Chapter 177 Confidentiality

(It's burnt out... I'll adjust it these few days, and a new plot will come soon. The group number is 179279640 in the introduction of the work!)

"It's so boring... I really want to go to training..."

Qianye was lying on the bed, with a thousand thoughts in his head, but it turned into this sentence in his mouth. It has been six days since he woke up, and nine days after the incident, Hong Yan was discharged from the hospital today, and he will come to see him in the evening.

And the digestion of the past few days has also allowed Qianye to completely digest the battle with Ye Yuebi, and the training for mastering the injury mode has also been drawn up. As for the matter that made Qianye feel heavy, Qianye also has some clues. But still a little apprehensive and hesitant. Temporarily put down by Chiba, if you can't master the injury mode now, everything will be in vain.

And after everything was drawn up, Qianye couldn't wait to go to training, but it's a pity that he is covered in plaster now, let alone training, he can't even walk around, he is lying down now, and the little nurse just put him down.

Because he can't move his hands, he can't even eat, so on weekdays, eating, drinking and sleeping are all taken care of by the little nurse.

I don't know if Hirohiko has gone to see Xue Nai. After the treatment, she is still weak. Could it be that Xue Nai's injury is serious?


I am bored! I really want to go to training!

Chiba's thoughts were spinning, her mind was either that Xue Nai's injury was fine, or she wanted to remove the cast immediately and go to training.

As for Kushina, Chiba is not worried. As Kyuubi's Jinchuriki, and this incident, the village should focus on protection. As for not coming to see her, Qianye is not unhappy at all, as long as Kushina is safe, it doesn't matter.

no! There are still a few days until the end of the month, and I will be bored to death if this continues! And it's a waste of time to do it. Think about it, without hands, without feet, what else can I do.

Chiba frowned, thinking.

The daily training is much behind, and the Chunin exam has not been made up. In addition to the training of medical ninjutsu and strange power, the daily training has been reduced a lot. This is not good.

And now that the injured door mode has entered the mastery training stage, the opening of the fifth Du door can also be considered. The amount of daily training should also increase. I heard that Kai's physical training is calculated in thousands.

When it comes to hard work, I am not as good as him.

During this period of time, I often pull out of training... Ah, no! I feel a little empty! Make up, be sure to make up for the training that was left behind, let's do the math now!

Thinking of this, Chiba began to calculate the daily training during this period of time in his mind, and then, ten minutes later, he finished the calculation and made a compensation plan.

Chiba's eyeballs rolled, barely seeing the clock on the wall.


Only ten minutes have passed!

Chiba's face was bitter, he was so boring, and his heart was full of "training, training, I want to train!"

Then, after the thought just now, I added "make up for daily training! I want to make up for daily training!"

This also made him a little anxious.

Daily training needs to be supplemented, and the practice of medical ninjutsu cannot be given up. In battle, the role of medical ninjutsu is also very important!

Chiba remembered that when he fought against Yeyuebi's shadow clone tactics, his shoulder was severely injured. If he didn't have medical ninjutsu, then there would be no need to fight in the following battles. Medical ninjutsu is not only useful in developing the Eight Gates mode, but also plays a very important role in combat.

But now that such a major event has happened, the peace treaty between countries has basically been torn up, and war may break out at any time. He wants to improve his life-saving ability in the war as much as possible.

etc! Medical did I forget! I still have two scrolls of medical experience that I haven't read yet! Isn't it a good time to watch it?

Thinking of this, Qianye's eyes flashed, and such a thought crossed his mind.

yes! Can you learn the theoretical knowledge of medical ninjutsu?

A smile appeared on the corner of Qianye's mouth, and within a few seconds, his face became bitter again.

He... didn't bring the scroll of medical ninjutsu experience with him!

"It seems... Now I have to wait for Hiroko to come and see me." Chiba sighed, closed his eyes, and planned to sleep for a while, although he was not sleepy yet.

However, he had nothing else to do but sleep.

He has thought through the things that should be thought through in the past few days, and then thought through them hundreds of times. He has been unable to think, and all he can do is practice. However, the only thing he can't do now is practice.

And just as Chiba closed her eyes, there was a "dong dong dong" knock on the door.

Chiba opened her eyes.

Could it be that Hiroko came over early?

Thinking of this, Qianye hurriedly said: "Come in."

Afterwards, the door of the ward opened gently, but it was not Hirohiko who came in, but a handsome blond man.

"Minister Minato?" Chiba was slightly surprised.

When Namikaze Minato saw Chiba, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised the fruit basket in his hand, and said, "Kushina can't come, please ask me to bring you something, by the way, I would like to ask about your current situation, but From the way you look, she doesn't have to worry."

Seeing Minakame's smile, Chiba couldn't help sighing: Sure enough, Minato Namikaze became the Fourth Hokage not only because of his unparalleled strength, but also because of his charisma as a leader.

This smile of Namikaze Minato made Chiba feel an inexplicable sense of security.

"Teacher Kushina, are you being protected?" Chiba hurriedly asked after hearing Namikaze Minato's words, but he still wanted to confirm here.

As soon as these words came out, Namikaze Minato was slightly startled, a different look flashed across his face, and then he smiled and said: "Yes, she has been protected."

Let's talk, Namikaze Minato seemed a little tired seeing Chiba squinting and talking like this, so he lifted him up, put a few pillows on him, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Then, Namikaze Minato's face became a little serious, and he said, "Kushina told me that you have seen her tailed beast form."

Tailed beast posture?

Did Namikaze Minato come here to keep me a secret?

Chiba knew in his heart that Kushina was a Kyuubi Jinchuriki, a secret that only Konoha's high-level officials knew, and even Anbu, who was in charge of this operation, didn't know that Kushina was a Kyuubi Jinchuriki.

"What is Tailed Beastization?" Chiba asked.

Chiba naturally knows that Kushina is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and even knows the perfect Jinchuriki form, but here, he has to pretend that he doesn't know. If he grew up in the village, he knows that only the high-level people in the village know about it. It's no wonder that the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki matter doesn't arouse suspicion.

Namikaze Minato looked at Chiba, smiled slightly, and said, "I don't know how to explain the tail beast transformation to you, but don't tell others about Kushina, otherwise, Kushina will be in danger again among."

Listening to Namikaze Minato's words, Chiba frowned and said, "Is there something that must be kept secret? Teacher Kushina, do you have any secrets?"

No matter what Namikaze Minato says next, I must break the casserole and ask the end, otherwise it will be very suspicious.

Chiba thought so in his heart.

"This is the village's ban, and I can't say more, don't tell anyone, understand?" Namikaze Minato looked at Chiba and said.

"I won't tell other people! But I want to know what happened to Mr. Kushina? What happened to the tailed beast? Is it because of this that the cloud ninjas took Mr. Kushina away?" Qian Ye asked.

This kid, have you already guessed a little bit?

Seeing Chiba's questioning appearance, Namikaze Minato sighed, and said, "Kushina is very special. The less people know about this matter, the better. I believe that even Kushina wouldn't want you to know about it." .”

Qianye frowned, inhaled slightly, and said, "Then you promise me, you must tell me!"

"Yes!" Namikaze Minato nodded and said, "I promise you."

Then, Namikaze Minato stood up.

"Then, I have other tasks and must leave."

Sure enough, I was asked to keep it a secret.

Qianye understood, then nodded, and said, "I know, I won't tell anyone about this."

"En." Namikaze Minato nodded again, and then left.

Qianye watched him leave, and exhaled slightly.

There shouldn't be any telltale signs.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato's words came along with the sound of closing the door.

"Thank you, Chiba, for saving Kushina."

Chiba, who was relieved just now, was startled, and then showed a slight wry smile.

I didn't save Kushina, yes, Kushina saved me!

At this time, Minato Namikaze had already closed the door of the ward, but his face was full of solemnity.

When the tailed beast was mentioned just now, the look in Qianye's eyes seemed to know what the tailed beast was...

Could it be that the new prophecy Mr. Jiraiya brought back from Immortal Toad refers to... Chiba?

That, an ominous prophecy!

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