Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1794 Fighting


The dilated pupils, which were almost covered with emerald green flames, widened bit by bit. Between the weakening wind and sand, a strand of hair gently burst out from the eyes that couldn't help but be horrified. Flicking in front of the eyes, following the wind and sand, the dissipated sword light and rock fragments, they flew away behind the cheek of the figure who jumped and swept the ninja sword.

And looking at the figure of the masked man in front of him who was almost twisted at 90 degrees, Chiba's movements almost froze.

The eyes, face and even the whole figure exude this sense of horror.

And just at the last moment, he slashed out horizontally, and the three-stage attack perfectly restricted all the evasion routes of the masked man. Already losing his balance, the masked man who was leaning to the side, took advantage of this leaning force, suddenly fell short, and his own sword light brushed the cloak behind his side and flew out, smashing the stabbing man. All the rock thorns that came were cut off!

Actually...just dodged?

However, at this time, what really surprised Qianye was not because of the eccentric shortness of Obito at this critical moment, which almost escaped by a slight margin, but because of avoiding this matter itself.

To be honest, although these three attacks seem to be flawless, as the attacker, Qianye knows that, in fact, his sparrow flash was half a beat slow, and it did not perfectly connect with the attack of the rock thorn. And the decapitation technique in the heart is actually a little faster. You should restrict Obito's evasive actions when Obito's body shape can no longer be adjusted after Obito has made a certain evasive posture. Attacks from Rockthorn and Sparrow Flash.

In fact, according to Chiba's idea, these three attacks were not launched at the same time, the rock thorn should be launched first, then the sparrow flash, and the heart beheading technique was the last, and the three attacks were scattered. Now the sparrow dodged a half beat slower, and the beheading technique in his heart was a little faster. The three attacks seemed to attack at the same time, but there was an interval that could be avoided.

As for Obito who possesses Sharingan, and also has the insight ability of the kaleidoscope Sharingan level, he can naturally grasp this momentary interval. The previous Sparrow Lotus, such a high-speed situation, such a dense attack, he It can be cut through with one sword, let alone the flawed three-stage attack this time.

What surprised Chiba was that under the situation just now, Obito actually chose to dodge instead of directly using time-spatialization.

To be honest, the three-stage attack at that moment just now, even if there is a flaw, has already used the time-space transformation in the time-space ability like an instinct, the best choice, or the most subconscious choice , it is definitely time-space transformation, allowing three attacks to pass through the body.

Instead of struggling to avoid it like now.

Even, all of Chiba's subsequent moves are based on the premise of Obito's space-time transformation. He never thought that Obito would dodge instead of using time-space transformation!


But at this moment, when Qianye was still astonished in his heart, the sound of earth and rock cracking suddenly sounded.

The rocky hands that stretched out from the ground grabbing the masked man's feet suddenly split open.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, following this crack, in just an instant, the hands that had already turned into rock cracked inch by inch, turned into powder, and scattered away.


And at this very moment, the man with the mask whose feet were free from restraints, the writing sharing eye that was about to form a strange pattern unscrewed suddenly, and turned into the appearance of a three-pointed jade. The body twists and turns to step on the ground, and the left foot kicks out from the bottom up.

I saw the masked man twisting his body and turning his shadow, his left foot spiraled along his figure, and it was already between the chest and abdomen of Qianye who was throwing his sword.


So fast!

A strong wind suddenly blew up under the chest, and Qianye, who had recovered from the surprise because of the cracking sound, suddenly lowered her gaze, and her face changed again.


Then, there was a sound of skin and flesh colliding through the clothes, suddenly resounding.

Good weight!

The left hand holding the left foot lightly bumped against the ninja sword held backwards as if swinging the sword, and almost hit the right hand above the left arm, forming a deformed "cross" lattice-shaped Chiba's teeth. With a light bite, the falling body was also slammed, and such a rather surprising thought flashed through his mind.

not good!


Then, before this surprised thought completely flashed across his eyes, the emerald green fire that almost filled his pupils flashed, his face suddenly changed, and his hand suddenly pressed hard, pressing hard On top of Obito's left foot, his body is slightly tilted up.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is only the snow-white sword light that is close to the sudden burst of energy that is still in front of him.

The masked man spun on tiptoe again, following the momentum of turning his body and kicking his feet out just now, his new energy was regenerated, and the ninja sword hidden in the shadow of his left foot slashed straight up.

Sparrow flash, violent rise!


The cold sword light shot straight up, like a sharp knife piercing through the ground, and disappeared in a flash.

Suddenly, blood spattered!

The two figures who were fighting in one place suddenly separated.


The black robe spilled a few rags that seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, drawing a perfect circular arc in the air, accompanied by a slight sound of footsteps on the ground, the masked man suddenly turned around and looked at the man who was pressing himself With his left foot, he used his strength to fly back.

"Da da da……"

And when this gaze swept away, blood was sprayed profusely, and a rain of blood was formed in the line of sight, dripping down.

"So fast!"

After waiting for a moment, his eyes settled down, but the Sharingan of the masked third Gouyu suddenly turned, his complexion changed, and his hands quickly began to form seals.


At this very moment, amidst the spray of blood, Qianye, who had withdrawn and flew back quietly landed on the ground with the force of the pressure just now, with a sound of "pa", the last seal in his hand had already been formed, and as the seal was completed, Qianye deeply Take a breath, and let it out violently until your cheeks are bulging and your chest is swelling.

In an instant, a ball of fire, from small to large, swelled in the wind, from red to blazing, flew out quickly, and rushed towards the masked man who quickly formed seals amidst the sound of sizzling as if the air was being scorched.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Such a violent fire escape technique!

Looking at the huge blazing white fireball coming towards him, the pupils in the middle of the masked man Gouyu Shulun's eyes shrank slightly, and in the heat that hit his face, he couldn't help but feel a little startled in his heart.


And at this time, the last seal in his hand had already been formed, and in a sudden inhalation, he spit out a huge fireball in the air, and the sizzling heat wave poured out immediately.

Art fire escape ho fireball!


In the silent roar, the moment the huge fireball was spit out, it collided with the same huge white fireball.

Immediately, the burning flames merged into one place, and the two fireballs were immediately formed into a semicircle by each other. When they joined together, they were either fiery red or blazing white, and they collided with each other, and a ball of fiery red and blazing white flames suddenly burst out in the middle. Pillar, like a volcanic eruption, straight into the sky!

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