Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1918 Change and Choice

This Nobuhiko Uchiha's...

how come……

What does he want to do?

His defensive pupil technique...

Amidst Jiu Xinnai's exclamation, a scene that they could never have imagined was reflected in the eyes of the two who were still shocked.

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's body, no, it should be said that the ball of his defensive pupil technique covers the whole body and forms a black chakra ball like a human skeleton, but it seems to be burning at this moment , strands of jet-black chakra continuously evaporated from the flaming chakra group, turning into strands of black chakra threads, disappearing into the air like smoke rising from burning.

And the bone-like entity Chakra seems to be in some kind of burning. Although the process is not obvious, it is indeed softening bit by bit, quite like being in high temperature, unable to resist the temperature, So start to soften in general.

At the same time, Nobuhiko Uchiha closed his eyes, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual.

"Minato... His emotions, I can't feel the emotions on his body anymore. In my perception, it seems that I have lost his specific position."

At this time, the horrified look on Jiu Xinnai's face suddenly faded, her brows suddenly frowned, and she gently tightened her husband's arm, and said.

Obviously, Jiu Xinnai reacted.

Just now, she suddenly lost the emotional response of Uchiha Nobuhiko, and she was shocked immediately, and there was the scene just now. Just now, she thought that Uchiha Nobuhiko suddenly used some means to shield her perception, thinking that Uchiha Nobuhiko An attack was launched, so there was the exclamation just now.

And Uchiha Nobuhiko's defensive pupil technique is also weird and unbelievable at this time. As a powerful Kushina who has experienced this defensive pupil technique, seeing this kind of high temperature softening, although it is different from her The reason for the initial exclamation was different, but this weird situation also made her stunned for a while.

However, at this time, she finally reacted.

Although she has not experienced many battles, or real life-and-death battles, she was constantly absorbing combat experience every time she practiced with Chiba and the others in those days. Compared with real life-and-death battles, this way of absorbing Naturally, her experience is lacking, or rather slow, but after all, she has experienced a lot of battles, after all, she is no longer the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who never left the village and missed any battles. The fighting vigilance that should be there is still there.

Therefore, at this time, she can react quickly.

"No emotions?"

And hearing this, Namikaze Minato was also slightly taken aback, recovering from the weird situation of Uchiha Nobuhiko's defensive pupil technique.

"Well, at that moment just now, his emotions suddenly faded away, whether it was anxiety, anger, or confusion, and even the most basic kindness and malice disappeared. Inside, however, it's as if he doesn't exist... This feeling is very weird, as if there is a corpse in front of you... a corpse."

Hearing her husband's response, Kushina looked at the physical Chakra in front of her without blinking for a moment, who seemed to be getting more and more "hot", and Uchiha Nobuhiko whose physical bone chakra was softening more and more obvious, and murmured murmured.

Although she couldn't figure out the current situation, she felt a little palpitation.

This feeling that there was nothing, but the other party existed perfectly, that he was still alive, but it seemed like a corpse, made her very uncomfortable, and even felt a sense of confusion.

Is perception blocked?


It shouldn't be that simple. The change of this defensive pupil technique is really too weird. The hardness and defensive power of this defensive pupil technique is absolutely impossible to be afraid of the so-called high temperature.

Although it shows the phenomenon of being melted and softened by high temperature, it may not be really high temperature.

It can only be said that Nobuhiko Uchiha's defensive pupil technique is undergoing some drastic changes.

Following his wife's voice, such a thought flashed through Namikaze Minato's mind instantly.

At this time, he had already begun to think about the other party's situation.


The opponent couldn't be a corpse. He didn't think that the attack just now would have a fatal effect on the opponent.

Even, the attack just now didn't break the skin, so let's talk about death.

Now, Namikaze Minato has two conjectures. This corpse is absolutely impossible, it must be alive, but there are many possibilities for being alive.

In summary, it can be divided into two types.

One, which is not good for them, Uchiha Nobuhiko, is using some more powerful technique. After learning that they can hurt him, this Uchiha Nobuhiko can't sit still, and the next thing is the real battle of life and death up.

It's no longer just a transaction.

Of course, the terms of the deal are still there, but they are more likely to die.

The other is beneficial to them. This strange change of Nobuhiko Uchiha is actually due to some kind of accident of his own, or the backlash of the pupil technique, or the kaleidoscope writing similar to the blindness mentioned by Hirohiko. Side effects of round eyes.

In other words, they don't need to do anything now, and the other party will die by itself.

For them, there are two possibilities, one is underground and the other is heaven.

"What to do? Minato."

At this time, Kushina finally couldn't help it, and asked again.

"Try it first!"

To this, Namikaze Minato responded quickly, and following the response, he flicked his hand suddenly, and with a bang, a Flying Thunder God Kunai flew out, darting towards Nobuhiko Uchiha's position and go.


And this Kunai bumped into Uchiha Nobuhiko's body without any suspense. As a result, it collapsed and flew up, and with a sound, it inserted into the ground beside Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Still so tough!

Although there have been changes, the defensive power of this defensive pupil technique has not changed at all!

Almost at the same time, listening to the sound, Minato Namikaze and Kushina judged the hardness of the changing pitch-black chakra group.

Unless they can use the spiral pills just now, all attacks will be in vain.

"Jiushina, I'm afraid, now we only have two options left."

And at this time, looking at the faint cracks on the Flying Thunder God Kumage piercing into the ground, the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth slowly cracked a wry smile.

"Two choices?"

Hearing this, Jiu Xinnai, who was still amazed at the unchanged defense, was slightly taken aback, and said subconsciously.

"That's right, there are only two options. The first one is to take everyone and leave here. The second one is to fully understand, no, it should be said to be, to use that powerful spiral pill again, or to say, A more powerful spiral pill, no, it must be a more powerful spiral pill..."

Listening to his wife's subconscious words, Minato Namikaze stared at Nobuhiko Uchiha, with the corners of his mouth raised bitterly, and said.

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