Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1801 Damage to the Enemy


At the bottom of the deep pit, between the forested earth and stones, a stone rolled down hurriedly from a certain unremarkable raised stone in this stone forest.


Then, as if some kind of signal, the second, third... Finally, the small stones rolled down the relatively flat surface of the earth and rocks.


Then, there was a slight grunt of pain.

At the same time, there was another burst of gravel and soil particles from Kolala.


Then, after this painful groan, a broken rock thorn with some blood stains fell from above, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Crack... blah... blah..."

Then, several bloody rock thorns fell down either horizontally or inserted into the ground.


After that, one foot stepped lightly between these rock spurs, and then one foot landed on the ground.


When the black robe fell to cover the two feet, the masked man let out a muffled breath. On the lowered head, the slowly unscrewed three-cursed jade writing wheel eye reflected the several holes in the black robe, Suddenly, a look of panic flashed across.

And the masked man's face under the mask is also slightly stiff.


Is this really a fist?

Then, I raised my head and glanced at the deep pit, as well as the surrounding large or small earth and rocks, and looked at the earth and rocks that were knocked out of the human-shaped cavity in front of me, and the earth and rocks that passed through the human-shaped cavity. Looking at the human-shaped dents on the earth and rocks behind him, the stiff face under the mask of the masked man twitched slightly.

Slight sweat oozed from his forehead.

Even though he was extremely calm and collected, at this moment his back felt chills, and cold sweat spontaneously oozes out.

If the punch was real, no, it should be said, if he received this punch a little more, I'm afraid there would be no need to fight anymore. If it was a real punch, he would probably have become a meatloaf by now.

He knew that this Taki Chiba studied under Tsunade, not only learned the superb medical skills of a slug princess, but also learned the violent side of Tsunade thoroughly, that is, the only woman among the three ninjas. The strange power passed down from the first Hokage.

However, he really didn't expect that this punch would be so powerful. After this punch, the terrain has basically been changed. Looking at the scale, half of this open space and a part of the forest have already been destroyed.

Unconsciously, he held the ninja sword in his hand and tightened it.

The scene at this time reminded him of the lake when he searched for the sword. When he dived into the bottom of the lake, the bottom of the lake was the same as it is now, but the scale of the stone forest was smaller than it is now because it was soaked in water. It is much smaller.

Could it be that the lake was also created by Taki Chiba!

Then, he couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised.

The sense of sight was so strong that he had to doubt it.


Afterwards, after being puzzled for a while, the masked man couldn't help shrugging his muscles and bones, and the toga was barely visible, relieving the suffocation in his chest and the pain that seemed to be falling apart.

Sure enough, only this Taki Chiba can never be avoided!

It must also be removed!

Even if you take some risks, it's worth it!

Then, after a little relief, the face of the masked man became serious again. In his mind, he kept recalling the series of attacks that were all in place in the sky, the ground, the sky, the ground, and the punch that basically changed the terrain. .

To be honest, at this moment, he had some palpitations and some fear.

After all, he is too big. It's not that he doesn't know Taki Chiba, and he even knows a lot. Even if he didn't know it before, it is a character that must be studied if he wants to get Kyuubi. It is impossible for him not to be careful. Search for the current situation of Taki Chiba.

Originally, he thought that he already had enough understanding of this Taki Chiba, and it shouldn't be too difficult to face it, and it should be enough to deal with it in the current situation.

However, he seriously underestimated the ability of this Taki Chiba, and some of his previous knowledge of him may have become a misleading.

This Taki Chiba is scary enough to describe it.

His information is outdated!

The current Taki Chiba is almost not the same person compared to before!

Just now, he had already expected everywhere, and he didn't give Taki Chiba a chance to take advantage of it, but he was the one who suffered in the end.

Also, if every movement of his was a little slower, he would be basically a puddle of mud now.

However, it is worth taking some risks.

However, right now, Kyuubi must be obtained, and if it is too late, it will change, and the night will have many dreams. Since it has been planned, it cannot be delayed because of the value of Taki Chiba.


Moreover, although it is enough to procrastinate for the time being, but...after all...

Damn it!

If you are not careful, you may lose your life here!

The most annoying thing is this choice!

Later, after realizing the difficulty and strength of the enemy in front of him, although he knew that the enemy in front of him must be eliminated, the masked man still had a bigger goal to achieve, and he also had many scruples. It is Konoha's territory, and in the general trend of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he will suffer after all.

Right now, Kyuubi Jinchuriki is surrounded by the Fourth Hokage who is proficient in sealing techniques, and he can be sure that he must be repairing the seal. The big goal of the Nine Tails may all come to naught.

At this moment, he hesitated after all.

He spent a lot of time planning this event, not only in thinking, but also in many other things. Before this, he even risked his life a lot.


Do you want to do this?

Then, after thinking about this, the bright red brilliance in the masked man's eyes gradually cooled down. Amidst the sound of his sword being retracted, he knew that it was a difficult situation, and the opponent was already able to endanger his life.



After thinking about it for a while, the masked man took a deep breath, and with a "click", he also put his sword into its sheath at this time.

Then, looking ahead, his gaze seemed to penetrate through the layers of stone forest, and fell on the figure who seemed to be standing up slowly without serious injuries.

Wait a moment!

Wait a little longer, wait until these military ration pills specially made for this Nine-Tails Night are digested.

This time, he must be put to death!

Definitely can't go wrong!

The fate of Kushina and Namikaze Minato may be in the next round!

He didn't attack for a long time, obviously he was delaying time, or he was just looking for an opportunity, and he put on an appearance of delaying time, which made me relax unconsciously.

So find the time to kill me!

At this time, Qianye, who was slowly standing upright, did not attack or speak, but stood there, chewing the extremely bad-tasting army ration pills.

At this time, with the consumption of the army food pills, the cells of Chiba's body slowly began to become active, and the fatigue was slowly easing.

Physical strength is recovering!

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