Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1748 Just Wait

Ninja tools... detonating symbols... smoke bombs...

Seal scroll...

In the living room of the Japanese-style log cabin, Chiba checked her ninja bag over and over again, muttering silently in her heart.

"Are you ready?"

At this time, footsteps were heard upstairs, and Hirohiko walked down the stairs slowly, seeing Chiba checking his ninja bag over there, he asked immediately.

Today is already the third day, and he knows that it is time.

Chiba is about to go to the delivery place with her teacher.

Of course, he didn't know the place of delivery, not even the current Chiba.

Nine-tailed Jinchuriki's childbirth is a major event, and the village attaches great importance to it. Even now, most of the high-level officials don't know about it.


Hearing Hirohiko's voice, Chiba nodded after confirming the last time, turned to Hirohiko and spoke.

"Confirm it again, so as not to make any mistakes."

But hearing Chiba's affirmative answer, Hirohiko asked Chiba to confirm again.

"I have confirmed it more than a dozen times, and these are not key items. Even if they are less, there is actually not much difference."

Hearing this, Chiba laughed a little, and reassured Hirohiko. At the same time, she picked up the ninja sword that was placed aside, and began to wipe and check it.

It seems that Hirohiko is more worried than I am!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"Are you leaving this evening?"

Regarding Chiba's words, Hirohiko also nodded, and said casually while walking to wash up.

Why haven't I noticed that Hirohiko sometimes pretends to be calm?

Obviously very worried.

I just wanted to pretend like I didn't care...

And hearing these words, Chiba couldn't help but glance at Hirohiko, but seeing Hirohiko's slightly tense poker face, such an idea suddenly came to her mind.

"Well, we will leave in the evening."

However, as thoughts flashed in his mind, Qianye still nodded and said.


As for Hong Yan, he got into the kitchen, took the washing utensils, opened the door and went outside to wash up, leaving only this sentence indifferently.

This kid!

Hearing this sound, Qianye couldn't help laughing again.

However, he couldn't help but not worry!

After all, this is Kushina!

Not to mention her identity as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, even if it is an ordinary woman who wants to give birth, it is actually a very dangerous thing. If she encounters dystocia or something, even if Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan with strong vitality, there will inevitably be a In case, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured and seriously ill.

Moreover, having a child is a major event in life after all. If there is a mistake, it will hurt the root. The vitality of the Uzumaki clan may not make Kushina fully recover, and may cause the root cause of the disease.

But after laughing, Qianye's face became serious, and worry inevitably arose in his heart.

Although it is said that this ninja world has the magical power of chakra, and the level of medical treatment is actually quite high, but in some respects, compared with the technological level of the previous life, it is after all inferior. In this Naruto world, wars often occur in the ninja world, and medical treatment has improved. It also tends to be medical treatment. As for childbirth, although most of the safe childbirth can be guaranteed, there are always some childbirth accidents that cannot be taken into account.

When Kushina gave birth to a child, the danger she faced was not only from Kyuubi, but also from the danger of giving birth itself.

Therefore, the main person in charge this time will be the wife of Sandai Hokage, not Sandai Hokage himself. In terms of childbirth, Sarutobi Biwako also gave birth to two sons, and has also done tasks related to midwifery. He has rich experience and There will also be a medical staff with good medical standards.

This is indeed a worrying thing.

"Sorry, I asked you to come back suddenly last night."

But at this time, thinking of this, Chiba apologized to Hirohiko outside.

Last night, Hirohiko actually had to spend time in the ninja engineering team. The virgin forest in the west is behind the fourth ring road, and there are only a few corners left. The task of the engineering team is about to be completed, and the expansion plan of the village has been comprehensively planned. It has been a long time since we entered the construction stage. When the virgin forest is cut down, the refurbished buildings in the original village will almost be rebuilt. Then, the reconstruction plan will enter a new stage, which is the development stage of the west, and it will also be the last stage.

During this time, Hirohiko was actually very busy. After all, it was the end and there were many chores.

Although Chise Hibiki didn't deliberately shirk work to him, but he was still very busy, even if he asked for leave, he had to go back to the camp.

But yesterday, he had a long discussion with Chise Hibiki in person, and worked there for free for nearly two hours. It was late at night before he got Hirohiko's application.

"No! I still have to thank you! Don't worry about the camp, there will be a holiday in a few days. Although I still have to stay there, the students will be on vacation."

In this regard, Hong Yan's voice came from outside the door: "Don't worry, I will take all the things you gave me, and there will be no problem."

"Well! After all, this matter is too important. I also explained to Xue Nai, and she will also let the defense forces pay more attention."

Hearing this, Chiba nodded and responded.

At this time, all the things that he had said to Xue Nai and Hirohiko last night flashed through his mind, and he felt a little relieved.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai should not have to worry about their affairs.

Moreover, one of them is in the defense force, and the other is in the camp, both of which are some distance from the gate. If something happens, they should not be affected.

Even if the Nine Tails attack in the end, as the leaders of the younger generation, the village will definitely try their best to protect them.

In the original plot, the younger generation, including Kakashi, was protected and did not participate in the battle of the Nine Tails.

They, I can rest assured.

As scenes flashed in his mind, this series of thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind.

Although now he can guard at the place closest to Kushina, but in the face of the uncertainty of fate, he still cannot guarantee that Obito will not be able to touch Kushina at all, and it is completely impossible to take Kyuubi out.

In any case, Hirohiko and Xue Nai must be considered.

If Kushina and Namikaze Minato are saved, but Hirohiko and Yukina are lost, then what's the point.

The future he was thinking about was the future where he, Kushina, Namikaze Minato, Hiroko, and Yukina lived together until they got old and died. If it wasn't for this future, he saved Kushina and Namikaze Minato Also in vain.

Of course, if the three idiots, Kento, Captain Morino, even Shiga who wanted to kill him, and even Obito, they were all there, and they would grow old and die together, that would be the most beautiful thing.

But, now, after all, there is no other way.


Now, everything has been arranged, just waiting to go to the hidden place.

Thinking of this, Chiba took a slight breath, suppressing the grief that surged at the thought of those deceased friends, and then exhaled a breath of foul air, focusing on wiping the ninja sword.

Now, he just has to wait.

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