Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1882 What do you want?

"What do you want?"

Slightly glanced back, and after getting the reaction from Yukina and Kushina who shook their heads dejectedly, Minato Namikaze raised his head slowly, and looked at the sneering figure in the flaming chakra group, He said word for word.

This is the end of the matter, there is no way out.

At the same time, looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him, Minami Namikaze has sunk to the bottom, and a battle is inevitable.

"Nobuhiko Uchiha, an S-rank wanted criminal, a traitor of the Uchiha clan, has a kaleidoscope sharingan similar to Hirohiko, and may be a more advanced form of kaleidoscope sharingan. It seems that there is no side effect of Hirohiko's kaleidoscope sharingan. Moreover, he can use more advanced defensive pupil techniques. Now the flaming chakra group on his body should have almost absolute defensive power, which can defend against Xue Nai's attack. It is estimated that general ninjutsu, including my spiral Maru has no way to break through his defense. I am afraid that in the next battle, we will not only lose the initiative, but also lose our lives."

And as his heart sank to the bottom, after thinking loudly about Uchiha Nobuhiko's question, Namikaze Minato conveyed the information of the enemy on the opposite side with a serious face, and told the current situation clearly and concisely. everyone.

After looking at it for a period of time, Minato Namikaze really found out a lot of the opponent's strength, but after finding out the strength of the opponent and formulating various plans, Minato Namikaze found that they seemed to be somewhat powerless.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko's defensive pupil technique can't even destroy Xue Nai's special soft fist technique, which has the most attack penetration and can destroy the defense here. I'm afraid that the strongest attack method on them can't break through that defense.

In other words, the opponent may be invincible to oneself.

And look at Nobuhiko Uchiha's use of the jet-black flame, which is more proficient than Hirohiko, and Arter is even more indifferent, and there is no sequelae. If it is Hirohiko, it is this obviously more advanced defensive pupil technique, and it is pitch black I am afraid that I have to withdraw from the state of Kaleidoscope Sharingan now.

Nobuhiko Uchiha's appearance of using it casually, even if he is Hokage, he can't help but feel frightened in his heart.

Now, that is to say, the opponent is on this side, in terms of defense, it is invincible, and in terms of attack, it is absolutely capable of threatening its own side.

This kind of disadvantage is no longer an absolute disadvantage, it is basically a lost situation.

The so-called strategy also has limits.

If you can't hurt the other party, but the other party can hurt yourself, then no matter how many strategies you have, they will be useless.

Now relying on the advantage of Flying Thunder God, I'm afraid it's just a war of attrition, and at the end of the day, the ones who consume Chakra the fastest must be those who use Flying Thunder God.

"Before everything is over, I will commit suicide and never let them get Kyuubi, but here, I will never let go of Chiba."

But after hearing this, Jiu Xinnai's undeniable words sounded immediately, and a sense of determination filled the words.

In Namikaze Minato's mind, the resolute yet stubborn beautiful face of his wife naturally appeared.

"I do not know either!"

In this regard, Xue Nai also said simply, even a little firmly.

As one of the very few female caregivers in Chiba's life, both of them were extremely determined. Even if there was a death ahead, or even death in vain, they did not hesitate at all.


Can't you persuade me?

Hearing these two voices, Minato Namikaze sighed lightly, and Hirohiko was left, probably with the same attitude.

To be honest, the reason for saying this is that Minato Namakaze wants to retreat.

That's right, retreat.

straight back.

At first, he felt that there was still hope, after all, Xue Nai's attack had not completely disappeared, but just now, he found that the cracks on the chakra group of black flames had completely disappeared, and even appeared in the chakra group. A skeletal entity.

Instinctively, he felt that this skeletal entity might have a higher form, and its defense power and even its attack power would rise to another level and a higher state.

It was precisely because of this that he felt the need to retreat.

The skeletal shape has already made Xue Nai's attack unable to be effective. In the above state, basically there is no need to think about it.

They are bound to lose!

If he wasn't Hokage, but just a former elite Ninami Feng Minato, then he can completely let his temper go, and he will do his best if he says he wants to.

However, now is different.

He is not only Hokage, Xue Nai, Hirohiko, and Kushina are all extremely important figures to the village.

Xue Nai is now a rising star in the defense force, and now she has shown wisdom and decision-making ability that are not inferior to Chiba. In the future, she will definitely be the right-hand man of Chiba, and she must not be compromised.

Not to mention anything else in the future, as long as Chiba Yukina is both present, Konoha is worry-free.

Kushina is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. As the most important part of the balance of tailed beasts, the importance of Kushina is self-evident.

And Hirohiko, although not as good as Xue Nai, has also shown corresponding abilities, and is also a mainstay. Moreover, he has Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and his combat power is absolutely Kage-level line, which is also a huge combat power.

If Kushina and his three disciples are present, Konoha's strength is basically a certainty, even if he dies suddenly in battle, Konoha suddenly loses a Hokage.

He had to think about the village, even if he had to sacrifice Chiba!

Can only coercive measures be used?

And thinking of this, a trace of determination flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes.

"No, I think we should retreat."

However, at this moment, Hong Yan, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

And speaking, is uncharacteristically.

"What did you say? Hirohiko!"

And Hirohiko's uncharacteristic words immediately aroused the extreme astonishment of Xue Nai and Kushina, and for a moment, two eyes quickly and hastily flung his face.

"Nobuhiko Uchiha, who took my kaleidoscope Sharingan, must have done something with my eyes, maybe with my eyes, what evolution has occurred, an evolution that I don't know, his pupil power, Even when the defensive pupil technique is maintained now, the pupil power is more than ten times that of mine, and there is no chance of winning. Moreover, he will not go into the dark, and he can use the ability of the kaleidoscope Sharingan without limit."

Hearing this, feeling the eyes of his best friend and teacher, Hirohiko spoke in a low voice, with a hint of weakness, and rang softly but firmly.

At the same time, there was already a creaking sound on the side of his left hand.


And hearing this, Xue Nai and Kushina almost retorted without thinking.

"Because! This is what Qianye wants. At this time, Qianye will definitely let us, let us retreat!"

However, this time, Hirohiko didn't let them finish speaking, but directly interrupted their rebuttal.

And hearing Hirohiko's excited sound, Xue Nai and Kushina were taken aback at the same time.

"Don't...don't let Qianye...injure...sad..."

And in the next second, before they could think of any rebuttal words, Hirohiko suddenly shook his figure in excitement, and then shook again, and with a "poof", he fell on Chiba's body amidst intermittent words. side.


Almost instantly, seeing Hirohiko's fall, Xue Nai and Kushina exclaimed, and their faces changed color in shock.

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