power?

It looks very inconspicuous.

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha who opened his eyes didn't seem to notice the surrounding situation, and didn't seem to care about the reaction of the enemy facing him. After standing up straight, he raised his hand on the spot and observed the covering on his hand. A thin layer of jet-black flame-like chakra.

However, this power flowing in the body cannot be faked!

The changes are completely over!

The manifestation of Taki Chiba's power has been completely absorbed.

However, although he is somewhat dissatisfied with the performance of this power, Nobuhiko Uchiha is quite satisfied with the power that surges in his body after consuming the power of outsiders that is exclusive to the consciousness space.

Although the strength of those outsiders is still much worse than before, but, after all, it is not for dealing with outsiders, these should be enough.

It's just that I still don't know where this power lies!

However, since it is the embodiment of Taki Chiba's power and the final expression of his outsider power, then it should be related to physical skills and his outsider power.

After all, he is a ninja who is good at physical skills.

As for his outsider power, clone enhancement, chakra ultra-fine control ability, copy eyes similar to Sharingan...


Speaking of which, the current form, this form of expression, is somewhat similar to Taki Chiba's form after taming the Eight Door Dunjia's violent chakra.

However, my chakra did not increase...

Is it manifested elsewhere?

Then, after feeling satisfied, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes showed a bit of thought.


And at this moment, when he was thinking in his heart, he suddenly seemed to find something, and he raised his head slightly in surprise.

This is……

Is Konoha's incumbent Inoka Butterfly?

A place quite far away from here, rushing here at this time?

Here, was found?

When he raised his head slightly, in Nobuhiko Uchiha's mind, a scene of three people flying away appeared, and at the same time, he seemed to be blessed to his heart. He just knew that the three people were far away from him, but they were heading towards him. From here.

This is……


Taki Chiba has sentience?


It should be the manifestation of his power on me, which gave me the ability to perceive... Is it the state of his taming the eight-door dunjia, which will produce an increase in perception?

Indeed, it seems that the range of listening is farther.

In terms of eyesight, because it is the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, so there is no improvement? There is already enough vision, or in other words, the vision improvement of Taki Chiba's power has no effect...

In terms of touch, it seems that the subtle air flow can also be sensed.

Then, it seems that the movement of the enemy can be judged through the air flow... No wonder that Taki Chiba is so difficult to deal with.


Looking at it this way, it seems that he has really gained excellent power.

Although weak, but the overall performance is very good, combined with Taki Chiba's talent, it can indeed display such a difficult combat power.

However, compared to Taki Chiba, what I am absorbing now should not be the power of Bamen Dunjia, but another kind of power, which should be improved far above Taki Chiba.

Now, it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

This power can only last ten minutes, spend five minutes to familiarize yourself with the power, and within three minutes, capture Nine Tails.

Following the strange induction in his mind, Nobuhiko Uchiha lightly clenched his fist, and amidst the musculoskeletal crackling, a smile appeared on the corner of Nobuhiko Uchiha's mouth.


He laughed!

Are you satisfied with your current strength?

But at this time, Minakaze Minato and Kushina, who had been watching him all the time, saw this smile, but couldn't help but thumped in their hearts, and a strong ominous premonition surged up, so that their hearts There were faint beads of sweat on the forehead.


It's not a matter of satisfaction or dissatisfaction!

What does he want to do now?

What is the power he has gained now?

Where did the defensive pupil technique go? Is it the defensive pupil technique itself or another technique? The defensive pupil technique has been removed!

Is he now completely different from our perception of him just now?

The key is these!

Then, as beads of sweat gathered and rolled down, Namikaze Minato and Kushina swallowed almost subconsciously, but their eyes couldn't help but glance at the Kaleidoscope Sharingan that Uchiha Nobuhiko's point of view was not on them.

Faintly, they felt the great threat from these eyes.

One, a threat from instinct!



Namikaze Minato and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki are getting nervous!

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who seemed to have heard something, turned his head slightly, raised his head slightly, and looked at Minakaze Minato and Kushina.

Has the Nine Tails Chakra been used up?

Has it been a long time?

After all, if one second passes in that consciousness space, a lot of time may pass outside.

Is this suffering, is it a temptation?

Moreover, judging from their expressions, they are afraid of me, no, they even have some fear of the unknown...

This is, because I don't know what I have become, so...

Then, after seeing the shattered Flying Thunder God Kunai stuck beside him out of the corner of his eye, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to understand something.

"Fourth Hokage, the last descendant of the Uzumaki clan, since you have doubts about me..."

After realizing what was going on, the corners of Uchiha Nobuhiko's mouth rose a little more, and he spoke suddenly.

Just right, give it a try, this power!

At the same time, there was such a thought in his mind.


And at this moment, Namikaze Minato and Kushina sank at the same time, and instantly entered a fighting state.


However, as soon as they sank, their eyes suddenly looked back.

"Then, let's try to see how much I weigh!"

At this moment, the second half of Uchiha Nobuhiko's words came from behind them.

And at this moment, in the horrified eyes of Namikaze Minato and Kushina who reluctantly turned their heads back, there was an indistinguishable reflection of a fist that had been covered with black flaming chakra as if outlined by black flaming black light. .

The outline of the black light enlarged bit by bit...


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