196 The Whole Story (3/5)

Chapter 196 The Whole Story (35)

here it is?

Qianye slowly opened her eyes, then sat up slowly, looked around, it was pitch black, and she couldn't see her fingers.

He frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and pinched his face, it hurt.

It seems that this should not be an illusion.

And when this thought turned around, he felt a pain in the back of his head, and he couldn't help frowning.

Knocked out?

Scenes of pain surged up in my mind.

After beating Feidanzo... I remember it was...

Qianye frowned tightly, shook his head, and finally didn't think about what happened after he punched Hidanzo, only knew that after beating Hidanzo, he felt a pain in the back of his head, and he was knocked unconscious up.

And the last scene before being knocked unconscious is the scene of Danzo standing up from the cracked wall.

Danzo didn't die, and Chiba was not surprised, because he didn't want to kill Danzo at that time.

But... At that time, what happened?

Qianye looked at his clenched right hand, although he couldn't see his fist clearly now, the pitch black really made it impossible to see his fingers.

At that time, when he walked up to Danzo, he only wanted to say some words of warning and threatened Danzo with the "illusion torture", but after thinking of Kushina's haggard look, he punched him uncontrollably. Go out, and directly beat Danzang out.

This punch almost ruined his final plan.

Originally, his plan, explained to Hirohiko and Xue Nai, only had three steps, but after seeing Kushina's appearance, there was one last step.

The first step is to catch the spies lurking in the village. This time, he became suspicious of the spies after seeing Jiu Xinnai's battle. After synthesizing the information he knew, he came to a conclusion that "Jiu Xinnai could not be taken away unknowingly, unless he was passive." Then, he contacted the meatball shop where the accident happened, and he thought of a possibility "Something must have happened in the meatball shop, causing Kushina to be taken away unknowingly." Of course, he still doesn't know exactly what kind of hands and feet Kushina was moved, but it must have something to do with the meatball shop. Since he did something to Kushina, it may not be from the village, and of course it may be the four cloud ninjas. , but it cannot be denied that there are people in the village who seem to be from the village, but they are not from the village.

That is, the enemy's lurking spy!

That's why he had the plan to spread false information and lure the spies to show their feet.

The second step is to defeat the ninja guarding Kushina. In fact, this step must be done correctly and in time. If it is one step later, Danzo's conspiracy may succeed.

Kushina's spirit was on the verge of collapse, and listening to the female ninja's words seemed to be some kind of brainwashing behavior. From then on, Chiba learned that Danzo wanted to secretly control Kushina and hold Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in his hands.

As for Danzo’s reasons for doing this, whether he is sincerely thinking about the village, guarding Konoha in his own way, or satisfying his unknown ambitions. Chiba doesn't care, trying to control Kushina will definitely not let him succeed.

Of course, Chiba doesn't think that defeating the guard ninja and then rescuing Kushina means that it's over and the matter can be resolved.

Therefore, there will be a third step.

The third step is to go to the third Hokage theory and take Kushina's protection task onto himself. Then, in this way, Danzo's house arrest protection can be broken, and Kushina regains his freedom.

The first two steps are the groundwork for the third step. Defeating Danzo's guards is to show that they have corresponding force, and catching spies unknowingly is a further proof of their ability.

Defeat Danzo's guards and prove that you are more capable. Danzo's guard team is not up to the responsibility of protecting Kushina. And catching the spies is to prove that you are more capable than those Anbu and Gen who haven't caught the spies!

All of this is actually to stop the mouths of Danzo and the two veteran advisors.

Of course, with this alone, even if the two consultants and Danzo were overthrown, it would not be of much use. The key is the third Hokage.

All of this is actually a reason for the third Hokage.

The reason to free Kushina from Danzo's surveillance and control!

Chiba has always believed that the third Hokage is still the kind Hokage who touched him in the original work, caring about Konoha's next generation, and doing his best to protect the future of Konoha and everyone in Konoha Village.

According to the concept of the third Hokage, it is absolutely impossible to restrict Kushina's freedom, even if it is to over-protect, he will not choose such a method as Danzo.

This is the difference between light and darkness of Konoha.

The reason why the third Hokage handed over Kushina to Danzo was due to the situation. Although Koharu and Mitomen Yan were not pleasing in the original work, since they can become consultant veterans, they must have something special, otherwise How to work with the third generation to create a situation where Konoha quickly recovered after World War II.

Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomon Yan are very capable, and they are also disciples of the second generation of Hokage, and they must have inherited the will of the fire. Perhaps the method and concept are different from those of the third generation, but this cannot be denied to them.

They are also for the village.

And with the influence of the two veteran consultants, standing on Danzo's side, the third Hokage can only compromise for the time being.

Yes, handing Kushina to Danzo was just a delaying strategy by the third Hokage, in order to find a reason to put Kushina under his protection again after the situation passed.

At the beginning, Namikaze Minato came to find him for another purpose, which was probably this. Create a reason for the third Hokage.

Otherwise, if Namikaze Minato just came to tell himself to conceal Kushina's identity as Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki, or really just came to see him, why did he say "Kushina asked him to come and see"?

Obviously, this is to remind himself that Kushina is in a very bad situation now.

Namikaze Minato knew that he knew that Kushina was in a disadvantaged situation, so he would definitely not sit idly by, and he also believed in himself, and he would be able to understand the key.

And from this behavior of Namikaze Minato, also from his sentence "I still have a task". It can be inferred that Danzo must have used some means to transfer him out so that he could not rescue Kushina.

This is also Namikaze Minato's helpless move.

I became the last person he could trust!

No, this may be the instruction of the third Hokage. It is estimated that the third hokage also asked Namikaze Minato to create this "reason" at the beginning, but it was prevented by Danzo and ruled out.

After all, Minato Namikaze is Kushina's lover, everyone knows the relationship, and he will definitely not sit idly by, and Minato Namikaze also showed his edge because of Flying Thunder God. Danzo must regard him as the biggest scourge of this matter, so early Just prevent and rule out.

Then, the Third Hokage, who learned of Namikaze Minato's failure, made another decision, which was to let Namikaze Minato secretly pass the message to himself.

Thinking of this, Chiba sighed.

It may not be Namikaze Minato's idea to entrust this matter to me.

Of course, it is possible that this matter is the meaning of the third generation, or the meaning of Namikaze Minato, or the meaning after the two discussed it.

However, it can be seen from this that the courage of the third Hokage and the future fourth Hokage is admirable.

To entrust such a big matter as Renzhuli to a kid like himself who has just performed a mission, if he were himself, he might not be able to do it.

Unexpectedly, the third step went so smoothly, even the attitudes of the two elder advisors changed.

Perhaps, because the third step went too smoothly, Chiba became slack.

At the fourth step of the impromptu decision, he punched Danzo away.

As for the fourth step, it was originally planned to use the fact that Kushina was "tortured by illusion" to threaten Danzo and keep him away from Kushina.

After all, the Three Hokages didn't know about this matter, and no one knew about it. When they came over to carry out the theory, Kushina's illusion had been unraveled, and the situation had stabilized, and the situation was also stable. Only the three of Chiba could rest assured rush over.

In Chiba's view, the matter of "illusion torture" is better as a "chip" to prevent Danzo from acting rashly than telling the third Hokage.

Some things, let people know, it is better not to know.

The relationship between the three generations of Hokage and Danzo is much more complicated than imagined. There is a deep bond between the two, and because of the differences in ideas, each other is light and dark.

If the third Hokage knew about the torture, would they really deal with Danzo?


However, if the third Hokage didn't know about this matter, this matter would be different for Danzo.

Ri Zhan found out about the torture, what would he do? Will it weaken my power, will it doubt my loyalty, will it... After all, Nine Tails Jinchuriki is such a sensitive issue.

This kind of "unknown fear" mentality will arise in Danzo's heart. In Danzo's heart, the matter of "torture" has become an important threat, and it is something that Sandai Hokage cannot know.

And this "important threat" is in the hands of Qianye, then Qianye is qualified to threaten Danzo, and at that time, Danzo may not be a big threat.

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