Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1790 Here we come!

Seal scroll...

It seems that there is no way to support too large-scale tactics.

Kunai and Shuriken still have quite a few parts, and the capacity of Heyin's ninja bag is much larger than Konoha's, so it should be enough to deal with Obito.

Detonators... smoke bombs...

The smoke bombs are okay, but the detonating talisman is really a bit stretched.

Or use less!


These are...prepared before?

Non-stop galloping towards the direction of Obito, Chiba gently took off the ninja bag on the back waist, checked it carefully, and then took off the ninja bag on the side of the knee, also checked , and finally flipped through a hidden pocket on the right heel, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the spare ninja tools hidden inside, a series of thoughts flashed through Chiba's mind.

With the previous layout, Chiba's ninja equipment consumption is still quite large.

During this period of time, the hundreds of detonating talismans he made and purchased during his spare time have all been used up in the final ultimate move, and he has not many detonating talismans left.

As for the sealing scroll, because making the sealing scroll of the curse and binding technique is too labor-intensive, Chiba actually didn't prepare much. At this time, it seems that considering the possible battle with Obito in the future, it seems a bit too little .

On the contrary, there are still quite a few ninjutsu scrolls stored in the past. Since the sealing technique has reached a certain level and the knowledge of various aspects has accumulated to a certain level, Chiba has also learned the technique of scroll reduction, but it is in the ninja bag. There are dozens of them.

However, these are stored without learning the other three types of ninjutsu, so there are only two types of ninjutsu, Water Dungeon and Earth Dunjutsu. of.

During this period of time, Qianye was eager to reach the bottleneck of his own strength, and these preparations must have been quite few. Even, most of the hundreds of detonating charms required for the main ultimate move were bought by Qianye, not Make your own and prepare. As for the remaining small parts, only a very small part was made by Chiba himself, and most of the small parts were actually made by Hirohiko in his busy schedule. If it weren't for the fact that during the war, especially at the end of the war, the unfinished stalls will be closed, and the village has strict control over the sale of ninja tools, and even most of them are used for armaments, I am afraid that Chiba would not have the time to find Hiroko. , all purchased.

Now, some powerful detonating charms made by Hirohiko can also be bought in the store.

Obviously, Hiroko gave this technology to the village.

However, this technology should not be mass-produced. When Chiba bought it in the store, Hirohiko’s powerful detonating talisman was 50% higher than the ordinary price, but it was still not much. Chiba bought these, or accumulated over the years.

The difficulty of this technique can be seen.

It would be great if there were more detonators.

But putting back the ninja bags one by one, such a sigh flashed across Qianye's heart.

Fighting against Obito, in fact, the detonating talisman can have a certain miraculous effect, and it is also an indispensable part of some tactics that Chiba can think of to deal with Obito's time and space. Now the number is not enough. These tactics, use It is inevitable that there will be a feeling of stretching, and the fault tolerance rate is basically zero.

In other words, in terms of actual combat, these tactics may not be feasible.

The zero-fault-tolerant tactics are basically useless in ninja battles at the level of Chiba and Obito, which can be called ever-changing.

What's more, with Obito and Sharingan, a small move may be seen by him. If there is no fault tolerance rate, then this tactic will basically fail 99% of the time.

Is it because I want to improve my personal strength too much, but in the end I am still not prepared enough!

This battle, I am afraid, is more ominous than good!

And thinking of this, Qianye's mouth turned bitter. Looking at these preparations, coupled with the disadvantage he was in now, Qianye knew very well how dangerous this battle was.

Now, it is impossible for the blackened Obito to miss the old love. This battle is actually a battle of life and death.

The last killer move he set up in the delivery room was also a kind of resolute, a resolute refusal to the friendship with Obito.

Chiba is very clear that they are not friends but enemies now!

This point, he has known since the failure of Shenwubiqiao's turning point in fate, and it took him several years to let himself accept this point.

And the reason why Qianye was able to harden his heart in the end, knowing that it is impossible for Obito to be soft-hearted towards him is also the main reason.

The current Obito, even his best friend, Kushina, and his mentor Namikaze Minato can mercilessly harm him, let alone his relatively weaker companion?

Because of recognizing the relationship between each other, Chiba can also look at each other's strengths and weaknesses objectively and calmly, and also understands how dangerous this battle is.

No less than any of his previous battles!

Now, is that the only way left?

The unfinished idea can only be completed in actual combat?

In the end, after confirming that the detonating talisman was not enough, Chiba gave up the previous series of time-space tactics targeting Obito mainly based on the detonating talisman. Instead, turn the next battle to another way of coping.


At this moment, Qianye's eyes gradually had some very bright brilliance in the night.

Unknowingly, his speed also slowed down.

At this time, in front of him, the trees had gradually started to grow thinner, and the silvery white moonlight shone down through the sparse branches and leaves, splitting silver beams of light in the air, and the front was suddenly clear.

That clearing, here we come.

Where Obito is, here we come.


After the speed slowed down, and within a hundred meters, Qianye stopped and stood on the edge of the forest, which was also the outermost tree in the open space.

Then, as soon as he stood still, Qianye frowned.

At this moment, in front of him, as far as he could see, in the center of the open space, there was no cover, no fear, a man in a black cloak and an orange spiral mask was standing there , the bright red brilliance in the naked right eye turned slightly, as if he had noticed his arrival.


I always feel that there is always a sense of disobedience when Obito stands there?

But at this moment, Qianye's mind was not thinking about the battle that might happen next, but looking at Obito who was turning around in front of him, facing him, a doubtful thought flashed in his mind.

I always feel like I'm missing something!

Missed something crucial!

The pivotal thing that reverses everything!

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