Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1862 Can't


Sure enough, I still can't pass up this opportunity.

Different from other Jinchuriki, Kyuubi's Jinchuriki is of the Uzumaki family, possessing Chakra that can completely suppress Kyuubi. If it becomes a combat power, it can maximize the power of Tailed Beast, and Nine-Tails is also considered the strongest among Tailed Beasts. Strong tail beast.

If it wasn't for taking advantage of Renzhuli's weak seal to snatch it now, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort in the future.

Besides, with such an announcement, Konoha will quite target "Madara" in the future.

After all, this Uchiha Obito now holds the identity of Uchiha Madara, and Namikaze Minato is not a fool. He will probably inquire about the identity of his opponent, and he will more or less investigate in the direction of "Mara".

At that time, it will be troublesome.

Sure enough, it still can't just forget it.

Can't just let it go!

Gently put down Uchiha Obito wearing the Anbe mask, and let him lean on the roots of this thick tree. A series of thoughts flashed in Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind. After all, he still couldn't give up this time to capture the nine tails. .

After all, Konoha still has the existence that he is quite afraid of. He was born in Konoha for several generations, and Uchiha Nobuhiko is also quite aware of Konoha's background. , I am afraid that I will be able to compete with myself.

He even suspected that with Jiraiya's full strength, he would be able to gain a certain upper hand in the fight against Rokudo Payne.

Now, although he has the same eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes as Uchiha Madara, and he has many lifetimes of experience, combat experience, and the sharpening of certain skills, I am afraid that Uchiha Madara is not as good as him, but he knows that Uchiha Madara Madara and Senjubashima, these two people are also very special individuals. They are also the pupil power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Compared with him, my current pupil power is still far behind him. In terms of strength, it is also Far inferior, even more so in Qianshouzhujian.

In the era of Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara, he was born in the Uchiha family. He also met Uchiha Izumi, and he also saw Uchiha Izumi, who was not Hokage at that time. He knew Uchiha Izumi Nai also has a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and knows that the body of Senshou Feijian is almost mature.

However, even so, compared to Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu, there is still a considerable distance between the two. The same Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the same immortal body, the strength gap is very obvious.

And the pupil power gap between him and Uchiha Madara Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan is also quite large. Strictly speaking, if it was Eternal Kaleidoscope back then, no, Uchiha Madara of ordinary Kaleidoscope Sharingan might be able to be in the same position as now evenly split their own battles.

Although he is also the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but he is not to the extent of contempt for the entire Konoha.

Where the attention should be paid attention to.

Especially now, for him, it is also a watershed, which is related to his future in this life. In a sense, if he can kill two birds with one stone this time, he will be able to walk comfortably in the future.

After all, it is still impossible to let go of this opportunity.

But, what to do next.

Since Obito Uchiha came back seriously injured, and there was no movement from Kyuubi, it means that Obito Uchiha has failed.

And no matter what happened, no matter what Obito Uchiha encountered, the situation over there now should be stronger than Obito Uchiha. At least, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato has recovered his combat effectiveness.

Uchiha Obito has always been surrounded by Black Zeus, and according to Namikaze Minato's combat power, one person is probably not enough to defeat them both, or in other words, it is unlikely to defeat them both at the same time, and according to Namikaze Minato should be In the case of guarding Nine-Tails Jinchuriki's side, Uchiha Obito and Kuroze's attacks were deciphered. I am afraid that Namikaze Minato is not the only one beside Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

In other words, Namikaze Minato was not the only one who defeated Uchiha Obito and Kuroze.

There should be other people guarding Jinchuriki's side now. Right now, the defense over there should be Namikaze Minato, plus an existence that can withstand an attack by Kuroze or Uchiha Obito.

Moreover, the original location should be empty.

Nine-Tails Jinchuriki should have been transferred to another place.

One, a place with tighter defenses.

Obito Uchiha and I are two people, this kind of person should not be able to escape the eyes of Minato Namikaze, I am afraid that there will be some defenses against me or Obito Uchiha in that new secret place.

It's not so easy to solve.

Whether it is to find that new place, or to take Kyuubi away as quietly as possible.

But as he made up his mind, Uchiha Nobuhiko's brows slowly frowned, with a serious expression on his face.

The current situation is definitely not good for him.

One, there is no intelligence.

Second, Konoha's attention has been drawn, defense has been strengthened, and it may be targeted.

Three, his pupil power consumption is a bit excessive now, capturing the light ball in Taki Chiba's brain, and entering the space sealed by the light ball consumes a lot of pupil power, and every time he comes out of that space, the recovery of pupil power is quite slow, at least two-thirds slower than normal recovery. And if the pupil power is not complete, his strength will basically drop by seven or eight tenths.

If the pupil power is sound, he may be able to take a risk and find the other party, and forcefully capture Nine Tails.

But now, it is impossible.

He had to find a way to take Nine-Tails as quietly as possible without causing Konoha's big backlash.

Moreover, even if Hitomi is healthy, Namikaze Minato is still a difficult guy. As a time-space ninjutsu, Flying Thunder God is too fast, which is bound to create great difficulties.

Right now, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

And this time Uchiha Obito's failure, in a sense, has forced him onto a single-plank bridge.

If he wants to catch Nine Tails, he has no way out.

"Well... what can I do? What else can I make a fuss about?"

With the ups and downs of his mood, Nobuhiko Uchiha began to think positively, and his eyes began to wander, constantly looking at Obito Uchiha who was leaning on the side, and the boy from Takichiba who fell to the ground. The body was turning back and forth.

After all, he is a reborn person who has been reborn for many lives and has countless experiences, and his will is also very firm. Now that he has made a decision, he will no longer hesitate, and he will do whatever he wants.

Now, the only thing I can use is Taki Chiba.

No matter!

See what's on him, take advantage of it!

Then, after turning his eyes, Uchiha Nobuhiko also moved, and went directly to the body of Taki Chiba who fell to the ground.

In my impression, Taki Chiba has something that can be used.

While walking, he thought in his heart.

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