
Looking at the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, and the tadpole characters slowly disappearing on it, Nobuhiko Uchiha slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, and his face instantly became unnatural.

Untie... Untie?

That's it, untied?

Could it be, shouldn't it take a lot of effort?

With an unnatural expression, his heart was full of astonishment.


damn it!

What happened to the sealing technique just now?

Then, after this astonished thought flashed through his mind, sweat slowly broke out on Nobuhiko Uchiha's forehead.

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha was a little panicked.

Originally, when he found the three Flying Thunder God Kunai on Taki Chiba's body, he thought that these three Flying Thunder God Kunai should be what he needed. After seeing the seal on it, he was also lucky Psychology, using some knowledge of sealing techniques, tried to open these seals.

Of course, just trying to open it, after all, Uchiha Nobuhiko also guessed that these Flying Thunder God Kunai are the means of Taki Chiba's life-saving talisman. It is estimated that as long as the seal above is unlocked, Namikaze Minato will rush to support , and he felt that these flying thunder gods were useless, and it was precisely because of this. Therefore, the seal above, based on Taki Chiba's sealing skills, may set up a "seemingly simple, but actually very complicated" sealing technique, after all, it is a kind of life-saving talisman.

However, he definitely did not expect that the solutions he tried casually, no, it should be said that he hadn't tried a few solutions that he originally planned to try, and he succeeded just like that.

To be honest, Nobuhiko Uchiha is a little caught off guard now.

He never thought that this Taki Chiba would set up someone like him who knows the sealing technique, but lacks the talent for the sealing technique. It is entirely because he has been exposed to the sealing technique for several lifetimes, and barely learned some middle and low-level skills. The sealing technique guy easily broke the sealing technique on the life-saving means.

This is also...

Have you been calculated?

But now, because of Taki Chiba's unexpected arrangement, he was in an unfavorable situation, and he even felt that this Taki Chiba had calculated this again.

At this time, it will take some time for his pupil power to recover. If at this time, Namikaze Minato senses that the seal is released and rushes over, then with his current pupil power, he has to deal with Namikaze Minato's time-space ninjutsu. Although his existence is not life-threatening, the plan below is probably unsustainable.

He is now thinking of letting Namikaze Minachon leave Kyuubai Jinchuriki, or Kyuubai Jinchuriki leaving Namikaze Minachouti and those possible guardians, but he is not using himself as a bait to lure him away.

Nobuhiko Uchiha has personally seen the power of the Flying Raijin of the second generation of Hokage. He will not be arrogant to think that he can challenge the Flying Raijin under the condition of insufficient pupil power, and the final outcome may only be defeat. .

Then, this opportunity can only be wasted.

And wasting this opportunity, the next capture of Nine Tails may be to face the entire Konoha head-on, which he absolutely does not want to see.

After all, his enemies are not only obstacles such as Konoha that hinder his plan, but also some people who have resentment against him after he betrayed Madara and used some dark forces in this life.

These people are not worth mentioning on weekdays, but when they really confront Konoha head-on, these people are no longer worth mentioning. It is very likely that they are the ant that destroyed the long embankment.

Undoubtedly, these enmities and conflicts have increased the difficulty of capturing Nine Tails in the future.

He has lived for many lives, experienced various failures, and various troubles. In terms of aptitude, he is actually far inferior to the Taki Chiba in front of him. Even after learning about Taki Chiba's deeds Afterwards, he felt from the bottom of his heart that he had lived so many lives in vain. In terms of planning and strategy, he really couldn't keep up with flattery.

However, it is said that a fool will gain something if he thinks a lot, and a wise man will lose something if he thinks a lot. The failure experience of so many lives is added up. Acting based on experience alone, in terms of real performance, he will not lose to this Taki Chiba.

It's just that, now, it seems that he, the fool, is a little bit overturned.

And when the thought of being calculated again flashed by, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't stop in his hands. Although he was a little flustered in his heart, he still formed the seal immediately, and pressed his hand on the untied Fei Lei Shen's pain nothing above.

In an instant, the moment his hand touched Fei Lei Shen Kunai, a long string of tadpole characters floated out from his palm, floating around the four imprinted characters of "Sword of Endurance", forming an encircling circle, and enclosing the imprinted words locked.

Seal, form.


After finishing all this, Nobuhiko Uchiha couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the seal was formed, the sweat on his forehead rolled down quietly, he gently put down the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then, looked at The other two Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand looked at Obito Uchiha leaning against the root of the tree behind him.

Fortunately, did not come.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If Namikaze Minato arrived in an instant, a fierce battle might follow.

"Change places!"

Then, in the next second, this Uchiha Nobuhiko was also decisive, he didn't think too much, he directly grabbed Taki Chiba and Uchiha Nobuhiko behind him, and dropped the flying thunder god Kunai who had unsealed it, and his figure changed Turn around, and fly towards the foot of the mountain where the birthing chamber is located.

Now, since Uchiha Obito was discovered and Namakaze Minato didn't arrive immediately, I'm afraid Konoha is about to make a big move.

In addition, the Hiraijin mark that has been unsealed may allow Namikaze Minato to sense the direction. Here, it is better to be far away from Konoha's base camp!

It is estimated that the next blanket search troops will soon arrive.

I should stay away!

Flying, Uchiha Nobuhiko thought so.


"...I think it's the safest way to do this. Although it seems a bit risky, the success rate will be very high. Even if Chiba is at a disadvantage or even seriously injured, this can guarantee the maximum possible recovery in the first place." Help him."

And at this time, on the other side, Xue Nai let out a long breath after revealing her plan.


However, everyone present, including those guardian ninjas who had no chance of supporting them, showed hesitation on their faces.

"I think so."

Of course, apart from the slight smile on his face, Kushina, who felt that the plan was very good, at this time, after Xue Nai let out a long breath, Kushina also quite agreed.


Hearing Kushina's voice, Hirohiko and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, but they seemed to disapprove.

"Huh? Wait a minute!"

And at this moment, Namikaze Minato's complexion suddenly changed, and his brows were suddenly furrowed.

"What's wrong?"

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes fell on Namikaze Minato.

"The imprint...disappeared!"

And the next second, Namikaze Minato frowned and spoke solemnly.

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