Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1909 Very Good

Well... so fast!

Almost didn't keep up!

From the perspective of Baiyan's 360 degrees plus the insight ability far beyond Sharingan, two traces of Chakra flashed in his mind, Xue Nai's face changed slightly, and he immediately made a soft fisting gesture, At the same time, he turned his body sideways, posing in a posture about to twist up.


And just at this moment, there was a muffled sound, and under the action of the powerful force of the Helix pill, the whole figure turned into a swift shadow, and Nobuhiko Uchiha's misty black Chakra entangled with it and disappeared obliquely downward. His figure slammed into the huge fist formed by the huge Nine-Tails Chakra coat that was slanting upwards. Immediately, the twisting and downward force of the spiral pill, and the tremendous force of the huge fist of the Nine-Tails coat from bottom to top They converged at one point, and instantly burst apart Uchiha Nobuhiko's seemingly small and weak body.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Immediately, the huge force rebounded and surged out, and the ground less than one meter below Nobuhiko Uchiha's body would be cracked by the force of the rebound in an instant. A huge cobweb pit was formed.


And in the next moment, another wave of force bounced back, like an invisible explosion, the huge cobweb pit was directly crushed by this huge force, and cracked out the crushed stone. A grain of dust exploded into the sky, turning into a column of smoke that completely engulfed Nobuhiko Uchiha!

In an instant, a gust of wind picked up, carrying gravel and dust, spinning and spreading, turning into a huge tornado of smoke and dust, rapidly spreading and impacting!

Back to the days!

And at this moment, Xue Nai's figure flashed, and a huge azure blue rotating chakra cover was twisted instantly, covering her, Hirohiko wrapped in Nine-Tails coat on the ground, and Chiba who was completely unresponsive .


Just at the moment when the cover was formed, the strong wind and smoke came and hit the cover heavily.


And almost instantly, the wind and smoke were twisted away by the rotating cover, divided into two strands, and spread towards both sides at a faster speed, just like a huge wave crashing on a huge reef, turning into a wave. Two streams roared past.

Go back to heaven, stand still!


And the smoke and dust tornado came and went quickly, but in a few seconds, the wind swept past, and the smoke and dust disappeared with the wind, and slowly dissipated hundreds of meters away, except for a few pieces occasionally Outside of the belt of smoke and dust that still filled the air, there was nothing left.

Except for the huge crater in the center, and the black chakra group that seemed to be burning in the center of the crater, it seemed that the tornado smoke had never been there.

And as the smoke and dust came and went quickly, Xue Nai's return to the sky dissipated instantly when the smoke and dust disappeared.

It's really thanks to Teacher Kushina!

Otherwise, this cloud of smoke may endanger Hiroko and Chiba!

While the hair was falling down gently, Xue Nai couldn't help but think about it with some gratitude, and the visual point of view of her white eyes also involuntarily swept to the two intact teenagers under the cracked pit behind her.

Teacher Kushina, you've become stronger again!

The form of seven tails, perhaps, really has hope!

Then, her eyes turned to the place where the masked man surrounded by the black flames was next to the cut-off jet-black flame belt hundreds of meters in front of the side. Seeing that fell to the ground, there was a seal-like masked man on his back at some point.

Subconsciously, she still checked the movements of the masked man. Now, this masked man is their most important bargaining chip, and she cannot let him make any mistakes.

Fortunately, the gust of wind just now, although it seemed violent, was extremely fast, and it did not hinder Teacher Minato.

And after this glance, Xue Nai's gaze was slightly relieved by the three-chased Ku Wushang who seemed to be taken out of a distance in front of the pitch-black flame wall.

The mark of Flying Thunder God, after Hirohiko opened the dark flame wall, it will become the fastest anchor, the fastest anchor to grab the masked man, and the fastest way to end the battle.

If they were blown away just now, it would be quite troublesome to be in the position of protecting Hirohiko and Chiba.


How about that Uchiha Nobuhiko!

Although it is impossible to defeat him like this, Teacher Jiushina chose the timing very well. It happened to be when his defensive pupil technique had not been fully deployed, and when his defensive power was also the weakest. Spare some strength, it should be able to cause some damage!

But thinking of this, Xue Nai didn't worry too much about Fei Lei Shen Kunai, and didn't blindly worry about Hirohiko and Chiba behind him, but naturally cast her eyes on the enemy.

That is, on the side of the dark chakra group in the deep pit.

"Ka... Kaka... Kaka..."

At this time, in the cracked deep pit, sounds that seemed to be cracking and growing, were constantly ringing.


Along with the sound of breaking and growing, a sigh sounded softly.

Jinchuriki who wields the power of Nine Tails.

Owns the fourth Hokage of Flying Thunder God.

And after this sigh, the chakra group that seemed to be burning seemed to rise little by little.

Is that the only damage that can be caused?

When I was completely unprepared.

A smile slowly bloomed on the corner of Uchiha Nobuhiko's mouth who stood up little by little, the corner of the mouth overflowing with a little blood.

A little...does it hurt!


But at this time, the two sides of the pit stood facing each other, and Minakaze Minato and Kushina, who were slightly sinking and originally planning to attack again, stopped their figures irresistibly.

At this moment, the young man standing up slowly at the bottom of the pit looked intact except for the smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, and in the black flame-like chakra around him, ribs The materialized chakras seem to be constantly being generated and growing, and the flaming black chakra group has also turned into the appearance of a humanoid upper body. With the skeleton materialized chakra in the chakra group, it is the upper body of a skeleton. .

The opportunity to hurt him has been missed!

Almost instantly, such a heavy thought flashed through the minds of both of them.

"It's a beautiful sneak attack. Even the Kaleidoscope Sharingan didn't notice it, and there was no sign at all. The power of the attack is quite good."

And at this time, amidst the crackling of bones, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was standing upright, was smiling without wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. Package, Jiu Xinna, who was constantly shattering under his feet, spoke in a leisurely manner.

"It's just, it's just a scratching level!"

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