Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1804 Unhappy

So, next...

Should I go to Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, or stay here and settle the matter of Taki Chiba first.


so close.

If it wasn't for this Taki Chiba who didn't have enough chakra in the end, I'm afraid, I would be in a hurry next time.

Fortunately, this Taki Chiba did not become a climate.

If he hadn't stood in front of me in such a hurry and kept hiding in Muye Village, waiting for ten or eight years might have pushed me to a desperate situation.

The so-called friendship, kinship, and fetters are nothing but burdens.

If it wasn't for these things, this Taki Chiba would not stand up at this time and stand in front of me out of control.

tsk tsk...


Exhaling a long breath, he looked up at the solid spiked balls on the five pillar-like rock cones. The masked man stood up slowly, but the face under the mask was relaxed like a heavy burden. After that, a mocking smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.


Thanks to this time, I followed suit. If it's like last time, then this Taki Chiba is probably mine...

Afterwards, after a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the face of the masked man became slightly stiff, and the bright red eyes of the three-goose jade writing wheel shone with a slight gleam of fear.

At the same time, his hand unconsciously touched the mask that already had many cracks.

And in his mind, the details of this battle, big and small, passed through his mind without omission.

To be honest, whether he likes it or not, this battle can be said to be the most difficult battle of all the battles he has experienced.

It was also the most tiring battle among the battles in which he felt the disparity in strength.

It's also fortunate that the secret technique can't last for a long time...

Taking advantage of his secret technique being closed, he found a flaw that could be regarded as a sure victory.

Otherwise, in this battle, he might really have to force out all the hole cards.

But at this time, after he didn't want to admit it and had to admit it, the masked man thought with a sigh in his heart.

This Taki Chiba is definitely the most difficult and threatening one among all ninjas of the same type that he has encountered.

As long as there is half a point of slack, it is possible to capsize in the gutter.

If it wasn't for the last moment, Taki Chiba's chakra was not enough, he might not be able to implement the final tactic so boldly.

It was also because Taki Chiba didn't have enough Chakra, and when he was given the opportunity to release the secret technique, he was able to launch an attack that really caught Taki Chiba by surprise.

That's right, although Taki Chiba blocked it perfectly at the time and made a counterattack, his back attack, plus the detonating symbol that attracted attention before the attack, caught Taki Chiba off guard Yes, as for why he perfectly defended and counterattacked, and even forced him to use a substitute technique to replace the soil clone that had been prepared a long time ago, I am afraid that these are basically Taki Chiba's instincts and fighting habits.

Almost no need to react, it will deal with it on its own.

If this Taki Chiba hadn't been caught off guard, then he wouldn't have stared straight at him and met his own Sharingan, and he wouldn't have let him complete the winning step.

It is also the most critical step in the entire tactic.

Even, the reason why he replaced the soil avatar was because of the consideration that Taki Chiba thought that the one attacking from behind was not the deity.

The purpose is to prevent Taki Chiba from thinking of Sharingan illusion, and to prevent Taki Chiba from considering the situation of the illusion, hesitantly punching that punch in midair, or simply avoiding and not fighting back.

As for this ultimate winning tactic, he also planned it from the very beginning of the battle. It does not apply time and space, so Taki Chiba's attention is mostly in time and space, and he somewhat ignores the illusion ability of Sharingan. , should be said to be the illusion ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

At the beginning, this Taki Chiba was somewhat defensive, at least during the battle, he never looked directly into his eyes.

It was just that one time, he was caught off guard by his attack from behind, and then looked directly into his eyes without thinking at all.

And this kind of illusion that disrupts vision and touch can be done silently for him.

The remaining chakra of this Takichiba is actually enough to burst out the strange power that can kill in one blow. As long as the strange power is avoided this time, even if the last blow in the tactics, that is, the current thorn hell has not ended Takichi Ye, Taki Chiba, who doesn't have enough chakra, isn't in too much danger anymore.

I can't find any waves.

He is also a sure winner.

After Taki Chiba was hit by the illusion, he didn't realize it, and after using the last strange power, he had already won.

To be honest, before facing Taki Chiba, he really didn't expect that even today, there are ninjas who can make him spend so much trouble, even if he doesn't use the ability of Sharingan, Taki Chiba can force him to For this reason, he has been on the defensive and forbeared until the opponent's chakra is almost exhausted before really attacking.

It can even be said that if the chakra is not exhausted, if he does not use the sharingan ability, he may still be suppressed and wait, and if he keeps guarding for a long time, he will lose. What will the situation be then?

I'm afraid, 10 to 10, he will destroy the Nine-Tails Project this time and use the Sharingan ability.


Really upset!

Today, even at this level, there is still a ninja who has no blood to inherit the limit and no special ability to force him to this point.

Then, I have to admit that after a little fear appeared in my heart, the masked man's expression was slightly stiff, but an expression of displeasure slowly emerged.

Obviously, after reviewing the battle and feeling a little scared about himself now, the masked man was very upset.

Very unhappy.

Even, he almost felt that he had no sense of victory in this battle.

It was simply his most frustrating battle.

For him, it was very normal and natural for Taki Chiba to be defeated, but now, even though Taki Chiba was defeated in the end, he had the upper hand in the process, and he had to rely on forbearance and tricks to win , it seems that he is not as good as this Taki Chiba.

This made him very uncomfortable!

What made him even more uncomfortable was the natural fear in his heart, as if he would lose to this Taki Chiba.


Just at this moment, there was a slight cracking sound.


Almost subconsciously, the masked man who was secretly unhappy raised his head, followed the source of the voice, and looked over.


Then, the moment he raised his head, amidst the sound of rocks colliding with each other, a small object suddenly fell from the sky, and landed in front of him with a "pop".

This is……

The masked man looked down, his brows slightly frowned, and in the bright red eyes, there was a reflection of the tiny stone that was embedded in the soil like a fragment.

Could it be that!

Then, in the next second, his face under the mask suddenly changed, he suddenly raised his head, and looked at the spiked rock ball.



But after seeing this, he strongly began to deny what he thought in his heart.

"Ka... Kaka... Kaka..."

Just at this moment above the head, the sound of cracks came continuously!

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