Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1828 Reflux


Gently stepping on the branches, the sound of stepping and stopping, softly thinking about being in this dark mountain forest.

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

Then, there was a slight but familiar coughing sound.

There is no feedback on the news of the body of water, isn't Obito dead yet?

After half-squatting and pressing the branches under her feet, and wiping the water stains gushing from her nose with her other hand due to coughing, Chiba raised her head. Above the sparse forest, the sky turned gloomy at some point. At this time, Qianye's complexion also felt gloomy.

Is the ninjutsu with the strongest direct attack power now enough to kill him?

And in his heart, he began to worry.

To be honest, he didn't know what other means Obito could use to escape from that S-level fire escape ninjutsu. At the beginning, his idea of ​​this fire escape ninjutsu was to focus on instant burning, supplemented by burning and killing trapped enemies. Although Tu could escape this ninjutsu by using time and space, but at that time he was restrained by his spiritualization technique. Should be enough to burn Obito to death.

At this moment, he couldn't figure out why Obito could not die under such circumstances.

Even, it is a little unbelievable.

If Obito could really survive such a situation, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to kill Obito either.

In a sense, Obito is invincible to him.

It seems that we can only go back to the village first. The water body should be able to delay for a while. After all, it is the water body separated in Dumen mode. The amount of chakra is even more than the normal peak, and it should be able to last for a while.

Now, I have to rush back to the village and stand by Kushina and Namikaze Minato. With me, Namikaze Minato can have more fighting options without being hindered.

But thinking about it, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

At the same time, as the thought flashed through his mind, he no longer hesitated, and after stuffing another handful of bean-like special army ration pills into his mouth, his body sank.

Although the Dumen mode has been turned on for a short time, and his body has become stronger and stronger due to the changes, and even has a weak post-traumatic recovery ability. After all, it is because the avatar has consumed a considerable part of it, and his physical strength is recovering but still needs to be restored. This time in the Dumen mode, his remaining physical strength still needs a lot of replenishment.

Moreover, even though he is some distance away from the battlefield now, the night of the Nine Tails is still going on after all, Obito is not dead after all, he still needs to continue fighting after all, and the danger still exists after all.

For him now, the Junliang Pill cannot be stopped, nor can it stay here.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to specially create a water body to replace the main body and leave it there.

This move is to rush back to the village quickly, and stay by Kushina and Namikaze Minato's side, completely eliminating Obito's thoughts.

Although he lost to Obito, Namikaze Minato was able to suppress Obito, and even defeat Obito!


However, at this moment, just when he had made up his mind, there was a faint thunder, and in the dark forest, a light flashed suddenly, and in that instant, the expression on Qianye's translucent face, which was reflected by it, froze. down.

In addition, his figure also froze for a moment, completely lost.

This... this is!

But at this moment, a series of images flashed through his mind, the shattered fireball, the chakra cluster of pitch-black flames crashing into the water surface from the rain of fireball fragments, the shattered mask... the black chakra package The palm of the skeleton... The memory of the first-person perspective keeps springing up in my heart.

Even less than half of the chakra in his body changed rapidly, a chakra was generated out of thin air, filling up about 10% of the chakra.

Nobuhiko Uchiha!


Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Transcribing the seal - the ability of time and space!

With the memory, a series of regrets, anger, surprise, horror, enlightenment, determination... and all kinds of inferences poured in in an instant. Everything that happened on the battlefield there just now was filled up in an instant, as if it had been personally experienced. in his head.

All of a sudden, too much information flooded into his mind, and Qianye was stunned on the spot.


And at this moment, a faint roar of thunder came from the direction of the battlefield.


In the next moment, heavy roars followed one after another, and in an instant, the entire mountain forest was as bright as daylight by the thunder light transmitted from the battlefield.


And in the next second, Qianye, who was stunned on the spot, suddenly shuddered, suddenly woke up, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the thunder light coming from the direction of the dissipated battlefield, as well as the flashing huge giant at the thickest part of the dark cloud. Lei Zhu.

The final insurance has been triggered?

At this moment, Qianye's heart almost trembled, and his heart beat half a beat faster.


This is bad!

I must go now, I must go now!

with the fastest speed!

But in the next second, Chiba, who was heartbroken, suddenly appeared, but without saying a word, he went directly towards the direction of the village. The village, and even went straight to where Kushina and Namikaze Minato were.

Damn it!

It turned out to be Nobuhiko Uchiha, the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan!

If it is Obito, maybe this trick of Kirin is still useful, but for Nobuhiko Uchiha, it is just a delay!

The sparse trees around quickly passed by, Qianye clenched her teeth lightly, her face completely stiffened.

Although this move of Qilin is said to be powerful, it is also an S-level Thunder Dunk, and in his haste, he could only draw materials from the original work, and the Thunder Dun S-level ninjutsu that was abruptly completed was, of course, plagiarized from Sasuke. .

However, although the unicorn is powerful, it is really not enough to face Susano. It is completely impossible to kill, and it is even impossible to delay.

In the original book, Sasuke's unicorn was completely blocked by Itachi's Susano. At that time, Itachi was still dying of a serious illness, squeezing the last trace of pupil power.

Under such circumstances, Susano still easily blocked the S-level Thunder Dungeon!

But now, the opposite is the holder of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, full of energy and stronger pupil power, there is no reason why it can't be stopped.

Even, his current unicorn is a plagiarized version after all, and has not been controlled by himself, so it may not be as powerful as the unicorn controlled by Sasuke himself.

Getting blocked is a sure thing!

If it’s just Obito, there’s no way to activate Susanoo with one eye, and the lightning strikes at the speed of light, which is basically faster than a human’s reaction, faster than the insight ability of Sharingan, and Obito can’t detect it in time And time-spatialized.

Only this unicorn can exert its real lethal power!

At this moment, all he can do is to return to the village as soon as possible, and return to Kushina and Namikaze Minato as soon as possible!

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