Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1774 Five minutes?

five minutes?

Such information has already been known?

Is this Taki Chiba?

Or, Konoha's intelligence department?

Or someone in Konoha's intelligence department?

Looking at Qianye who was pressing the sword in front of him, the brows under the mask of the masked man frowned, suddenly such a thought flashed through his mind.

At the same time, his bright red eyeballs rolled, and by the way, he also looked at Chiba who was holding his ninja sword behind him and making a defensive posture, and looked around at the three people who surrounded him in a triangular formation. Chiba, finally, after turning his thoughts away, his gaze returned to Chiba who was standing in front of Kushina.

Not moved by...?

It seems that the blackened Obito is indeed the difficult type!

Seeing the reaction of the masked man in front of him, Chiba's hand on the hilt of the sword slightly tightened, and he was already holding the hilt tightly.


As for the Qianye masked man who had been paying attention to the front, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the sword that cut his right hand into two sections like a flash of thunder. Although it was time and space at that time, he knew that compared to his splitting The three shadow clones, the sword of the main body in front of him is faster, more accurate and more ruthless.

Maybe, when the sword light flashed, the sword was already in front of his eyes, and even the insight ability of Sharingan would be a little slower.

And just slowing down a little here may make him a dead soul under the sword.

At this moment, in his eyes, the Qianye directly opposite who is slowly sinking in front of him, and in the corner of his eye, the same movements as the directly opposite Qianye are slowly sinking, as if about to attack The other two Qianye that came within his sight were exceptionally clear, every subtle movement, every subtle expression, was all in Shulunyan, not missing a single bit!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

However, the bright red light in Shulunyan faintly lit up, and the three-curved jade in his eyes slowly began to turn to focus on it. When he was preparing to meet the lightning-like swordsmanship just now, his eyes suddenly darkened. The rock wall rose suddenly, reaching the ceiling of the stone room. In an instant, Kushina's figure was submerged behind the stone wall, and he and the four Chiba were also completely wrapped up, trapped in the dark space surrounded by the stone wall. In the dark and smaller stone chambers!

Use that trick!

The pinnacle of swordsmanship, hold him back!

But at this moment, in the darkness, two groups of emerald green flames suddenly ignited.


Let Kushina disappear from my sight!

Namikaze Minato!

But at this moment, the masked man's heart skipped a beat, and his face under the mask also changed, as if he thought of something immediately.


However, at this moment, the moment his face changed suddenly, four sword lights burst out, without giving him any time to react, they crisscrossed and slashed past.

In the pitch-dark environment, it was like a cross with cold light shining!

And in the center of the cross is a bright red ominous light!


Then, amidst the sound of footsteps on the stone wall, the sword light that staggered and slashed across was lit up again, drawing a circular arc in the darkness, and then staggered straight again, turning into a cold light cross.


Then, there was the sound of feet stepping on the stone wall again, and the arc flashed again, but the sword light crisscrossed into a cross again at an even faster speed.




But at this moment, the arc light and the cross sword light are getting denser and denser. After every sound of stepping on the stone wall, there must be an arc light and cross sword light, and after each arc light and cross sword light, the arc light and cross sword light The speed of light blooming and the sound of stepping on the stone wall became more and more intense.

Gradually, the cross sword light flashed into a rice-shaped sword light, and the rice-shaped sword light seemed to be interlaced with double rice characters. It became more and more dense and faster. In the end, it already presented a strange scene.

I saw an ominous bright red light flickering in the center, and the sword light seemed to radiate from the center.

In an instant, the arc light becomes leaves, the sword light forms petals, the green fire is like a halo, and the scene is like a green leaf water lily that is about to bloom!

Bird Flash Profound Truth, Bird Lotus!

And at the very center of the budding water lily, where the sword light converges, the Sharingan emits a bright red ominous light, and the pupils are constantly moving. The bright red light also seems to outline a bright red water lily with green leaves that is about to bloom!

However, the emotions emanating from these pupils were gradually ignited cold and gloomy.

Blocking my sight, restricting my actions with a dense sword array, so that I can only be in the space of time.

Although it is said that this extremely fast and dense sword formation, even if four people perform it, it is impossible to last for five minutes, but what this Taki Chiba wants is not five minutes, but one minute.


It's a few seconds, tens of seconds!

He just needs to buy time now!

There is also a Namikaze Minato, Taki Chiba is not alone!

As long as Namikaze Minato returns and takes Nine-Tails Jinchuriki away, then his goal will be achieved!

Was calculated by... again!

And at this moment, in the darkness, the figure of the masked man, the owner of the ominous bright red eyes, is swaying violently. His body was torn apart, and every second his body would be cut off countless times and into countless pieces, but judging by his appearance, he was still able to do a job with ease.

It's just that, his figure seems to be able to do a job with ease, but his face under the mask is already gloomy as if it could drip ink.

Twice, twice in a row!

With a gloomy expression on his face, such a cold thought flashed through his heart.

And just as this thought flashed by, he slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then, he opened his eyes and exhaled slowly.

Afterwards, at this moment, in the slowly opened Shulunyan emitting an ominous red light, three distinct Gouyu slowly rotated and deformed...

Then, blend!

In an instant, the whistling sound around him disappeared.

The dazzled and almost elusive sword light slowed down.

Originally, he could only catch the flashing cold light, but slowly, he could see the sword's edge.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

In the eyes of the masked man, the sword light slowly turned into a sword's edge.

And that sword edge slowly turned into lines, intertwined in his eyes.

Every thread is a trajectory.

The path of the sword!

It's all within the pupils of his eyes that are gradually melting together!

After that, his hand was pressed on the back of his waist.

As if time slowed down...

His head slowly tilted to the left.

His left foot slowly took a step forward to the left.

His figure slowly sank.


The huge circular arc sword light flashed!

From the back waist to the left arm.

In an instant...

Everything, stand still!

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