Chapter 187 The first step is completed


The door of the cabin was slowly opened.

Xue Nai who was sitting in the room suddenly turned her head, only to see Qianye walking in slowly carrying an adult on her shoulders.

"Xue Nai, do you have a rope? I've caught the spy!" Chiba said.

Hearing this, Xue Nai immediately stood up, and she had already held a bundle of ropes in her hand, obviously she had already prepared for it.

"Tie it tighter." Chiba put down Ryumi and took a little breath.

Xue Nai nodded, walked forward, and when she saw the raccoon mask on Lumi's face, she frowned slightly, and said, "The spy is in Anbu?"

They were playing tricks at the meatball shop during the day, so why did they catch Anbu? This is unreasonable. There should be no Anbu in that shop.

Could it be that she didn't tell the difference.

"You tie her up first, the effect of the medicine won't last long." Chiba said, but she didn't intend to step forward to help.

But Xue Nai understood what he meant, judging by the bulging chest of Anbu, it should be a girl, and it's not convenient for him to do it.

And Xue Nai's binding technique is also top-notch, in just a few minutes, Liu Mei has been tied tightly.

After the binding was over, Xue Nai's eyes widened slightly, looking at Anbu who had been unmasked by herself, and looking at Chiba: "Sister Liumei?"

"Yeah." Qianye nodded, his eyes fell on the second floor at this time, and he said, "Where's Hong Yan?"

"Still lying upstairs." Xue Nai said, but her eyes were staring at Lu Mei's beautiful face in disbelief.

Then look at the ninja tools and scrolls she removed from Ryumi when she was bound.

It's hard to imagine that the amiable and always smiling proprietress of the meatball shop is actually a spy from another village.

Now, how many men who pursue Sister Liumei will be heartbroken!

"How is he doing?" Qianye asked, but there was no worry on his face.

"It's okay." Xue Nai seemed to hesitate, and said.

"I'll go up and have a look, and you look at her. Call me when you're tired, and we'll change shifts." Chiba said as she walked up the stairs.

"Oh." Xue Nai nodded. At this time, Liu Mei was tied tightly, and she couldn't even make a seal. All the weapons on her body had been removed, and there was no threat anymore, but Xue Nai knew that Qianye Just in case.

At this time, Qianye stepped up the stairs and turned into his bedroom. At this time, on his bed, there was a handsome child lying upright, with his expressionless eyes rolling.

"Has the effect of the medicine not passed?" Seeing Hong Yan's appearance, Chiba smiled wryly.

"I don't feel it, I can't move." Hirohiko squinted at Chiba.

"It seems to work very well." Chiba sat down beside Hirohiko's bed and said, "You are staying at my house, do you have anything to deal with, such as saying hello to your parents, if..."

After all, Hirohiko is still a child. If he stays outside without saying hello, his parents will definitely worry. Chiba is alone and has nothing to worry about, but it does not mean that others are like him.

"No." Before Chiba finished speaking, Hirohiko interrupted him directly.

"Hmm..." Chiba nodded, seeing Hirohiko's expressionless face, she frowned slightly.

Hirohiko's no...doesn't need to be dealt with, or, he has no parents...

Could it be that Hirohiko is also an orphan like me?

"Tell me if you have any questions." Qianye said, stood up, walked to the desk aside, picked up the medical experience, and continued to read.

At the beginning when Hirohiko was asked to gather herbs, Chiba was there to prepare medicines for paralysis and coma. Just to catch spies, and unknowingly.

As for the preparation method of these poisons, of course, it is obtained from Tsunade's medical experience, but obviously, Tsunade did not want Chiba to use poison, so he only recorded some harmless poisons that have some auxiliary effects , such as local anesthesia and general anesthesia, these are all anesthetics that can be used in surgery.

The anesthetic that Chiba applied on Ku Wu has the highest concentration. It is used for instant anesthesia. The side effect is that it will make people comatose and cause drug resistance. When using anesthetics, the effect will be greatly reduced.

It should be said that the reason why Hirohiko became like this is Chiba's fault. In order to test whether his medicine is effective, he had to find a medicine tester.

At that time, in order to ensure that the medicine would have a sufficient effect on the human body, Hirohiko ignored Chiba's objection and used the medicine on himself, and then fell into a coma. After confirming that he was fine, Chiba went to the meatball shop to stay.

Then when he came back, right now, Hirohiko was still not well.

At this time, Qianye looked at the medical experience, but his mind was slightly deflected.

The first step has been completed, there are still two steps left!

For the second step...

"Chiba..." At this time, Hirohiko said.

"Huh?" Chiba raised her head and said, "What's wrong?"

"Is this plan sure to succeed?"

"If you do it well, you will be successful." Chiba said.

"Actually, I went to reconnaissance yesterday. Those unknown ninjas seemed to be doing something to Kushina." Hirohiko said.

"Did you say anything?" Chiba asked hurriedly.

"It is said that we can do something in a few days. I didn't hear the specifics clearly, but tomorrow, tomorrow we must take action! I have a bad feeling."

Qianye frowned, and said absently, "I see."

And in his mind, he had already figured it out.

Tomorrow? So, tomorrow night!


At this time, outside Kushina's house, a root female ninja walked out of Kushina's room, and said to a root ninja who was on duty in the hidden place outside: "Jinzhuriki's spirit is already very weak, tomorrow At night, you can plant the curse mark."

"Very good, go and report to Danzo-sama."


The female ninja quickly flashed out,

At this time, in Jiu Xinnai's room, Jiu Xinnai was sitting blankly in front of her bed, with bags under her eyes drooping and black, her face pale and haggard, and even her hair was a little messy.

Illusion... the spirit has reached its limit.

She thought silently in her heart.

Chiba should be discharged from the hospital, alive and kicking again. I don't know if this kid has listened to Lily, and I don't know if he will act like that in the future.

And Hiroko, when this kid is exercising gymnastics, will he still be like that, more messy than Chiba? Let him become as messy as Chiba.

Xue Nai, I don't know if she has conveyed her heart to Chiba properly, that child is serious and serious, I'm afraid she won't get the answer she wants, and it will break her heart.

Minato, you have to take care of yourself for such a dangerous mission, don't force yourself, I'll wait for you to come back.

The spirit is on the verge of limit, almost on the verge of collapse.

However, in Jiu Xinna's mind, there are faces.

Chiba's thoughtful face.

Hirohiko's poker face.

Xue Nai has a serious and cute face without too much expression.

Also, the reassuring face of that gentle smiling Minato Namikaze.

After that, a teardrop slowly flowed across Jiu Xinnai's dull and haggard face.

Sorry, I seem to be unable to hold on...

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