Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1812 Just stay like this?


The tumbling huge waves swept past, hit the wall of the deep pit heavily, and after several waves of smaller waves, they gradually calmed down.


And this is like on the surface of a lake with ups and downs, a small water splash suddenly exploded, and when the water splashed, there was an orange spiral pattern mask standing in a black cloak man.

It's just that the spiral pattern mask is full of cracks from cracks, and the man's whole body is already soaked, and he looks rather embarrassed as the waves rise and fall.


So, what to do next?

However, although he looked like a drowned chicken, the three-gou jade's Sharingan in the eyes of the masked man was still bright red, and it seemed that there was no change, as if the repeated battles had not affected him in any way.

Whether it's physical strength, chakra, or injury.

The battle with Taki Chiba didn't seem to have any effect on him.

At this time, the masked man had already begun to think about the current situation in his heart.

According to the plan, this Taki Chiba should not end up here, and he shouldn't even kill this Taki Chiba!

The correct usage of Taki Chiba is not for killing.

Now that Taki Chiba is dead, he regrets it a bit.


Sure enough, the recent days have been going too smoothly? Unknowingly, a little irrational?

Isn't it just some stupid actions?

In this world, how many people are doing some stupid actions when they are dying. Isn't this Taki Chiba just following the trend?

As for being so angry, and even getting hot in the head, will he be punished?

But at this time, seeing the turbulent lake surface whose water level had obviously doubled, a series of introspective thoughts flashed through the masked man's mind.

The current result is too different from what he expected before. The biggest problem is the life and death of Taki Chiba. According to his thinking, he cannot be killed. It is too wasteful to kill like this.

However, seeing this Taki Chiba who put him at a disadvantage for a while, this Taki Chiba who he had repeatedly overestimated finally did such a reckless, no, it should be said that he was innocent and almost committed suicide. The irritability suppressed in the bottom of my heart finally erupted, turning into uncontrollable anger, and finally the anger turned into killing intent, and then, on impulse, the sword cut down, killing Taki Chiba together with her body up.

As for the fact that Taki Chiba can still survive, the masked man has not thought about it. When the huge wave hit him just now and got involved in the waves, he actually considered this issue deliberately. Just now he was caught by the huge wave. Hit, and intentionally sold a lot of flaws, all of which are excellent opportunities to kill.

If Taki Chiba is still alive, he will definitely make a move. After all, regardless of whether there is a flaw, if Taki Chiba is still alive and escapes the sword, then the obvious thing must be the bait, the body he thinks Naturally, Taki Chiba cannot be the main body, and if that Taki Chiba is not the main body, then the main body will naturally be used as the back-hand. Even if there is no flaw, the next attack will follow.

Besides, the Chakra volume of the two Taki Chibas he saw was only a little more than 50% compared to the situation when he did not use the secret technique in his heyday. Come on, no matter where there is water, the water body can reduce the consumption of more than half of the chakra. If Taki Chiba still wants to have absolute lethality against himself, then he can only create another clone, otherwise, even if he separates Multiple avatars would not pose much of a threat to him.

It is also unlikely that there will be a split again.

In other words, there is no doubt that Taki Chiba on the water surface that was beheaded is the real body.

And from the calculation of Chakra consumption, the masked man is sure that one of the Taki Chiba or the underwater Taki Chiba must be the main body.

Now, Taki Chiba is dead, it is almost certain.

damn it!

Why are you so impulsive!

Now, what to do?

Then, after this introspection, except for a regret, the masked man who was irritated by Taki Chiba's death stood blankly on the water, drifting with the waves, but a little confused.

Is it possible that this Taki Chiba is trying to block me even in death?

Afterwards, after this confused thought, the masked man's complexion became ugly again.

That inexplicable sense of irritability slowly climbed into my heart again.

However, this time, Taki Chiba was dead, he had no one to vent his anger on, and in the end he could only stand on the water and sulk.

Counting it, the time should be about the same.


But after being sullen for a while, the masked man raised his head and looked at the sky. He saw the moon and stars were sparse, and there were only a few faint black clouds floating. The weather was fine, and tomorrow would definitely be a big sun.

At the same time, after looking at the positions of the moon and several important stars, the face under the mask of the masked man changed from ugly to slightly puzzled, as if he was quite sensitive to the issue of time.

However, it should be normal.

Now that Konoha knows that he is planning to fight Kyuubi, and even has a detailed understanding of the time and space ability, I am afraid that this is a good thing.

Making Konoha's defense a little more tense can also make the plan more smooth. In this way, it doesn't matter if it is consumed.


Am I just staying here so stupidly?

Then, after being slightly relieved, he started to think about it.


However, at this moment of thinking, he seemed to feel something, but his eyes suddenly looked down.

"Chi Chi!"

But at this time, as if following his downward movement of gaze, several wisps of hot white air suddenly evaporated.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Afterwards, strands of white air evaporated one after another, condensing into strands of heat waves, layer upon layer.

This is!

At this moment, the masked man's eyes finally settled down, and he saw that when the waves gradually slowed down, amidst the layers of steam, his feet, at some point, had already glowed with a bright light.

But this bright light is getting brighter and more obvious, and the steaming heat around it is also getting stronger.

Even, at the opening of this eye, the water under his feet had already begun to bubble up one by one, as if it was boiling.


It's really boiling!

Then, before he could react, the boiling water surface became brighter and brighter with the blazing white light, and slowly swelled up, as if a bright white bubble had bulged on the calm water surface.


Then, without any warning, the shoe of the masked man's foot stepped on the bulging water, a flame flashed, and it suddenly caught fire.


This is impossible!

But seeing this scene, the masked man only had such an unbelievable thought in his heart, his feet were burning, but he didn't even notice it.


Then, in the next moment, the water surface swelled to the extreme, and a huge ball of blazing white flames burst out of the water, carrying raging flames and heat waves, and together with the masked man, rushed straight up.

All of a sudden, amidst the scorching heat, the surrounding area was completely exposed, as bright as day!

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