Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1771 Leave Naruto to me

"Leave Naruto to me."

Gently touching the hand of his wife whose pale face was full of worry and anxiety, Minato Namikaze's face was solemn, but a bit of softness slowly flashed in his eyes, and he spoke softly.


"If you don't kill that time-space ninja, please move Mr. Kushina to a safe place as soon as possible. The enemy's goal is Mr. Kushina. All his actions must be to take away Kushina smoothly. Teacher, most of what I did was to take Kushina away, and as a time-space ninja, I also know the opponent's ability, Minato-sensei, if you fight with him, I'm afraid he won't have the upper hand, of course, I'm afraid It is also difficult to defeat him, but generally speaking, you are still at the advantage and he is at the disadvantage. Therefore, even if the other party has something against you, before he gets Mr. Kushina, he will not easily... No, It will not eliminate this handle! Therefore, even if there is a handle in the opponent's hands, you don't have to think too much about the handle! Teacher Jiu Xinnai is the first!"

At this time, Chiba's solemn and serious face flashed unconsciously in Namikaze Minato's mind.


"Well, please!"

And hearing this moment, seeing the other hand of her husband's seal, even though she was already anxious because her son was taken away, Kushina didn't say much, just nodded slightly, and said so.


However, at this moment, a baby's mournful cry suddenly resounded, resounding through the entire stone room!

"Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, get away from Jinchuriki!"

Then, the masked man's voice followed.


And at this time, almost subconsciously, after Kushina looked up, he saw the crying blond baby with fox beard and facial pattern in the arms of the masked man, exclaimed in his mouth, and blurted it out.


At the same time, Namikaze Minato, who was interrupted by Fei Leishen, also had a look of horror flashing across his face, and an almost subconscious exclamation in his heart.

At this moment, in his line of sight, the masked man was holding the baby in one hand, the other hand was already hanging over the baby's head, and a kunai had already slipped out of the cuff, with a "pop" With a sound, it was caught in the masked man's hand.

The baby's life is at stake!

"Leave Renzhuli! Otherwise, your son's lifespan is only one minute!"

Tightly holding the Kunai in his hand, feeling the fragile life of the baby in his hand, the masked man's naked right eye slowly narrowed his eyes, looking at the two new parents in front of him, the words with a hint of murderous intent, slowly Spit it out slowly.

what to do?

Now Naruto is the only bargaining chip in his hand that can control us, and this bargaining chip is his only leverage against me, the bargaining chip, according to Chiba, it should be impossible for the other party to attack Naruto!


What if he attacked Naruto?

How to do how to do……

But hearing the words that implied killing intent, Namikaze Minato's brows slowly frowned, and a layer of hesitation gradually appeared in his eyes.


At this moment, Jiu Xinnai suddenly let out a painful snort, followed by a painful cry.


And hearing this cry of pain, Namikaze Minato also suddenly looked at his wife, and when his eyes settled, a layer of cold sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

At this moment, on the face of Kushina's gritted teeth and enduring pain, several strings of tadpoles like ropes had already climbed up, and on Kushina's stomach, at the center of the Renzhuli seal, the faint ink color had already Some are raised, like a round drop of ink.

The seal that was stabilized just now was broken again!

At this moment, Kyuubi's roar seemed to ring in Namakaze Minato's ears.

what to do?

Naruto, Kushina...

Nine tails!

And at this moment, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but clenched his teeth tightly, a series of choices flashed through his mind, making his expression so gloomy that ink was about to drip out.

"What's wrong? Get out of Jinjuriki! Don't you care what happens to your children?"

At this time, seeing the expression on Namikaze Minato's face, a cold light flashed through the narrowed eyes of the masked man, and with a movement of his hand, the Kunai stuck to the baby's forehead impressively.

A drop of blood slowly seeped out from the place where Kunai Jianfeng touched the baby's soft skin.

"Keep it secret! You, you calm down!"

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato hurriedly called out to stop the masked man's movements.

"This sentence, you should say it to yourself, Namikaze Minato. Right now, I can't be more calm."

To this, the masked man responded without fluctuation, but his tone was really calm, without the slightest embarrassment, and without any emotion other than calmness.

However, at this moment, when the voice without any emotion other than calmness fell, amidst the screaming baby cry, the swaddling baby was thrown up, and then, the figure of the masked man flashed , jumped up violently, thrust out the bitterness in his hand, and stabbed straight at the swaddling baby that flew into the air!


And at this moment, Jiu Xinna, who was enduring the pain, seemed to suddenly disappear from the pain on his body. He almost turned over half of his body, and opened his hand to grab it, as if he wanted to grab the baby in the mid-air from that distance away. In general, there was already a howl in his mouth.

However, at this moment, the flying baby flashed, and at the moment when Kunai was about to be stabbed, it suddenly disappeared.

And in the next moment, it suddenly appeared on the ceiling directly above, and Namikaze Minato, who was stepped on the ceiling with both feet and squatted, was just hugged in his arms.

"It can only be said that as expected of Konoha's golden flash, is this the third Ninja World War, the most threatening existence?"

At this time, seeing the figure hanging upside down and squatting on the ceiling clearly, the masked man narrowed his eyes slightly again, as if showing an inexplicable smile, and couldn't help but speak in the midst of the sudden stabbing momentum. He sighed in admiration.

"However, what will happen next?"

Then, the next second, when it landed with a "click", a seal was frozen in his hand.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

At this moment, before the words fell and the seal was formed, the face of Namikaze Minato on the ceiling changed drastically, and above Naruto's rape that he was holding, three balls of fire ignited violently.


"Minato! Naruto!"

At this time, Jiu Xinnai, who saw this scene, was already screaming, almost crying.

At the same time, the moment the exclamation sounded, Namikaze Minato had already fallen from the ceiling, and at the moment his body turned over, with a "swipe", both people and Naruto disappeared into midair .

"Flying Thunder God?"

At this time, the masked man standing still on the ground couldn't help turning his head, glanced at the place where Namikaze Minato disappeared, and murmured softly.

Sure enough, do we still have to use Naruto in the end...

It's... ridiculous!

In the end it turned out to be...

At the same time, looking at the place where Namikaze Minato disappeared, such a somewhat inexplicable thought appeared in the masked man's heart.

It seems a little melancholy, but also a little proud.

More, but it is an inexplicable meaning.

"However, no matter what, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has been obtained!"

It's just that this inexplicable thought just passed by in a flash. Soon, the masked man turned his head and looked at Kushina who was trying to support himself.

It is also the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in his mouth.

"You... who are you?"

At this time, Jiu Xinnai also looked at him, his mouth was weak, but he said stubbornly.

"Don't fight back, it will be over soon."

However, upon hearing this sound, the masked man didn't seem to answer, but walked straight to the side of Kushina's delivery bed, reaching out to grab Kushina's left arm.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing the movement of the masked man, Kushina frowned in disgust, and was about to dodge, but she was too weak, and the pain that was about to be undone by the seal being broken, this dodge only affected the pain And weak, the hand went limp, and the whole person fell on the delivery bed with this sound.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't struggle, there won't be too much pain, and you won't suffer too much pain, and you can walk quietly on the road to hell. If you want to resent, blame you for being Kyuubi's Jinzhuriki Bar!"

Noticing the resentful eyes of the limp Kushina, the masked man sneered softly, and then said with a little compassion.

Now, no one can save you!


And just as the words fell, his hand also grabbed Jiu Xinnai's left arm, which was already covered with tadpoles of the sealing technique.

Then, with this contact point as the center, a circle of space distortion slowly rotates and expands slowly.


However, at this moment, the face of the masked man who almost had a victorious smile on his lips suddenly changed drastically, and Gouyu suddenly turned in Shulun's eyes, and suddenly looked to his right.


At the same time, the sound of footsteps sounded on the delivery bed on the right side of his figure.


And at the moment when the masked man's eyeballs turned completely to the right, a dark gray rock fist slammed hard on his right mask.

Weird power, explode!


Suddenly, the orange spiral mask...

It's cracked!

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