Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1838 Confirmed


The clean answer echoed in the ear, staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha's Chiba, nodded lightly, this Nobuhiko Uchiha did not lie.

Isn't it a time traveler...

So what will it be?

After confirming that Nobuhiko Uchiha was not lying, Chiba became puzzled.

To be honest, this Nobuhiko Uchiha is also a time traveler, which is the most likely inference he thinks from all the words and deeds of Nobuhiko Uchiha to the present.

Chiba originally thought that Nobuhiko Uchiha should be a more special time traveler than him. For example, if the matter of his time travel is a time travel novel, it is like he traveled into the world of the original Naruto. Nobuhiko Uchiha It is the time traveler who came in after seeing his time travel story.

Uchiha Nobuhiko knew that he would travel in, so he wanted to get rid of him as a traveler, to ensure his own uniqueness, and for his own purpose.

After all, as a traverser, if you travel to a certain world, you will most likely want to become the king. And he will not allow anyone or anything to threaten his life and prevent him from enjoying a second life as he pleases.

This is also the commonality of human beings.

Of course, it is also possible that Nobuhiko Uchiha is the second time traveler, or the time traveler before him, but this possibility is unlikely.

After all, if Nobuhiko Uchiha was just a time traveler before him, then he would substitute this person who knew everything into himself, instead of looking for this person who knew everything like he is now.

So, if this Uchiha Nobuhiko is a time traveler like him, then the pursuit of the person who knows everything will not exist.

However, in a hurry, Chiba's deduction also had quite a loophole, so when Uchiha Nobuhiko asked him to ask a question, he immediately asked this question.

At this time, Chiba was not surprised to get a negative answer.

After all, since the world of Naruto circulates prophecies implying the person who knows everything about the traveler, it means that the world of Naruto has information about the traveler, and it is normal for this Uchiha Nobuhiko to get it by chance.

It's just that, regarding this issue, it is impossible for him to just believe it. Even if Uchiha Nobuhiko did not lie, he thinks Uchiha Nobuhiko is not.

"So, let me ask you again, is the "special person like me" you know the same as the "special person like me" I know?"

Thinking of this, Chiba asked again.

That's right, here, there may be differences between Nobuhiko Uchiha's understanding and his own understanding. Although Chiba's meaning, through the context before and after, obviously refers to the time traveler, but it does not mean that Chiba thinks The meaning is obvious, and the other party can recognize his meaning.

After all, a person who knows everything is not necessarily a time traveler. This person who knows everything may also have a stronger predictive ability than the Great Toad Immortal. Being able to know the existence of everything that will happen in the future does not only refer to time travel. By.

This is a complete Naruto world, not a corner of the world shown by a certain person in the original book, and with Chakra, the magical power that points directly to the most primitive and highest position in the entire world, such a prophecy really appears. Characters aren't impossible either.

It's just that, for some reason, it didn't appear in the original work.

For example, Heyin and the others, each of them has a high aptitude for practicing ninjutsu, and they might not be able to become famous figures in the future, but without him and Hyuga Yutaka, I am afraid that these people would have been buried in the troubled times. No bones remained.

It is also possible that this Hokage world has such a prophet, but they have not entered the corner of the world shown in the original work.

After all, according to the method of using the ability, no matter how strong or weak the ability is, the influence will produce performance that does not match the strength or weakness.

If there is such a prophet, his ability may really be able to affect the entire ninja world, the entire world, but if he just tells fortunes to people every day, he doesn't even use language skills at all, or he hides it well and doesn't show it. If there is no move to expand its influence, then the beneficiaries or victims of this ability are just a small circle, and there will be no troubles.

In this way, living silently and dying silently will naturally not enter the corner of the world shown in the original book.

After all, what the original book shows is the vortex of Ninja Village's struggle, the battle that determines the fate of the world, and obscurity has nothing to do with this corner of the world.

Not necessarily, it has to be a time traveler.

But now, Chiba does not know the time traveler, and it is also for this reason that he rashly mentions the time traveler. If the "special" in Uchiha Nobuhiko's cognition is the aborigines who have the similar ability or knowledge of "knowing everything", then , there is a big difference here.

After all, the aborigines in a world know what kind of changes will happen after they know the creatures of the traverser, and what will happen if they know that their world is just a manga used by people in another world for after-dinner entertainment? Ye can only think about the worst.

That is, this aborigine will do everything possible to get out of his own world, and with the power to surpass the world, he will come to his own world with an unknown mentality.

No one knows what kind of tragedy it will cause.

Qianye couldn't take this risk. Although the world in the previous life didn't treat him very well, there were countless innocent people there, especially children.

He has seen too many spoiled children in this world!

"Well... how should I put it? You should have a name, or even a profession. No, profession seems to be a joking term. The special thing I know refers to those outsiders who do not belong to this world and know everything. ! Yes, this is my understanding."

Upon hearing Chiba's questioning, Nobuhiko Uchiha took a slight breath, seemed to organize his words, and replied.

An all-knowing outsider who does not belong to this world!

Joking professional sayings!

That's right!

He knew I was referring to the time traveler!

Hearing this sentence, Chiba's pupils shrank slightly, and he understood in his heart.

And, according to him...

At the same time, a faint look of shock immediately appeared in his eyes. From this sentence, he also gained other things.

Other shocking thoughts that made him unable to suppress even his current calm state of mind.

"Well... Sure enough, I wanted you to ask questions first. Now, I finally figured out where to start. Do you want to hear the next story?"

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes lit up slightly, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke.

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