Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1788 two words

Somewhere in the valley between Konoha Village and the straight line at the foot of the delivery room.


With a soft landing sound, the masked man slowly straightened up, and looked around the huge open space surrounded by dense vegetation at the foot of the foothill.

Here it is.

Nataki Chiba is good at water escape and earth escape, and now it seems that he has mastered the change of the chakra nature of the wind attribute. With his strength, the wind escape is also very strong if he thinks about it.

According to intelligence, this Taki Chiba also possesses a secret technique similar to Bamen Dunjia that can instantly increase the amount of chakra and some physical functions. The situation is similar to Bamen Dunjia, but it does not seem to have the side effects of Bamen Dunjia. Relatively speaking, the increase But there are not as many Dunjias as Bamen Dunjia.

Looking at the situation just now, he should have activated that kind of secret technique, and that kind of secret technique seems to be able to increase the amount of chakra after the normal chakra is almost used, although it cannot be said to supplement the amount of chakra... No, it doesn't matter.

Right here.

And after this glance, the masked man stayed here completely, and after a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, he finally made a decision.


"Ontology, stopped again!"

And at this moment, on the other side, Chiba, the earth avatar who stopped and had a routine perception, suddenly opened his mouth, and stopped the person in front of him with a serious face, frowning and thinking, but he often showed helplessness and bitterness when he thought about it. Main body Chiba.

"Stopped again?"

Hearing this sound, Chiba, the main body, stopped abruptly, stood still on a branch in front of him, turned around, and asked rather puzzled.

"Yes, stopped."

At this time, Qianye, the soil avatar, also seemed to be a little unbelievable, and immediately felt it again. Now there are only three of them in this woodland. This perception is obviously not wrong. The picture clone Chiba could only speak.

"At this time? Stop? Isn't he going to the village?"

Regarding this, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched, he didn't understand what this Obito was thinking.

As an intruder, Obito's purpose is naturally Namakaze Minato and Kushina, and with his blackened wisdom, it is not difficult to guess that appearing in Namikaze Minato must be helping Kushina restore the seal, and he must understand However, if the seal is repaired, it is absolutely impossible for Namikaze Minato and himself who can free up his hands to let him succeed.

At this time, Obito should be rushing to Konoha desperately.

How is it possible to stop?

"I feel like it's not that simple."

And hearing the astonished words of the main body, the face of the soil avatar also sank, and said in his mouth.


Looking at the dignified expression of the earth clone, the main body Qianye slightly pursed her lips, and spoke in a questioning tone.

"I can only wait for a while."

But at this time, upon hearing the main body's inquiry, Chiba, the soil avatar, spoke without waiting for the main body to finish speaking.

In the current situation, Obito's behavior is indeed a bit strange.

Instead of catching up directly, it is better to wait and see what Obito wants to do. Now, even if it is delayed for a while, it is good.

Moreover, now that Obito has stopped, it is also possible that Obito is not sure that Kushina and Namikaze Minato are in Konoha Village. Now Obito is hesitant.

At this time, you can't act too hastily.


In this regard, the main body Qianye must have nodded in agreement. After all, the earth avatar is his memory and his way of thinking. It is not unusual to think of one place.

Then, I waited for five minutes.


And just after these five minutes, Chiba, who had been waiting for a while and knew that Kushina and Namikaze Minato were in Konoha Village, hurriedly said.

"Moved? Which side?"

Hearing the sudden sound of the earth clone, the main body Qianye asked hurriedly.

"The direction of the village..."

Hearing this, the soil clone's mouth immediately showed a bit of a bitter smile.

At this moment, Obito suddenly moved towards the village again.

The direction of the village?

And hearing this sound, although he had some psychological preparations, the main body Qianye was still startled.

It seems that Obito is very sure that Namikaze Minato and Kushina are in Konoha Village, but they just stopped for some reason for some reason.

"Huh? Stopped again? Turned? Turned at this time? Well...turned again...this is...what is this doing?"

However, at this moment, the face of the earth clone changed suddenly, and the look of surprise and horror changed several times in a row, and the mouth blurted out in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

And hearing the sudden words of the soil clone, and seeing the change in his face, the face of the main body Qianye also changed, and his heart thumped again.

The changes in expression and words of the earth clone really shocked him, obviously something unbelievable happened.

The key is that the soil avatar suddenly activated its perception ability, but as the main body, he did not have such a "coincidence", so he could only rely on the soil avatar at this time.

Now, I can only ask anxiously.

"Is this...is this a word? His movement trajectory is... a word?"

Then, at this moment, the surprise and horror on the earth clone's face suddenly disappeared, leaving only a strange, muttering in his mouth.

At this moment, in his perceptual perspective, in the darkness, the movement track of the group of blue chakra flames with some bright reds clearly showed the appearance of "word".

"Word? Movement track?"

And hearing this sound, Chiba was stunned again.

Is it to deliver a message?

Is this the message Obito gave us?

Does he know that we have sentience?

So, dialogue by means of this?

Then, in a daze, a series of inferred thoughts flashed through his mind.

"What word?"

Afterwards, thinking of this level, Ontology Chiba couldn't help asking.

But when he heard the main body Qianye's questioning, the earth avatar Qianye did not answer immediately, but slowly raised his head. At this time, the strange look had also dissipated on his face.

Instead, apart from the tightly furrowed brows, there was a solemn expression that almost dripped ink.


Is it such a terrible message?

Seeing the face of his avatar and the expression of silence, the main body Qianye's brows also frowned, and his face became serious.

"Why... tell me quickly."

Then, couldn't help it, the main body Qianye spoke again, and this time, in the words, Qianye's voice was already raised a bit.

Obviously, he was a little anxious.

"There are only two words. The meaning he conveyed is only two words."

In this regard, after hearing the words of the main body Chiba, the soil clone Chiba was no longer silent, and said in a deep voice.

"Which two words?"

Hearing this, the main body Chiba hurriedly asked again.

"come over."

Regarding this, Chiba, the soil clone, took a slight breath, and said in a very heavy voice.

The news from Obito, the message from Obito, is only two words.

Only these two words!

That is……

come over!

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