Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1884 Take a good look

"It's all right, Teacher Kushina, Hirohiko is all right, he just fainted, it may be because of too much blood loss before, and now the mood swings are too big."

Gently laying Hirohiko flat, Xue Nai, who checked Hirohiko's injuries at the first time, slowly closed her eyes, while the meridians in the corners of her eyes receded, she let out a long breath, and said in a relieved tone .

Although it was a bit scary to faint suddenly, Hongyan's body is in good condition and there is no trauma. The biggest injury should be a broken arm, but the broken arm has been bandaged to stop the bleeding.

I'm afraid he lost too much blood just now, and now he fainted because of the emotional agitation and some stimulation just now.

There is nothing serious, and there is no danger to life, and all bodily functions are fine.

Even, fainting now is better than being awake.

Just now, Hirohiko’s decision to retreat must have been very determined. Judging from Hirohiko’s attitude towards this Uchiha Nobuhiko just now and the previous narration, I am afraid that Hirohiko has a deep hatred with this Uchiha Nobuhiko. From just now he almost Losing his mind and directly ignoring the situation of rushing forward, Hirohiko absolutely does not want to let this Uchiha Nobuhiko go.

However, for them, he had to choose to retreat, giving up the chance to kill Nobuhiko Uchiha, and also giving up Chiba's life.

This must have caused Hirohiko to suffer a considerable emotional impact. Xue Nai almost couldn't imagine the contradiction and pain of giving up the opportunity of revenge and the life of his best friend.

Therefore, when he said to retreat, his emotions also fell into the highest point of contradiction and pain, and his body finally judged that he could no longer bear the emotional impact, and finally passed out in a self-protective way.

Now, being in a coma might be a good thing.


After receiving the news that Hirohiko was fine, Kushina let out a long sigh of relief.

Are you okay?

Although it may be a little sorry for Hongyan to say this, but now I really hope that something will happen to Hongyan and he must return to the village!

At the same time, Minakame Minato, who heard Xue Nai's words, was relieved and a little helpless.

If something happened to Hong Yan, he could use Hong Yan to try to persuade the two of them.

After all, although compared to Hirohiko, Yuki Nai will definitely prefer Chiba, her sweetheart, and her own wife is also somewhat biased towards Chiba because of her attention to Chiba, but Hirohiko is also an important existence for them after all. How could they only think about Chiba.

At that time, he only needs to leave Qianye here, take Jiu Xinnai and the others away, and never come back.

Although in this case, I am absolutely sorry for Qianye, but it is absolutely impossible to retreat and take Qianye away.

Instead, leaving Qianye behind, there is still a glimmer of life.

Chiba is a trump card for Uchiha Nobuhiko after all. If Chiba is left behind, Uchiha Nobuhiko may not kill Chiba. He can use Chiba to set another trap to lure them.

Besides, even if there is no way tonight, it will be useful in the future.

On the contrary, it will increase Chiba's survival rate.

And if they took Chiba away, then, it would be bad. Nobuhiko Uchiha would never let them take Chiba away safely.

This is also a compromise.

After all, now is not the time for emotions to trump everything else.

It also made Namikaze Minato very frustrated, leaving Chiba to the enemy turned out to be the only way he could save Chiba.

However, now that Hirohiko is in a coma, he might not be able to convince Xue Nai and Kushina by himself.

Even if I forcibly take them back, they will try their best to pursue Nobuhiko Uchiha, and now Xue Nai is showing no less scheming than Chiba, when the time comes, they really want to sneak away, I'm afraid it's not as good as it is now, It's good to be by your side and fight side by side with yourself.

Now, can I just bite the bullet and go on?

Really are……

What else can I do?

Thinking of this, a trace of bitterness flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes.

"No, to be honest, I don't want to do anything, everything is just for freedom!"

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to have noticed the bitterness in his eyes, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his eyes, and he said a word outright.

Don't want to do what?

But Minato Namikaze, who was still worried and hesitant when he heard this simple sentence, was slightly taken aback.

Even Yukina and Kushina, who were relieved of Hirohiko behind the scenes, were slightly taken aback.

What's the meaning?

What don't you want to do?

He doesn't want to capture Nine Tails?

What are you kidding?

Then, almost at the same time, the same few years flashed through the minds of the four of them.


At the same time, as if confirming their thoughts, with a soundless sound, the flaming chakra group around Nobuhiko Uchiha suddenly shattered into the air.


And, with a soft sound, he stepped into the Flying Thunder God Kunai area, and when he stopped, there were two Flying Thunder God Kunai at his feet.

"In this way, it should be able to prove my sincerity?"

After stopping, Uchiha Nobuhiko raised his hands, looked at the three people on the opposite side who were stunned for the first time when they noticed his actions, and said quite sincerely.

Now, the first priority is to stabilize them!

Because of Susanoo's mistake just now, they already have a little intention of retreating. Here, they must think that I actually have no intention of fighting.

After stepping into this dangerous place, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't feel much nervous, but such a thought flashed through his mind.

walked in!

The defensive pupil technique was also withdrawn!

Seeing Uchiha Nobuhiko's actions, Namikaze Minato narrowed his eyes slightly, and even Yukina behind him frowned.

"Do you think that because of this, we will believe it? The defensive pupil technique is activated very quickly. Are you doing this to lure us to attack first?"

Then, Namikaze Minato spoke.

In Xue Nai's last attack just now, Uchiha Nobuhiko activated the defensive pupil technique almost instantly. Although he stepped into the range of Fei Lei Shen Kunai, for Uchiha Nobuhiko, he is still absolutely It's safe, the attack just now can be defended, no matter how fast Flying Thunder God is, if it can be activated in an instant, it is still powerless.

The kaleidoscope above Sharingan's sharingan-level insight, he will still be discovered the moment he appears, and seeing Uchiha Nobuhiko's proficient appearance, the defensive pupil technique is probably inspired like instinct, and he will be discovered At the same time, this pupil technique may have covered Nobuhiko Uchiha's body.

Flying Thunder God's attack is bound to be unavoidably defended.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'm just telling you that I don't have much hostility. If you still don't believe me, then please take a good look at my heart."

And at this time, upon hearing Namikaze Minato's sound, Uchiha Nobuhiko snorted coldly and said.

"Master Minato..."

Hearing this sound, Xue Nai frowned a little more, and looked at Minakaze Minato.


To this, Namikaze Minato nodded and said.


Hearing this, Xue Nai didn't talk nonsense, her white eyes opened again, and in an instant, Nobuhiko Uchiha's heart was printed in her eyes.

This is!

And after this glance, Xue Nai's complexion changed drastically, and a hint of horror flashed in his eyes instantly!

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