Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1854 The end

it's over……

The hand with five fingers stretched on top of the boy's head was slowly lifted up, strands of pure white Guanghua persimmons that were like liquid, and the lifting movement, like silk threads pulled out, slowly melted into the palm of the hand , as the palm left, disappeared in this hand.


And in the next second, the dull gaze in the young man's eyes slowly dimmed, and finally turned into a gray color, he fell face down on the ground, and fell heavily at the feet of the owner of this hand, stirring up a little dust.

With just three effective abilities and one ineffective ability, one can reach the limit that ordinary people can achieve...

Duplication, Chakra absolute control, clone enhancement... Speaking of which, they are all very common abilities.

Compared with those pupil technique enhancements, kaleidoscope sharingan ability strengthening, unique blood succession boundary, fusion power of different bloodstain boundary, portable promotion system... There is no difference between having outsider ability and not having outsider ability.


Really amazing!

Taki Chiba!

Afterwards, Uchiha Nobuhiko leaned down gently, closed those lifeless eyes, and admired him sincerely.

He has the lives of many outsiders in his hands. He has been reincarnated for many lives. By the time of the second Hokage, he has basically been able to guarantee that his strength is above many contemporary powerhouses. He has indeed hunted down many outsiders. , It is also like this that he can know the method of entering and exiting the sealed space of outsiders.

It was also because of this that he knew how terrifying the balls of light carried by those outsiders were, and how powerful their abilities were. Almost every one of them could rely on these abilities to gain great strength through painless training.

Even, for a while, he felt that these outsiders were born to stand at the top of the ninja world.

Fortunately, these outsiders did not appear to be truly normal, and the only normal ones were to care for their husbands and children with peace of mind.

Actually, nothing.

It's nothing compared to him.

However, this time, he was really surprised. It was the first time he saw that the ability carried by outsiders was so ordinary. Except for the good effect of Chakra's absolute control ability, basically, there was no Got the ability to do it.

If this Taki Chiba had the powerful abilities of those outsiders in the past, what kind of situation would it be? To be honest, thinking about it now, Nobuhiko Uchiha still felt a little chills down his spine.

The Taki clan has had a strange disease since a long time ago. The body is flawed. The upper limit of Chakra is very low. It is destined to be the body of the weak, but this Taki Chiba forcibly cultivated this weak body Out of the way of the strong.

If this kind of character is allowed to gain the ability of an outsider in the past, the entire ninja world may easily be trampled under his feet.

Even if it is him, when this Taki Chiba is alive, if he is an enemy or not a friend, then he can only stay away.

Unless, his plan in this life can be achieved.

However, now, he basically doesn't have to worry about this.

Well, next!

The boy who fell to the ground without making a sound closed his eyes, Uchiha Nobuhiko stood up, looked around for a while, but gently covered his eyes with his hands.

At this time, his position was still the position where Taki Chiba was intercepted just now, without any change.

There is no trace of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel. Just now he entered the sealed space of Taki Chiba with all his energy. He could not detect any movement from the outside world. Looking at it now, he felt much relieved.

After all, this is still Konoha's territory, and after passing through this forest, it is Konoha's city wall.

Because of Taki Chiba's relationship, Konoha is now under some kind of martial law. He has lived in Konoha for several lifetimes, and he knows that although Konoha looks defenseless now, as long as he steps out of this forest , even if he can enter Konoha without triggering the barrier, what he will meet is probably an impenetrable iron barrel defense.

Konoha's defense force never disappoints, especially in recent times, Konoha's defense force has become increasingly strict in defense, even if a part is allocated to defend Konoha's expansion area, there is no loophole in the defense.

The last time he went to the village to collect information, he almost capsized in the gutter if he was not careful.

If it weren't for the powerful pupils of my pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes, I'm afraid I would be showing my feet.


Just stay here!

With the abilities of Uchiha Obito and Kurojue, they should have found Nine-Tails Jinchuriki by now, so let them solve it for the time being.

I'd better take a break.

Also beware of the variables tonight, now is the safest time.

But thinking of this, Uchiha Nobuhiko frowned, but he jumped up to the branch above his head, leaning against the thick trunk, and slowly sat down.

At the same time, the pattern of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes slowly unscrewed in his eyes, turning into the three-gou jade Sharingan, and then the three-gou jade Sharingan slowly faded away, and finally disappeared here The eyes that were already full of tiredness turned into a pair of clear but cloudy eyes due to exhaustion.


Afterwards, a slight gasp sounded softly as the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan disappeared.

The timing is perfect!

Every time I enter that sealed space, I have to consume ten times the power of my pupils. If it wasn't for the reason why the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan wouldn't go blind, I'm afraid I would be on the verge of blindness like in those lifetimes.

Now, there is no one here, and that Taki Chiba is over.

Taking advantage of this time, it is just right to restore pupil power.

It's just that I don't know what kind of surprise it will give me this time...

The last piece of the puzzle should have been put together, it depends on whether it can be successful.

If successful, with the addition of the Nine Tails here, more than half of the final goal will be achieved.

It's a pity that because of the prophecy, I can't peek into the deepest memory of Taki Chiba. In those lives, because it was just an ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan, the eyes of the captured light ball have almost exhausted a pair of eyes, and I can't peep.

But now, with the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, she can finally use her pupil power unscrupulously, but because of that prophecy, it's really...

With a sound of "duh", he gently leaned the back of his head against the tree trunk behind him, Nobuhiko Uchiha let out a breath slowly, a look of pity flashed across his face.

To be honest, he also really wants to know what will happen in his own world. These outsiders seem to know everything. If they don't do it themselves, they can always predict the danger, and even know the root of the powerful enemy they meet for the first time.

These things, for him, are quite longing.

Knowing everything, knowing what will happen in the future, with his rebirth power, what he will do in the future, and what he can't do in the future.

However, the prophecy of the one who knows everything prevents him from being the one who knows everything.

If he knew everything, he was one of those people who shouldn't exist.

After rebirth again and again, he probably shouldn't have existed.

And becoming the person who knows everything that should not exist may bear the fate of destroying the world.

He believes that there is such a thing as destiny in this world, otherwise, how could those outsiders be able to calculate the future so clearly.

He doesn't want to destroy the world yet.

Also can't, destroy this world.

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