Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1741 Promise


However, this time, I seem to have no reason to stop him from doing this.

Looking at the firm Chiba in front of him, and listening to his decisive words, Minato Namikaze's originally frowning brows relaxed slightly, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

With the strength of the young man in front of him, he can definitely be used as a guard. Even, with his strength, being a guard is still a bit condescending.

Moreover, he himself is also extremely alert, even without any training, he is completely capable of taking on the role of a guard.

But, for some reason, Namikaze Minato always felt that there was some inappropriateness in doing so, no, it couldn't be said to be inappropriate, it was something wrong that he always felt.

There is always a premonition, a premonition that Chiba cannot be allowed to go.

However, he couldn't think of anything inappropriate or wrong.

At this moment, he did not agree hastily, but instead flashed a hint of doubt.

"I remember that Teacher Kushina's Renzhuli seal is the four-element seal."

At this time, aware of Namikaze Minato's hesitation, Chiba thought for a while and asked.

"That's right."

Namikaze Minato, who was in the midst of thinking, subconsciously nodded when he heard Chiba's question, and responded.

"Huh? How do you know?"

Then, after this response, Namikaze Minato was startled suddenly, as if thinking of something, he blurted out and asked.

"Because, Teacher Jiuxinna has already taught me the seal of the four images."

To this, Chiba replied.

Four Symbols Seal?

Has Qianye already learned the four-element seal?

When did this happen?

And upon hearing this sentence, a thought of surprise flashed through Namikaze Minato's mind.

To be honest, Kushina taught Chiba the Yin seal, and also handed over many seals to Chiba. Namikaze Minato would not feel strange or surprised. Being able to learn the Yin seal is enough to prove Chiba's talent for sealing .

And now in Muye Village, the one who can inherit the powerful sealing technique from the Uzumaki clan, the entire village, probably only Chiba has such a talent.

It is perfectly normal for his wife to hand over the inheritance of the sealing technique to Chiba.

After all, Chiba is one of the most trustworthy people in this village. He would never do anything that would be detrimental to the village.

It is naturally the safest and best thing to teach him.

However, the Four Elephants Seal is taught to Chiba now, which surprised Namikaze Minato a little. Although since the inheritance of the seal technique is handed over to Chiba, the Four Elephants Seal is the most important part of it. Professor, but it should not be now.

Compared with other sealing techniques, the four-image seal is the most special, and it is also the most special of none.

Because it is the seal of Jinchuriki, a seal that belongs to the seal system of Jinchuriki, and it is also the most powerful of all the seals of Churiki now, even the strongest nine-tailed beast, in this seal Underneath, she was also completely unable to move. If it wasn't for the fact that Kushina was about to give birth, no matter how much Nine Tails made a fuss, the seal wouldn't be shaken at all.

This is the most complete seal among the Renzhuli seals handed down from the Six Paths Era.

And this seal, strictly speaking, cannot be passed on to others privately. The seal of Renzhuli cannot be widely spread. Even, every ninja village is strictly controlled. Even if a ninja village has the talent for sealing, Jinzhuli Seal will not be taught.

Unless, the ninja who mastered the seal of Jinchuriki is about to die, or has already died.

Of course, some Renzhuli seals require multiple people to perform, and there are also ninja villages that are mastered by a group of people, but unless this group of people is reduced or the entire army is wiped out, the Renzhuli seal will only be taught to others.

The four-element seal should not be taught to Qianye at this time, at least, it will not be taught until the death of Jiu Xinnai or one of them.

Qianye already knows the matter of Sixiang sealing, something he has never thought about.

Although, he once thought about teaching Qianye the four-element seal when he was about the same time, and handing over the power of Renzhuli replacement to him.

However, now that Kushina, who is the Uzumaki clan, taught Chiba the Four Elephant Seal, there is nothing he can do about it. After all, this seal belongs to the Uzumaki clan. Out of respect for the Uzumaki clan, this matter should not be pursued.

There is no reason to pursue it.

Moreover, Chiba is also the most trustworthy person, no matter whether it is human or political, there is no need to pursue it.

Moreover, this matter may be a good thing now.

Since Chiba knows the four-element seal, and with his talent for sealing techniques, his level may not be lower. If Kushina really had an accident during childbirth, Qianye would be able to seal the Nine-Tails back.

It is already a kind of insurance.

"It seems that you don't give me a reason to refuse."

And since Chiba can be used as an insurance for such an important matter as Renzhuli, then, this time, no matter what premonition he has or what is wrong, he must arrange Chiba, and arrange it in the place closest to Kushina The place.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato could only say this rather helplessly.

However, although there was helplessness in his words, on his face, he was relieved and let go of a big rock.

"No, it's just that Mr. Kushina can't make any problems out of emotion and reason."

In this regard, Chiba said so.


It seems that the other four or five reasons that have been thought of are needless to say.

This time, Namikaze Minato quite supported me as a bodyguard.

And in his heart, the boss breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this case, you should go to Biwako-sensei to report. This matter has been handed over to the three generations of Hokage-sama, and Biwako-sensei will be fully responsible for the security operation. You can go there today."

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato did not speak, but wrote an order and handed it over to Chiba before speaking.


After receiving the order, Qianye took a breath and nodded heavily.

In such an important matter as Inchuriki's childbirth, even the retired Third Hokage is involved, and the wife of the Third Hokage is in charge. This is already the most important thing. It is normal for personnel transfers to require Hokage's order up.

"Kushina, I'm counting on you."

Seeing Chiba accepting the order, Namikaze Minato patted Chiba's shoulder heavily with one hand, his eyes met, and a word full of entrustment came out of his mouth heavily.


To this, Qianye took a deep breath, and responded with a firm and resolute sentence.

No need for Namikaze Minato to say that, he will do the same!

Risk your life, but also keep Kushina!

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